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Old 08-29-2006, 01:20 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: NC
Posts: 240
Maybe OT a little but something strange happend to me at work today. I'm a nurse and work on a floor that mainly has patient's that are rehabing from (hip, knee surgery or general debilitation) and I do the medicare reimbursement and help on the floor with patient care as needed. My highest up boss is a speech pathologist but is the administrative director of two floors Rehab and Restorative care (where I work). Then there's an in-between boss (director of nursing) as they need one by law. All other floors adm. directors are nurses except ours. Well, the current director of nursing is leaving after 1yr, she's my second in command boss.
No one has ever lasted in that position more than two years. It's hard to be a director of nursing but have to answer to a speech pathologist who is the adm. director. Hope I haven't confused you yet. Any who she's not leaving on the best of one in that position has (big power struggle). all this time I thought the DON had my back so to speak. Everyone became aware of the fact that my AH was in rehab in Feb but all I seemed to get were prayers and well wishes. Well, apparently my name came up to take over her position that she's leaving (don't want it, never did) and she apparently tells the adm. director who is aware of my personal circumstances that I'm a "mess" and on all kinds of psych drugs etc. etc. this gets back to me from a nurse who I was real good friends with but whom I've since distanced myself from because she is a heavy drinker, very codie (we fed off of eachother). We still talk a bit. She knows I attend alanon, my husband is sober 6months (she hates him) go figure? She's even mentioned that I seem to look and feel better. Meanwhile, her life is falling apart around her and I try to help by suggesting reading codependant no more. Before she started hating my AH, he went over and tried to talk to her about her drinking (which she mentioned to me several times is a concern of hers.) She started hating him after that and after he found out she was having an affair. So what do I make of all of this.
To me it seems people are judging my personal situation, talking behind my back about it etc, etc. All I do is go in work and come home.
I'm almost thinking that the "friend" who brought me this info is trying to stir the pot because she see's I've changed and her life is out of control.
At first I was soooo angry. Like a true codie, I didn't like that there may be people at work that don't like me or judge me based on my personal problems. I was ready to call this one, that one, and the other one defending myself and then I took a deep breath and thought "does it really matter?" You can't control what people say about you and if you react you'll only confirm the fact that they think you're crazy. So, I've let it go. But, really is this world full of codies???
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