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Linda Galipeau 01-29-2002 07:10 AM

Crystal Meth
My daughter has been on crystal meth for a while now. It started in 1999 with Ecstasy, GHB as part of the rave scene. She will be 20 years old next month. She almost died last March but that not deter her usage. Now she has admitted that she can't quit on her own and is asking for help. We live in Victoria BC and there is no detox facilities around. I was thinking of taking her away for about 2 weeks and getting her on the road to recovery. I don't know what to expect.... I was hoping that I could get her into a normal cycle of eating, sleeping etc. She lives with another person who is also a drug user. When she comes back I would like to have her move back in with me temporarily. I would encourage her to keep away from her so called friends. I'm desperate because I have tried so many other incentives with no success. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Mostly I want to know "what can I expect during the 2 weeks of detox?" "Is this a good idea?"

DesperatePartner 01-29-2002 08:26 AM

My heart goes out to you - I know how helpless you feel. If she'll agree to go away with you for two weeks and will have no acces to her friends and more crystal, then I think that would be a good idea. She will likely take a supply with her, so you'll need to be very vigilant for that - I would confront her with your concern for that and make it part of the deal of helping her that she be honest and upfront and not foil the effort by continuing to use while you're trying to provide her with safe haven away from the routine she has grown accustomed too. Well, first off, from about 24 hours or so from when she last used, she will be getting very withdrawn, disinterested in anything, in a depressed mood, maybe irritable, but probably just depressed and tired. Overwhelming fatigue then sets in and she'll just want to veg out and sleep. She may have a pretty good appetite for the first time in a while however as the anorexic effect of the crystal wears off. She could sleep for 23 hours a day, only awakening to pee/poop/and eat won't want to attend to hygiene or anything else at all. That is all likely to happen for at least a good number of days like 4 or 5; a marked degree of fatigue, excessive sleepiness and depression as well as anhedonia (loss of pleasure in anything) could even last for several weeks. I have known people still not at all back to normal after even several months. I'm still praying for their continued recovery so I don't know the final outcome. There is no 'medical illness' associated with crystal withdrawal unlike with opiate withdrawal where a Heroin user for example, needs to be helped through a very intensely unpleasant withdrawal syndrome which can cause major stresses to the electrolytes through profuse sweating, diarrhea and fluid losses as well as risks of cardiovascular and neurological symptoms. With crystal withdrawal, I'm not aware of any 'medica' type complications - and that is why there is no inpatient detox for crystal. That is not to say it is really any easier than opiate or alcohol detox. It's just that your physical life is not threatened (well, that's good right?) and there are not medications yet available which are used to assist through this detox period. The craving for more crystal is to try to regain the energy to just get out of bed and clean yourself up and enjoy something as simple as TV or a movie or shopping or just talking with your mom. Without it, at first, she'll just not feel that she can even handle those simple things or just won't want to bother trying. Now, maybe her crystal use is not that high so that much of what I've said may not happen this way. But, at least, I think this represents about the worst you can expect. Hope this helps you. DP

Ogly 01-29-2002 08:54 AM

My pal DP.... He is a wealth of good information!!! the one other suggestionis that whenyou get back - she is going to need support of people who have beenin her situation - so before she leaves - have her check into local NA meetings and please, please - do come on over to the Nranon boards for support for you and also see if there are alocal alanon or naranon meetings for you....with any addictions - there are steps forward and steps backward - by both the addict and the family and friends... it can be a tough road - but one that can be lived with if you have an understanding of your daughters disease and of yours as well.... Ours is call co-dependency andlike the addicts addiction is can never be cured - but arrested (put into remission so to speak)

So, come on over and share withus... and good luck if you decide to to the 2 week thing....


