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Old 01-03-2007, 12:55 PM
  # 15 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: North UK
Posts: 16
Hi again, this is just a brief update. I finished the (13%) bottle of wine last night (much less than I've been previously drinking) and went to bed. I had about 1.5 hours worth of sleep, followed by a few hours awake tossing and turning with racing 'vision' thoughts and probably had two brief 20/30 minute spurts of sleep afterwards. Though I slept a short time, the dreams I had were plentiful and vivid, and I quite enjoyed them as I don't dream as much as I used to. I awoke feeling pretty dazed and sleep-deprived, and my mind has been a bit 'foggy' today but apart from that my anxiety has been pretty low and I've felt quite energetic, strangely.

I don't know if this is a good sign or a bad sign!

PS: Carol, thanks for the link - verrry interesting.

PPS: Tazman, I'm more worried about physical withdrawal and the worry kind of propels me to keep drinking. If I was assured I could withdraw safely, I think I might be able to try those things because I never really 'crave' booze in an addictive sense, I just like drinking it and find it fun most of the time, unless I drink too much and get over-emotional. However, at the moment, those steps you mention would be very difficult to abide by(!)
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