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nandm 01-21-2008 11:29 PM

I found this worth sharing.

Way down yonder by myself,
oh I couldn't hear nobody pray.
African American Spiritual.

Most of us have experienced, at some time or another, how a simple word of encouragment from another person can suddenly ease our labor. We may have been struggling under the burden of what seemed like an insurmountable task, weighed down by fear, depression, shame, or self-hate. Simple words of reassurance from one other person were all it took to turn us around. Hearing positive words from another gave us faith and confidence. We felt comforted, enlivened, and motivated to continue our efforts.

We, too, have the ability to make a difference by speaking simple words of encouragment. We only need to remember how far we have come and to trust the capacity of our spirits to grow and expand in unexpected and positive directions.

Today, I speak simple words of encouragment to others and to myself
Glad Day

WLDKATZ 01-22-2008 12:42 AM

I wonder if he is getting em???????(prayers btw)

Today I encorage myself and by doing so I strengthen me and make me resilient to others inappropreate ways and doings.........thanks Nan ya did it again! Gonna try going back to sleep!

Hugs and Prayers

1963comet 01-22-2008 10:23 AM

A woman said to me back in 2000 that I could do anything I wanted.

It was her encouragement that made me believe in myself. I called her and said Thank's again because she is the reason I am here today.

If you tell people they can't do it they will start to believe it. And if you tell people that can do it, they will start to believe it.

She believed in me, so I believed in myself.

Brewster 01-22-2008 11:54 AM

Powerful stuff here. It seems I am always ready to criitizie - my kids, wife, employees.

I mean how much does it cost to encourage someone? Nothing, and the effect on the recipeant can really make a differene.

This is something I need to work on. Thanks for this timely post in my case.

Gawd I love this little community.

Hope 01-22-2008 12:03 PM

Very powerful and very true. Never underestimate the power of a simple word of encouragement. A simple phrase could turn a life around. I'm where I am right now because someone believed in me and didn't think I was hopeless.

You never know the impact you can have on another person.

nandm 01-22-2008 12:27 PM

When I look back over my life I am so grateful to those that passed on words of encouragment. They helped me get through some rough times, gave me courage to try new things, believed in me when I was unable to believe in myself, and gave me so many other gifts. I owe my life to some of these people.

I think that this world would be so much a better place if we all could encourage rather than discourage each other. This is something I choose to work on changing in myself. I want to be the encourager, to be the positive in peoples life rather than drag them down.

It is my goal to give that back to others since it was so freely given to me.

Thank you, each of you who have provided encouragment and hope here at SR. You make a bigger difference to people than you can ever realize.

Brewster 01-22-2008 02:56 PM

I just thought of this. My Grandmother used to say:

It's nice to be important, but it is important to be nice. Encouragement is one fo the nicest things you can do for someone.

lovingseren 01-25-2008 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by 1963comet (Post 1647236)
A woman said to me back in 2000 that I could do anything I wanted.

It was her encouragement that made me believe in myself. I called her and said Thank's again because she is the reason I am here today.

If you tell people they can't do it they will start to believe it. And if you tell people that can do it, they will start to believe it.

She believed in me, so I believed in myself.

I totally agree, we have Choice, we are in charge of our thinking and our attitude, my mind is full of anything I choose to put into it.


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