Sick In The City 01-29-2002 12:11 PM

I started a response to your post this morning at 10:00 a.m. but a friend from the program showed up and I had to log off. I would like to apologize for my poor response time.
Crystal Methamphetamine was my drug of choice, also. I was a hopeless, helpless and defeated case when I chose recovery.
Nothing could deter my use. I had had a stroke, two arrests, lost my job and any other resemblance of normalcy that my life had taken on. I simply could not stop. What is most frightening is that I knew exactly what I was doing to myself and to my life and still, I could not quit. This problem is even scarier when you consider that I am a mother.
I thought that perhaps I wanted to die, which was true in part but the real problem was that I did not know how to quit. As of this post, I have 101 days of complete abstinence from all drugs. Here is what worked for me.
First of all, I had to want my recovery with every fiber of my being. Your daughter has to want it, too.
Next, I came to the realization that the only thing I had to change in my life was everything! I could no longer have the same playmates, playgrounds or playthings. I stopped associating with all of my friends who used because they were a danger to my recovery. I attended Narcotics Anonymous meetings EVERY DAY and made new friend there. Nature abhors a vaccuum so I knew I had to replace the old friends with something.
I took on a few service positions within my group. Two coffee commitments and my group waived my clean time so I could serve as a secretary in a vacant chair. I felt that if I could just stay clean (or pick up the phone list) between those meetings, I would be alright.
I got a sponsor, I started working steps...I started developing a real program for living.
I found that I really had to relearn everything...especially the little things. Showering every day, putting on my makeup, cleaning my house, eating regular meals...these all posed something of a challenge in the beginning. They required discipline and practice.
If your daughter wants to quit, here is what you can expect.
The first few days she will probably sleep alot and eat very little. After this her appetite will pick up and you can encourage her to eat and shower. Have her make her own meals.
Her attitude could go either way but don't be surprised if she lashes out. Try not to be hurt because even if she directs it at you, it is only because she hasn't dealt with her own "stuff" yet. That may not happen for a while.
Depending on how much (and how) she used, she may hallucinate while she is coming off of the drug. She may exhibit signs of paranoia or she may just exhibit signs of a lack of interest in living. This will pass but this is the reason she needs to attend Narcotics Anonymous. There will be plenty of other people there who can relate with her and she will need that.
For you...I would recommend NarAnon or AlAnon. You need support, too. Encourage and support her decision to recover but don't put her on a pedestal for not using. People aren't supposed to use. And don't let her guilt trip you becauuse we addicts are very good at that. For these last two reasons, once again, I recommend you go to an Anon meeting.
You are on the right track but it won't happen all at once. Go easy on yourself and leave it to the recovering addicts at the meetings and to God to help her with her process.
I could say so much more but I feel I would end up repeating what I have already said, just using other words. If your daughter uses the computer and would like a recovering e-buddy, my email address is [email protected]. She can contact me anytime.
I will be in contact with you later. Take care of yourself.

The lie is dead...We do recover!

Gettin' Better!

Sick In The City 01-29-2002 02:11 PM

Linda, for your information, I checked the website for Narcotics Anonymous meetings in your area and Victoria is literally packed with them. You did not leave an email contact I could reach you at so please go to and click on the NAWS meeting search. In a few minutes, you will have a long list of meeting options for your daughter. Good luck!

The lie is dead...We do recover!

Gettin' Better!

Linda Galipeau 02-01-2002 08:49 AM

Thank you so much for your reply to my question. I was quite desperate that day and didn't know much about the drug or services available in my community. I have tried to think of all possible outcomes before I even talk to her about it in detail. I did think of making some kind of contract pre-detox and part of it was going to be "checking all her luggage".
I see this project as having many phases.... 1. I want to visit our family Dr. and discuss the option of having her on an anti-depressant for awhile to conteract the withdrawal symtems and the anhedonia effect. 2. Visit the Alcohol & Drug Services (Ministry of Health)who sponsor an out- patient program that lasts 20 days. I would want her enrolled in this so that when we come back, she would start.
3. Find her a different place to live. I haven't made up my mind yet if I would like her to live with me and my new boyfriend (who knows what's going on) and is quite supportive. To make this happen I would have to find a 2 bedroom apartment. Or let her rent a 1 bedroom. There are pro's and con's to both of these.
If she moves in with us there will be another contract and expectations will be discussed. Friends, curfew, education, working, only to mention a few.
4. Timing and cooperation. I will mention to her the Dr's visit and the Ministry of health visit but she will have to decide when it will take place. Then I will mention the options of detox and living arrangements but that will also be her decision.
I will do my best not to loose my daughter to drugs and I will keep a hopefull attitude. I am prepared to go to hell and back with her if that's what it takes.
Thanks again for your kind and carring words

UniversityGirl 02-01-2002 10:17 PM


I am from Victoria as well. Nanaimo has a few detox/ treatment centres and there are several treatment centres in Victoria once she has 3 months clean time in. Sadly, Victoria no longer had any detox facitilys, Nanaimo has a few.

"Surfside" in Nanaimo is a detox centre that has worked wonders for a few people I know. Call "DARS", they are listed in the yellow pages under "Alcohol Addiction and Treatment". "DARS" does drug addiction though as well as alcohol and they can give you the numbers for the places in nanaimo that do detox. Here is Dars phone # and address. They are really great and they can help.

DARS( DRug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Society)
840 Pemberton St
Victoria, BC

Hey, while looking up the # I noticed "surfside" is in the book under the same "Alcohol" heading as DARS!!! If your daughter has a referral from a DR, there is no cost to her for the treatment, the drug and alcohol government branch picks up the tab. She will be assigned a counseller and they will decide on a treatment path for her.

Hope this helps!!

Melissa :-)

(cool to see a fellow Victorian here!!)

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