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Old 05-01-2008, 08:49 AM
  # 20 (permalink)  
Hangin' In
Southern through and through
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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The ONLY way I've been able to let go, to detach, to find some peace in my life was by adding meetings to my life.

And let me tell you this. If you're waiting for people, "earth people" as I call them, the people who don't have addiction in their lives, to "understand" what you're going through, you'll be waiting a very long time.

It is ONLY in the rooms of Al Anon (or Nar Anon or a place like this board, a recovery place) that you will find people who understand exactly what you're going through and people who will be able to relate to you and you to them.

That was such a HUGE relief to me, that I could walk into my meeting and know that everyone there understood, offered their experience, strength and hope, and did not judge me one bit.

Best thing I've ever done for myself was walking through the door of Al Anon.

Hope you'll make finding a meeting a priority. I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Hangin' In
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