Old 06-04-2007, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by queenteree View Post
I just ran to the store to get ricotta cheese for my dinner and I'm thinking how I'm here, holding down the fort, going to work every day, doing all the things as usual, even washed all his dirty laundry that he sent home with my and ran after work to the UPS store to send it back to him and you know what - when he calls me every night and morning, he always tells me what "he" did - like "Morning babe - it's morning hugs (we always hugged in the morning and at night). I just got done taking my 2 mile walk and figured I'd call you." I'd ask how he was - he says "oh, good, saw four horses this morning, etc." At night "Hey babe - nightime hugs - just got back from the meeting." I ask "was it a good meeting" he says "yeah, we talked about ...." and starts telling me what they talked about and what he learned in group sessions, etc. Tells me his plans on going to diner therapy when he gets home and fishing or golfing with this one or that one, and that I should be happy cause then he'll have sober friends, etc. Never once does he ask me "How are you holding up?" "What's new with you" Nothing!!! Never once does he say he's going to make up to me the time "we" lost because he realizes he screwed up. Nothing about "us" (except he can't wait to fool around with me). I'm not taking his calls for a few days, I don't know if I can resist the urge to tell him how I feel, and I just want to let it slide, but I'll tell you, I'm not happy!

Oh, the laundry thing made me LAUGH, not at you, but a memory from when hubby was in treatment........my first visit, he ask me to take his laundry home and wash it for him and bring it back a couple days later when I was down for MY group and meeting. I said ok, codie that I am and he started loading it up. I mentioned it to my counselor in passing and SHE HAD A COW!!! toooooooo funny......hubby got called on the carpet immediately and seriously scolded.........you see, they have laundry facilities and have to do their own laundry....he was being manipulative and trying to get out of it by sneaking his laundry home with me......Needless to say he did his own laundry for 35 days and I never once saw him dirty. They had to wash their own sheets, blankets and everything......

I would check it out. I BET HE IS SUPPOSE TO DO HIS OWN LAUNDRY............don't do it again, he is a big boy and can figure out how to get his clothes clean on his own.

Just had to share as this was the first of many lessons I learned about how much and how often my husband manipulated me AND HOW I LET HIM!!!

He can wash his socks in the sink if he has to, you have enough on your plate right now with holding down the fort. Let him take care of himself on his end, laundry and all.
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