Thread: Now what?
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Old 06-02-2007, 02:00 PM
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 471
Now what?

AH came to get the kids today. I avoided him when he was here, for the most part, because I don't know how he'll behave towards me. He seemed very positive and upbeat, unlike Thursday when he was here and looked like death warmed over. I didn't notice any of the "signs", so off he took the kids to the park and bowling.
Just found out from my daughter (12 yo) that he drank at the bowling alley. They start serving at one, so between 1:00 and approximately 2:20 he had two beers, while the kids were in his custody. Evidently when he ordered the beer, he felt the need to tell my daughter that he"was a grown man and could have a couple of beers if he wanted". My daughter was taken aback as she hadn't said anything to him about the drinking. She felt guilty about telling me her dad drank, but knew he wasn't supposed to drink around her and my son. (my son doesn't get involved).
I'm not going to bring this up to AH now, as I don't want him taking it out on my daughter, and as we are quite close to divorce. Once the papers are signed I'll be able to withhold visitation as I see fit. Now I'm between a rock and a hard place, because he will just tell everyone I'm nuts and that a couple of beers is nothing for him.
Did I mention he only had the kids three hours? Guess I couldn't expect him to go that long without drinking. He did tell my daughter he's "cut way back" since he left us and "only drinks a couple" after work. Hmmmm. And I have a bridge to sell you all..
Saddest part is that I was out because he brought the kids back early. He could've stayed and spent time with the kids til I got back, but he chose to tell them to "lock the doors" and he left. (My son is 14, though, so at least they're babies ) It's just so sad he couldn't take the opportunity to spend time here with the kids...he complains because I won't let them visit the house he's staying at, as it's the home of a drug dealer, complains it costs him too much money to take them out.
Pray for us ~ we'll be moving in the next few weeks, and the divorce papers should hopefully be signed by the end of June. Maybe I'll feel like I have more contrl then...
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