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Old 02-24-2008, 03:27 PM
  # 34 (permalink)  
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My Ego really really wants to take credit for not drinking yesterday (in fact, another whole day where the thought of taking a drink did not cross my mind)...but when I meditate and settle for the night.

I know who gets the credit.
I'm not at all sure bringing ego into the discussion is all that useful, Suger. We're all motivated by ego - whether we like it or not - it's fundamental to the human condition. No ego, no motivation, no nothing.

Do your position make you any less ego-driven than me ? Does mine make me any more egoistic than you ? I'd doubt it.

it's not about me putting myself above God or before Him - it's about being who I believe he wants me to be, and doing what I believe he wants me to do.

We're just looking at it from different perspectives.
Mine's right and yours is...

LOL kidding kidding

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