SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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Redmayne 09-14-2017 04:19 AM

Today marks the day of my 71st birthday so it was with gratitude I received a 'Happy Birthday' message from the team at ober Recovery, particularly when I reflected that a year ago I was lying in a hospital bed with ties sticking out of my neck and throat, 6 days into a medically induced coma, that went on for a further five weeks...

After a life saving operation to remove a perforated ulcer, which perhaps in order to join in the celebrations announced its presence by bursting on the way into the operating theatre bringing with it concerns by the surgeon and his team of the development of a line of sepsis. Which has and still is , if not treated with antibiotics within a short time of its diagnosis is fatal! As has been proved over and over again in so many, what appear to be relatively minor injuries and infections.

Like alcoholism, it takes no prisoners!

Conveniently the Sober Recovery Calculator tells me I'm, now 3500 days sober!

So in a word, the answer on my part to the question raised by this forum is, GRATITUDE to all who manage, administer and participate in SR, thank you for being you!:tyou

Oh yeah, just to complete my birthday celebrations I'd like to meet Sheriff Gloria Burgle and Nicki Swango out of Fargo Series 3.Never say never, right!

Fusion 09-14-2017 06:14 AM

Happy Birthday Redmayne! Happy 3500 days sober, too! :scoregood

Carpathia 09-14-2017 06:17 AM

Wow, Red, that is quite a story. Needless to say, I'm glad you survived that ordeal and that you post such strong recovery messages here on SR. Many were the messages I wrote here on SR in early recovery. It truly helped me get another day sober writing and reading posts. I second your GRATITUDE for everyone here!

I'm not familiar with the Fargo series. Anything is possible and anyway it's fun to imagine the possibilities. :thinkerg:

Culture 09-14-2017 08:53 AM

Happy Birthday and congrats on all your sober time

Redmayne 09-15-2017 01:55 AM

Thank you...
Thanks to all who've read and contributed to my post, I subscribe, quite firmly to the idea that recovery isn't about getting back to where you were before. It's about building something new.

In the weeks following the time I regained consciousness, I realized in the 5 weeks I spent in a medically induced coma that, not surprisingly the world had got on very well without me.

Which, one year on , having regard to all the circumstances meant I could take heed of Richard Bach's succinct advice to,'Let the world live as it chooses. Allowing myself to live as I choose.'

Sound advice to anyone in recovery I think.

pooky 09-18-2017 06:15 PM

Happy belated birthday! I so enjoy all of your posts and check every day to see if you've posted another one. Congratulations on all of your sober time also. I love your wisdom.

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