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Old 02-25-2008, 03:50 PM
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Psalm 118:24
CAPTAINZING2000's Avatar
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Alcoholism is the only disease that can leave you lying in the gutter saying to yourself, you're ok

There's a movie called Raging Bull. Robert Deniro played the part of Jake LaMotta in the movie. There was a fight scene in the movie where Deniro character was fighting Sugar Ray Robinson. Deniro lost the fight and he looked his face was placed in a meat grinder and he kept telling Sugar Ray he didn't knock him down.

I've often thought about this with regards to my drinking. Wrecked cars getting out saying hey, I'm not hurt and keep on drinking and driving. Totally insane !!!!

Sometimes, it takes what it takes. Let's pray for him that, this is his wake up call before someone got killed due to his drinking and driving!!
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