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sarahjangel1 07-10-2005 02:52 AM

How will you feel?
You know, at one of my jobs, it is so negative there, the people are so miserable inside, that they project it everywhere. Because of this reason,..I am going to have to quit. I can't put myself in a bad situation that will cause me to pick up. Negativity is contagious..I am trying to build myself a new attitude by beginning's not easy to change, so why would I not change a dangerous situation??? Because it is a dangerous situation to be around negative. It's not what we say, its how we say something, and the actions that follow...

Just for today....I want to be free of negitivity. Today I will speak and act positively....:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-11-2005 07:02 AM

Just for today
:wiggle: Many of us have watched as babies take their first steps.Many times we feel like we can't take another step in recovery. Just like a child learning to walk, we sometimes stumble or fall.But our Higher Power always awaits us with outstretched arms.And like the child's brothers and sisters shouting their encouragement,we,too,are supported by other NA or AA members as we walk toward a full life of recovery.

Just for today....I will seek encouragement from others. I will encourage others who may need my strength.:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-12-2005 03:54 AM

"We share comfort and encouragement with others..." Basic text p.95

When we honestly tell our own story, someone else may identify with us. Serving the needs of our members and making our message available gives us a feeling of joy.Serving gives us opportunities to grow in ways that touch all parts of our life.Our experience in recovery may help them deal with their problems, what worked for us may not work for them.By sharing the experience of our recovery with newcomers we help ourselves stay clean....:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-13-2005 03:20 AM

:hello2 "If we are hurting, and most of us do from time to time, we learn to ask for help." Basic text p.80

Sometimes recovery is very hard, especially to get humble enough to ask for help.The reality of recovery is simple: Whether we have 30 days or 30 years clean, we must be willing to ask for help when we need it. There is an old saying in NA that is:We can't save our face and our ass at the same time....The taste of humility is never bitter, the rewards sweeten our recovery.

Just for today: If I need help, I will ask for it. I will put humility into action in my life.:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-14-2005 03:08 AM

"Social acceptibility does not equal recovery" Basic text p.21

Looking normal is very different from being normal.Acceptability in the eyes of the world is a benefit of recovery;it is not the same thing as recovery.We can enjoy the benefits of recovery but we must take care to nurture their true sorce.Lasting recovery isn't found in acceptance from others, but in the inner growth set in motion by the 12 steps.

Just for today: I know that looking good isn't enough ,lasting recovery is an inside job.:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-16-2005 05:01 AM

:wiggle: When I am willing to accept both my strengths and my limitations, I feel better about my life-I create a safe space for myself. Today, I accept my natural size....

'It is very necessary that a man should be appraised early in life that it is a masquerade in which he finds himself.For otherwise there are many things which he will fail to understand'

Arthur Schopenhauer:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-17-2005 03:48 AM

:grouphug: Just for today..I will have an honest program...I can't hold it in, I have to say what's on my mind.I messed up last Thursday. I didn't use. But, I came close to it..see, when I was in my addiction..we all did stupid stuff, anyway...I use to steal things...I guess I had been doing in for years, even before I used. I have a problem with it..I guess I was feeling so depressed, I didn't realize what I was doing. Anyway, I got caught. I think in the back of my head, I wanted to. Isn't that stupid?? I made a mistake. So, when I bonded out {actually mom & boyfriend did}. The next day, I called my probation officer and told him what happened. I have been so good for almost a year, and what do I do? Mess up...I feel so stupid..but I called him, before he found out. I cried to him on the phone..why would I destroy all the credibility I built up? It makes no sense at all...please someone, give me some advise...:jeez

sarahjangel1 07-18-2005 04:02 AM

:thanks: Today I know, its okay. I feel good today, on the inside. I am not a wreck today. Just for today, I will stay clean. All we have is this moment. How many moments before this, did we get high?? We wasted our lives, every I will celebrate my life. Not worry about my mistakes, talk about them, and do my service work...Thats what I have to do in my program. Find what works for you, and keep doing it....:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-19-2005 04:10 AM

Just for today: Dreams that we gave up long ago can now become realities. Basic text p.68

Perhaps when we used, we dreamed of the day when we would be clean.The day has come.We can use this day to make our dreams come true. Today I will remember that all things begin with a dream. Today, I will allow myself to make my dreams come true.:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-20-2005 04:08 AM

WE do recover!We can stay clean and enjoy life, if we remember to live "Just for today"..As we recover, we gain a new outlook on being clean. We enjoy a feeling of release and freedom from the desire to use. We come to know happiness, joy, and freedom....:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-21-2005 08:54 AM

:wiggle: Just for today,.....I need guidance, support, and a Power beyond my own. I will go to a meeting, reach out to a newcomer, call my sponsor, Pray to my God----and I will surrender....Just for today, I will have a program.:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-22-2005 05:17 AM

:wink3: "For us, to use is to die, often in more ways than one."Basic Text p.78

Today and everyday I am so grateful, that God didn't take me in my insanity days. I was so sick. I did anything and everything to get high and drunk. I feel better about myself today. I am good. Everyday is a blessing, and to those who are still in the madness: Please....get help, are worth so much,love, and praise your God....He will lift you up and help you, all you have to do is surrender....:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-23-2005 06:11 AM

