Old 07-16-2008, 05:47 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
CindeRella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Scout Sorry that you are going through this.....

Why not try to put the focus on you? Since this is what your boyfriend is doing.

When we start taking the focus off others and putting it on ourselves we then
start to take care of our business and
let them take care of theirs, we become more peaceful and less angry.

I use to be angry at everyone around me who drank (Family, Boyfriend & even friends) until I decided to stop beating everyone up for what they were doing and started to take care of why I kept beating myself up over everyone else and what they were doing what I thought was wrong! I realized one day it was not others
that I was angry at it was MYSELF!

Al-Anon, SR, Counseling and of course my HP has allowed me to see what I was doing was wrong among many other things in my life. I learned how to focus on my life and not anyone elses! It has given me compassion for those who are destroying their lives with addiction-It is something I cannot control. I can only hope and pray for them.

Maybe try something to keep the focus off him and on you-so that you can possibly be there to support him and work on the realtionship-It is possible! Journal everything that makes you angry and then work through it...keeping it in is only going to create more chaos for yourself. Working it through means doing the work which is not always
easy but if "we work it works"

ANGER is one letter away from DANGER

He has begun to recovery and walk his new journey in life and things have changed-IMHO he is trying to amend the wrongs he has done-I would not IMHO want someone holding on to the past of what I did wrong and demand that I do this or that-It would only push me away-

Be gentle with yourself! Read some stickies at the top of the forum-Check out the book
list and read some-Understanding Alcoholism more has helped me today to walk away from my brother who is near death with his drinking-I have learned to detach with love.

Keep posting! Remember your not alone-

Last edited by Rella927; 07-16-2008 at 06:03 AM. Reason: Spelling OoPs!
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