Old 04-08-2008, 08:46 PM
  # 20 (permalink)  
Attitude of Gratitude
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Dayton, Ohio
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What came to mind for me when I was reading your thread, why are you continuing to put your hand in the fire, knowing the end result. You will get burned. It's like when we drink and use, doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

This woman sounds as though she is a drug for you. You know that at first it's wonderful, life is grand. Then, reality sets in. The consequences begin to happen. Haven't you hit bottom enough times yet with her?

You deserve better. But save that for later.

Spend some time getting to know you. Work on your Recovery. Find out who Aldo is, not worrying about who Aldo wants to be with.

Since I've been in Recovery I haven't been in a romantic relationship. I spent too many years thinking that I have to be involved with someone or I wasn't complete. Now, I'm enjoying finding out who I am.

There's time for romantic love later.

Today, I am being selfish. I've learned to love myself and now it's my time in life to find out what makes me tick, not someone else!

Let us know how it goes! You can obviously see by the number of people who took the time to read your thread and post their thoughts, you have a great deal of people who care here.

God Bless & Thank God . . . Just for Today,
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