:) It is plain that a life which includes deep resentment, leads only to futility and unhappiness.To the presise extent that we permit these, do we squander the hours that might have been worth while.But with the alcoholic, whose hope is the maintenance and growth of a spiritual experience, the business of resentment infinitely grave.We found that it is fatal. For when harboring such feelings we shut ourselves off from the sunlight of the Spirit. The insanity of alcohol returns and we drink again. And with us, TO DRINK IS TO DIE!!!!!! The Big Book p.66:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-24-2005 02:46 AM

:wiggle: When we discovered that we could not live with or without drugs, we sought help through NA, rather than prolong our suffering. The program works a miracle in our lives.We become different people.Working the steps and maintaining abstinence give us a daily reprieve from our self-imposed life sentences. We become free to live.....Basic text p.11:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-25-2005 04:54 AM

"Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs." Step12, Basic text p.48-51

The steps are guidelines for our life. We can practice each one every day. By living a good clean life. They will teach us: honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness, and how to really live. There is no set time to do the steps. They are here to teach us everyday. I try and apply the steps in my everyday living. There is no wrong or right, when you are living a honest life....:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-26-2005 02:49 AM

The 1st Promise: We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness....

Today I take the first step toward my new life by allowing myself to believe that I have a right to be free and happy, no matter what.

If you don't know the Promises get the book:
Gifts of Sobriety by Barbara S. Cole:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-27-2005 03:42 AM

:) The 2nd Promise:We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it...

I wil bring myself ot a place ot willingness to stop running from the past so that I can begin to grow into my own serenity, peace, and wisdom.:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-28-2005 03:11 AM


Please help me to stop trying so hard to find serenity.Deep inside myself I know that it is sitting there, waiting for me to join with it.I no longer need to struggle to get it.It is my birthright to have...:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-29-2005 02:45 AM

:hello2 The 4th Promise: No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others...

I know that I have worth, both to others and to myself. Today I will take notice of even the smallest feeling of self-worth and value it more highly than ever before.:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-30-2005 02:13 AM

The 5th Promise:

That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.
"I remember looking into the sky, looking around,feeling the coolness of the air and thinking just how much at peace I was with myself.I was finally at peace with God.I felt that God was beginning to forgive me and that I was beginning to forgive myself.It was very important to know That this was beginning to happen for me.Before this moment, it was all uselessness and self-pity.After this moment, it was peace." - by, A grateful new one,
Gifts of sobriety by Barbara S.Cole:wave:

sarahjangel1 07-31-2005 04:27 AM

The 6th Promise:

We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interrest in our fellows.
I am a good, kind, giving person.The gift of my sobriety is that for today, I can reach beyond my protective wall and connect with others meaningfully.I feel worthy of knowing about others and being known.I am now able to see and appreciate my own goodness because I see it reflected in the goodness of others.:wave:

sarahjangel1 08-01-2005 03:44 AM

The 7th Promise:

Self-Seeking will slip away...

Today I will enjoy the7th prominse by giving up my desire to serve the needs of addiction.I will make a conscious choice as many times as it takes in this day to question everything I think is best,knowing that the disease would have me thinking that I , not another, knows what is best for me.I will stop feeding addictive behaviors with isolation and with feeling one-down or one-up. I will begin seeking ways to connect with others on any level possible.I know if I do this that gradually my habit of manipulating people, places, and things ,to get them just how I want them, will slip away..:wave:

sarahjangel1 08-02-2005 03:21 AM

The 8th Promise

Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change...
I will enjoy the slow but sure evolution of my attitude from negative to positive, letting go of the need to take myself too seriously in this process. I am will ing to see irony and humor in areas of my life that had not occured to me before. I am willing to admit to myself that my perception of the world, above most other things, has a powerful effect on my everyday experience of life.As my perception changes, so will my experience of the world. I will delight in my newfound ability to enjoy this most powerful gift.:wave:

sarahjangel1 08-03-2005 03:16 AM

:kitty: 9th Promise:

Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us...
Today I vow to live cleanly-in the sense that I will enjoy the feeling of lightness that comes from having made things right between me and others who have been in my life.I will use today to continue to live without fear of being caught or found out, for there is nothing to discover as I live openly and honestly.I will enjoy the sense of security that I feel knowing that as a part of humanity, not special or separate from it, all of my needs will be taken care of in their right time.:wave:

sarahjangel1 08-04-2005 02:54 AM

10th Promise:

We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us....
Today I am grateful for the gifts of my sobriety that have increasingly come to me over time: the return of my own wisdom and clear intuition....
Without humility-there can be no growth....:wave:

sarahjangel1 08-05-2005 03:29 AM

11th Promise:

"We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we couldd not do for ourselves...
God, today I am admitting my powerlessness over this disease.I am praying for knowledge of your will and asking for the power to carry it out....:wave:

sarahjangel1 08-06-2005 04:35 AM

12th Promise:

These promises will always materialize if we work for them.
Today I will take a single,positive action that is completely supportive of my sobriety.And today I will take no action to undo the good that I have already done.:wave:

sarahjangel1 08-07-2005 03:13 AM

The promises are for those who want them. The only requirement is the desire to stop using....its that simple...only you know when you are ready to live...thats what it boils down to...I want to therefore, working the steps, the best I can, will give me the world I deserve...all you have to do is ask....:wave:

sarahjangel1 08-08-2005 03:33 AM

:lumpy With our friends and God joining with us to form a "triple-braised cord", we will not be easily broken or turned from the path of recovery.

The life recovery bible,NVL,Step 8 p.797

sarahjangel1 08-09-2005 03:46 AM

Today....I choose to live....what do you choose????:wave:

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