Old 07-11-2008, 07:26 PM
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Location: Langley, BC
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pills are such nasty little things. I don't know all the ins and outs of them....but I know I had a 2 and a half year addiction to them (daily addiction - I think in that time I probably ran out three times, for a couple days each) I also know that for the majority of that time I was taking 5-6 dilaudid 8's or MS Contin 200mg. that was supposed to be a slow release thing, but when you snort everything you take.........well, didn't last like it should have. All that at the end didn't make me high anymore either, all it did was keep the withdrawals away. besides that I was taking prescribed meds (valium, ritilan and effexor). I decided to come off everything all at once. by myself.
not smart. W/D's were nasty and last a really long time. I had the worst of them over with months ago, then used on and off - and now have over 30 days clean. My energy is starting to come back and I only feel sick the odd time (which I think is more in my head.........)
like Jershua said, gatorade or powerade are the best to keep you hydrated. warm/hot baths will help if you get muscles spasms in your legs and much as you won't feel like exercising, it is good to help. I didn't follow any of the above and landed in the hospital - at which time I made sure to keep a better eye on it once I got home again. just be careful. coming off pills is dangerous and nothing to take lightly.
That being said, it's going to be soooo much better when you do. You'll get your life back, and believe me - it's worth all the withdrawal symptoms in the world.
take care and let us know how you're doing. I hope it goes well for you. There are lots more people who know more about exactely what you're taking, and I"m sure they'll along with advice soon!
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