SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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Twin Lynn 02-01-2006 11:31 AM

Made it From the Other Side!

Agent--and all my other HB friends! I can't believe it--I found you all!!! Thank you so much for suggesting I "google" you, Agent. What a relief to discover a site where the Mods are not doing target practice with the "Ban" button as their "Bullseye"! LOL! :c016: (I could not even begin to express my sadness at the carnage this one Mod. left in his wake! So many supportive--and in-need-of-support--posters, whose lights were "extinguished"-- for NOTHING!!! Arghhh!!!)

Anyway! So good to have found you again. And, though I may not have as much time to post as I'd like--you can bet I'll be reading!!! (And rooting for all of you NC victims!)

No time to really introduce myself right now, other than to say that I'm a former Vic and Oxy "fan"--and a sufferer from chronic depression---now doing very, very well on Subutex (and antidepressants). I see so much of myself in so many of the posts I've read just today!! Wish I had time to answer them all. :-)

My twin sister has just registered here, too--her user name is "Best Friend" you can expect double trouble! (We had the exact same addictions...and are both on Subutex now!)

Perhaps, those of you who remember me from HB can tell me what names they used to be in their "former incarnation"--it's so nice that others found their way, as well.

Agent--you are the best!!!! :-)

Twin Lynn :abcv:

paramedic9742 02-01-2006 01:02 PM

[B]what is subutex?

Lbad 02-01-2006 01:40 PM

Subutex and Suboxone are medications approved for the treatment of opiate dependence. Both medicines contain the active ingredient, buprenorphine hydrochloride, which works to reduce the symptoms of opiate dependence.

jules10 02-01-2006 01:51 PM

Hey Twin

Welcome!!!!!!!I too am a former member of HB (jewel1060) I was banned for no reason ( I questioned a mod about the rules & pouf was banned)

Just a question for you , have you been on subutex awhile? Can you stay on it forever or long term? I forced myself off of it when I went on the nc- because my doctor (in my insurance plan) didnt do maintenance - just detoxing. I also had an oxy habit (among other opiates). Now struggling to come off the nc. Wondering where I will end up :c002: Hope not to relapse .Nice to see you .

Take care - post when you can - I'm glad agent found you - she is the best!!!


BeginAgain 02-01-2006 01:53 PM

Welcome Twin Lynn and glad you found us. I don't know if you remember me -I gave up over there a while back. I only check in to see how my old friend Dale is now. But lots of old posts there from me. This is my new home and I am so happy more and more of the wonderful people from HB are finding us here. This is a recovery oriented supportive and loving environment - and we have much better smileys too !! LOL

Lbad 02-01-2006 02:18 PM

What is HB?

jules10 02-01-2006 02:34 PM

HB - is Healthboards - its another forum with message boards. Very restrictive on what you can say - stay here :)

Lbad 02-01-2006 03:29 PM


daydream 02-01-2006 10:02 PM

I found health boards a few weeks back after hearing someone mention how strict it was. I was appalled at what I found. The rules were so strict that I was too afraid to post but a few times. There were always lots of people banned and sometimes I couldn't even figure out what rule it was they broke. And they clearly did not want us knowing how to contact one another at ALL! Welcome Twin Lynn!

Twin Lynn 02-02-2006 08:04 AM

Thank you all for your welcoming notes....I'm so glad to be here, too. (I'd become so paranoid after a couple of years on HB---where I was banned for such sins as telling another poster she should remove her e-mail, since it was against the rules and I didn't want to see her get banned--(PS- I got banned along with her!!!)--that I was half-expecting to wake up this morning, go onto this board--and find myself kicked out in the cold for mentioning another website!! LOLOL!! :a143:

(Daydream--you didn't do anything wrong over there. Everyone who stuck it out because they had dear friends they'd made, eventually came to understand that the Mod made up new rules whenever he took a dislike to someone. Some of those Stickies were "sickies"!! Arghh! Many's the time I had complete threads deleted, when I called out "oldies" to see how they were doing??!! We lost some very good people, who stopped posting for reasons like your's. So sad.)

Anyway--here's a question on a different topic! I'm curious to know if any of you are on Subutex (or Suboxone?) Knowing the varying opinions on it, I thought I'd write of a rather interesting view (re Sub and depression) my addictionologist/psychiatrist/researcher has on this drug. I'm on obviously, she sees a need for it....even tho we've discussed how we longer-term users are, in a sense, guinea pigs.

This is a down-to-earth, intelligent, compassionate woman, who has obviously had first-hand experience with depression--and how it stops life dead in its tracks. Her thoughts on opiate use and depression are, perhaps, unusual, but definitely thought-provoking!

As soon as I have more time, I will post about my visit to her this past week.

Hope you are all doing well today--all you NC withdrawers and everyone else!

(Beginagain and Jewel--yes! Of course, I remember you!) :wavey:

What happened to Agent? Haven't seen her yet since I registered. She's the one who steered me here. Hope she's okay!!

Lynn :-)

agent alias 02-02-2006 08:17 AM


I am so happy here to see you. I knew you would get my coded words there! Philster2003 emailed me here and we surely need him here as well.

