Old 10-30-2006, 10:38 AM
  # 116 (permalink)  
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,525
Good morning/afternoon--

Penguin, your corn maze story cracks me up. I've never been inside one, but I've heard they aren't as simple as one might think!

(Rae, your quote was appropriate after Penguin's little adventure.)

Well, it was a LONG, busy weekend here. Daughter had a basketball game Saturday, then a costume party to attend in the evening. My oldest son went to a friend's birthday party, and the rest of us (hubby, youngest son & I) worked around the house. We also had an awful fright with our greyhound--he hurt himself pretty badly while chasing a squirrel (ran into a wooden swingset) and has a 4-inch gash between his front legs near his throat. I thought he'd broken his leg, the way he was screaming (yes, screaming -ugh- a horrible sound) and carrying on, but thank God he didn't. Saturday was a long night filled with ice packs and pain meds for him, yesterday he was stiff and sore and couldn't do much of anything, but this morning he tried to chase another squirrel, so I guess he feels a bit better. You would not believe the bruise surrounding his wound--he's "fur-challenged" (bald) on his underside, so it really stands out--dark black & red, the size of a large pork chop. Poor old guy--he's such a dear.

I hope you all have a good day/night. Take care...

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