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Old 06-07-2008, 01:07 PM
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I really don't know the answer to this but sometimes smaller employers are willing to take a chance on someone that is honest with them about their situation. I know a lot of people in recovery have felony records and it would be good for him to ask around and get experience, strength, and hope. My husband has a felony record and he chose to pursue a career where he is self-employed.

You asked in your other post about being married to a felon. I guess when I think about it I wouldn't be married to me if I saw myself on paper. I do not have a criminal record but I have had a disasterous record with relationships. Who I was and the mistakes I made have led me to who I am now. I hope that I won't be penalized for my past if I am doing the next right thing. We each have to decide what we can work with and what we can't....but I agree, just because it's a "label" doesn't make it so. You know the real man and you can decide if it is a situation that you are willing to be involved with.

I know this is all hard. It helped me to get into recovery and to realize that the only people that are "normal" are the ones that you don't know very well.
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