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Old 05-24-2008, 04:37 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
Attitude of Gratitude
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Dayton, Ohio
Posts: 2,305

Good Morning and Welcome to early Recovery.

I have a question, were you ever on your knees when you were looking for the remote?

Perhaps this is a sigh that asking for some help from your Higher Power would be a good way to start your day.

Recovery doesn't mean that simple things like that aren't going to happen. I do all kinds of "dumb $hit" throughout my day and I have two choices . . . . laugh at myself or get really, really ticked off to the point where I say "**** it, and drink.

I know when I have a situation such as you did, I now just stop the madness of throwing all the pillows, ripping the sheets off the bed and ask myself, "Why am I letting this stupid remote have so much power over me?" After all, it's just an inanimate object. Why give it all that power?

In our addiction, we always looked for the easier, softer way, such as using a remote. In Recovery, we have to take action, and it isn't always the easiest way.

Had you planned on going to a meeting or did this incident make your realize that hey, I think I do need a meeting today. We have a disease that is cunning, baffling and powerful and it's looking for any opportunity to strike the match!

Hang in there, take a breath and look at that remote now. Ask yourself, was that worth all of this anger?

God Bless,
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