scraps of paper inside a scrapbook

4 Things to Keep in Your Sobriety Scrapbook


Sober Recovery Expert Author

scraps of paper inside a scrapbook

Scrapbooking is a fun hobby for many people. Even if you’re not into arts and crafts or have never done it before, it’s never too late to put one together to see if it’s something you’ll enjoy. People who create scrapbooks are able to flip through memories of important times in their lives. As they physically go through these memories, they’re able to feel the joy of sweet nostalgia along with an enhanced sense of self.

For those who are sober, they’re able to use their scrapbooks as a tool to reinforce their sober life and keep them going in tough times. Whether you put your sober memories in a scrapbook, shoebox, drawer or folder in your computer, occasionally going through them can help you curb any self-doubt and temptation that may come your way.

Even if you've never created a scrapbook before, it's never too late to put one together and see if it's something you'll enjoy.

Here are 4 mementos you can keep that will conjure up both pride and happiness in your journey.

1. Photos­

If they say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” then perhaps looking at a photo of yourself during some of the most triumphant moments in sobriety can tell you how much better your life is now. For example, you can keep a photo of yourself completing an early morning hike or working at a job you never could have landed without a clean and clear head. You can also keep a photo of you and the partner you’ve found now that you’re sober. Any and all photos that remind you of the positive things in your life would be great to keep.

2. Ticket stubs, wristbands, flyers, and other promotional material

These kinds of items can take you back to a fond memory of an event you attended while sober. Perhaps before sobriety, you never went to an event without drinking or using. You can save these kinds of mementos as proof that you have learned how to have fun without substances and that you now remember the events you attend to boot.


It’s amazing how some one-liners can be powerful enough to move you—whether it gives you “a case of the giggles” or a moment of positive reflection. Whenever you or someone else says something that makes you feel intensely positive, jot it down. You can keep a sheet of paper or a notebook filled with quotes that have brought you joy in your sobriety.

4. Rocks, shells and other trinkets

Keeping small trinkets, such as shells from a wonderful walk you took on a beach or a bottle cap from your first six-pack of non-alcoholic beer, can help you remember the true beauty of sobriety. Stow these items somewhere safe, look at them from time to time and be thankful for your new life.

There is a place in every home for a small collection of items that bring you joy. Whether it’s organized in a scrapbook or piled away in a box, these things can help you relive your positive moments and give you much-needed encouragement to keep walking down the sober path.

If you or someone you know is seeking help from addiction, please visit our directory of treatment centers or call 800-891-8171 to start the path to recovery today.

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