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Old 08-14-2007, 01:57 PM
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It is what it is
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: NJ
Posts: 280
Am I being paranoid?

Here are the facts. You tell me if I'm being suspicious or paranoid or if something seems fishy.

I am missing three things in the past month. I do not lose things. I have misplaced some things in my life but they turn up within a week or so. I will name the three things, give you some background as to why I'm suspicious and then please give your opinion. I swear I feel like I'm going crazy and then I think maybe that's what this is meant to do. A is trying to make me feel crazy just like he does.

1. Prescription sunglasses. Now I know it sounds benign but they have been missing for 4 weeks now. I had them on a Sunday and I still can't find them. I searched high and low, my car, my house, every single room, under couches and tables. Every nook and cranny. They aren't at work (which would be impossible because I had them on a Sunday but not for work on Monday). Here's why I find it odd. Abf and I had a conversation about his losing and breaking sunglasses. I suggested one day that he get himself a nice pair. He said no because he goes through so many of them, it wouldn't be worth it. I said wow, I somehow manage to keep mine for years and years. I still have my pair from before this newer pair. I've had them for about 10 years now. My second pair I've had for 3 or 4. That is the pair that is missing. They disappeared shortly after this conversation. Now I have one more place theymight possibly be. Someone has been out of town for 3 weeks and we were at his house on that Sunday. I doubt I would have left there without them as it was daytime and still sunny but that is my last hope. I'll find out for sure next week.

2. Bathing suit bottoms: Now this might even seem more wacky as what would my abf do with them? And why? Well we've had fights regarding a tattoo that I have on my lower left hipbone. It is covered when wearing pants and he once asked me if a random guy asked to see it because the top was peaking out, would I show it to him? I said yes, because first of all I'm not embarassed of it and secondly it's art to me. It's about the size of a quarter/half-dollar. He said he has a problem with that and preceeded to call me all kinds of terrible names I won't repeat here. In a bathing suit, it does show. I did that on purpose. I dont' want it exposed at work or if I'm dressed up because it's not appropriate in those arenas. But beach and casual, I don't mind. I was packing for vacation, I had two brand new bathing suits, each piece on a hanger from the store and I packed them all. I was bringing my clothes from upstairs to my suitcase downstairs. I remember having all the pieces. I remember packing them. I closed my suitcase at the last minute. When we got to our destination, I had one bathing suit but not the bottoms to the other. I find it rather odd. I thought, maybe I left it at home but it wouldn't be hard to find because it was on the hanger. It's not at home. It's not anywhere. It vanished.

3. The most recent missing property: my Big Book. I have a smaller size version in paperback. I had it last Sunday night after our fight and abf stormed out of the house. I was reading it that night. The following day and the next one we weren't on speaking terms. It went missing. I can't find it anywhere. I know where I was reading it. I know where I usually leave my books. I checked the car, I checked the house. Gone. I asked abf if he saw it. Nope, did you check at work? Uh, no because it went missing on Sunday (I looked for it on Monday night). The the other day he said something about the big book, like that's a pretty small book, right? Now how would he know that? He doesn't even know what it looks like supposedly.

I hate to be unnecessarily suspicious. It just seems weird to me. I have never lost anything and I've lost three thing in a month all within my own house. Doesn't that seem strange?

All opinions please. I feel like I'm going crazy. Maybe he wants me to so then he'll have yet another thing to hold over my head. He hates that nothing he says has any validity because he forgets all the time because he drinks so much. It's a battle between us because he says that it's not fair that I can always say that he never said something or did something and he has to take my word even if I'm lying because he's the alcoholic. Maybe this is something to hold over my head. I need some prospective.

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