Old 04-17-2007, 10:04 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 518
I truly believe that drug addiction is pretty misunderstood in society- or more specifically by most people. I am a recoverying anorectic and have always been faced with ignorant individuals who demand, "why can't you just eat?!" I am even positive that many people also view eating disorders as choices that one makes, but they too have a biological and genetic base to them as well as there being certain personailities that are more prone to develop unhealthy relationships with food. By the way-BigSis- great comment.
I have always found that in order for me to progress in MY recovery I have to view food as fuel in my mind. It helps put my struggle in perspective.

I am even at fault at stomping my feet with regards to the whole "Addiction is a disease" business. I KNOW it is a disease and I do accept this, but I also believe that there are many addicts who will use the disease piece in order to escape taking personal responsibility for their life and using. Even I think I sometimes encourage my own denial by playing up the disease aspect of addiction because for whatever reason it is less painful.

I struggle with understanding the disease model and applying it accurately to my situation with my abf. I just want to thank everyone who posted such awesome metaphors that helped relay the essence of the choice versus addiction question.
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