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Old 03-01-2008, 09:05 PM
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Wascally Wabbit
Power is not having to respond
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I am posting to try to sort out some feelings.

She went to the hospital one evening (see previous post) for heart flutterings and went home the next day. This was about a week ago.

She rented a house in GA instead of coming down here where I live.

She hasn't been in that house for 2 weeks and already is complaining that she can't live alone. She's afraid. So she has decided to sleep at my cousins. This is the very place that was driving her crazy and made her move out in the first place.

She's always made good financial decisions and amazingly, has the highest credit rating available.
But I am finding that over the last 10 years, she is making very bad decisions.
She sold a lovely cottage for 20k less than she paid for it about 10 yrs ago. She lived there 15 years and had to get out because "it smelled bad".

She moves to Alabama and buys a camper, moves it onto some friends property near their house, lives in it for several years complaining all the time about it. She pays 13k for the camper and sells it for 3k.
Now she's rented this place and paid almost a thousand dollars to get moved into it and doesn't want to stay there.
She moved out of a very nice senior living apartment because she said it smelled. She says that about every place she's ever lived, that it smells to bad for her to continue living there.

Her main focus in life is to find someone willing to take her in. She is terrified of living alone lately. She's been divorced and quite single since my father died when she was just 35. She said she never wanted another man in her life again. She's 75 now. She's lived alone all these years and within the last 10, has sacrificed finances just so she can live with someone.

She's been a hypocondriac since I can remember learning to walk. Not a day has ever gone by that she wasn't dying of something.

Her constant daily complaints make me unwilling to take her in. It would drive me over the edge. She makes everything "wrong" with her a huge ordeal. She has dry eyes, so she's sure she's going blind.
She has arthritis, so surely she will be in a wheel chair in just a short time.
She has this and that which will surely kill her soon.

I really don't want to feel guilty about her situation and her fears. But, I don't want anything to happen to her either.

How do we deal with the fears of our parents in their old age?
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