My sentiments for HB is that they are only out to make money now because of all of their advertised links. NOt to mention the "mod squad" LOL (I'm sure you remember that show!!) believes that they are kings of HB and if you pissed them off for any reason- you are BANNED. Uuugghh. I tricked them many times and I've been banned 6 times already. I had various poster names but I reset IP addresses so I can get back on. People need help there and it is such a great disservice to do so to people who need help.

I always wondered about John 3:16 (michelle) and Banker. I always worried about them but they must be on other boards by now.

But anyway- TwinLynn and Best Friend- WELCOME- this board needs you. Wonderful and caring people here. You both will be great assets to this board. Your great posts are great reading material! Lynn- You have a great sense of humor and we've been cyberfriends for a while now.

I can't wait to post more later but gotta run and go to work now.

I'm very happy to see you made it here. :)

philster2003 02-02-2006 09:00 AM

Hello Lynn;

Yes its meeeeee your worst nightmare (just kidding) Glad to see you here from HB.


Time4Change 02-02-2006 09:20 AM

Heya Philster! It's your ole friend Kelly (who is currently owing you an email .... I'll get right on that) :)

Welcome to all the HBers! I used to read over there a couple years ago, but never posted. (I was still battling the "do I have an addiction?" demon back then).

Hi TwinLynn! I'm also on Suboxone (in my 8th month ... and my addictionologist says I'll be on it "indefinitely" as he sees fit .... ) and I also take Welbutrin and Effexor. My life is better than it's been in years! And especially since I've become very active in my NA group (lots of meetings, at least 4 to 6 per week) and actively working the steps with my sponsor, I'd say life's better than it's EVER been! So there IS hope, for those who might be reading this, who aren't sure if they're ready to stop the insanity of their addiction.

This Sober Recovery Forum is also a huge part of my recovery, and I'm so grateful to all the supportive members who so lovingly reach out on a daily basis to share their experience, strength and hope.

~ Kelly ~

Twin Lynn 02-02-2006 11:51 AM

Philster, Kelly, Agent......oh, joy! :-) We're b-a-a-a-a-a-c-k!!!

Your story's rather like mine, Kelly. I've been on Subutex for a year now--along with Prozac (for OCD) and Wellbutrin--and this has been my best year in sooooo many. My doctor, too, says "indefinitely", particularly, because of the lifting of that lifelong depression! I'm going to post a separate thread, maybe this weekend, when I'm not at work, about Sub and my doctor's philosophy towards it. She's done research on addiction and depression--almost always linked, she says.

Agent--You fooled maniac Mod SIX times???!! Wow--what a pro!! LOL!! I don't remember you before "Over." Did I miss an incarnation?? LOL! (I was banned about 3 times...but let back after a week, each time. "Released for good behavior", I guess. :-)

Lynn :-)

shockozulu 02-02-2006 12:53 PM

Welcome Twin Lynn. I am following the NC thread so I'll see you over there.

I'm sorry about the problems all of you have had, but I'm glad that you found SR. Welcome

philster2003 02-02-2006 01:34 PM


Well well well I thought I lost you again and YES you do owe me an email!

This is great we are getting the folks from HB over here, I guess I'm going to have to switch over here permanently. Its to hard to help at two boards that’s for sure. But there are a lot of good folks here with way more good stuff then I, here and that’s a good thing. I need to learn new things and get the support offered here.

Look forward to really jumping in.

And I had just gotten to a 1000 posts over there, back to square one.


BeginAgain 02-02-2006 01:46 PM

Yes Phil you need to bring yourself on over here. Welcome!! :e025:

Please do contribute wherever you feel the need - you have lots of good stuff to say!! You always help me. Thanks for being my pal!

agent alias 02-02-2006 02:25 PM

Dr. Philster-

There is always copy and paste and before you know it here, you'll be on 1001 post here. Posterholic!! LOL. You know how much we all love you Philster ;)

Twinlynn- you're certainly right, Over was one my names. I have others but don't remember the others. Opiate brain fog before. LOL.


Best Friend 02-02-2006 04:35 PM

Hi to all my old friends from the HB....and to all prospective new friends on this great Sober Recovery Board! I'm Alice, Lynn's twin, so anything she says, I say "DITTO!" And vice versa. :e130: LOL! (On the "other" Board, we were 'scolded' for mentioning we were sisters. Scary! :dunno )

We am so glad we found you all - "Thanks, Agent!!" - and we look forward to sharing our experiences, as well as lending an ear (and an shoulder). You all seem like a great group of people!

Time4Change 02-02-2006 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by Twin Lynn
Your story's rather like mine, Kelly. I've been on Subutex for a year now--along with Prozac (for OCD) and Wellbutrin--and this has been my best year in sooooo many. My doctor, too, says "indefinitely", particularly, because of the lifting of that lifelong depression! I'm going to post a separate thread, maybe this weekend, when I'm not at work, about Sub and my doctor's philosophy towards it. She's done research on addiction and depression--almost always linked, she says.

Yep, our stories are very similar, aren't they, Twin Lynn! Hey, maybe I'm the THIRD TWIN, separated at birth, eh?

So far, one of THE BEST articles I've read about Sub is a recent article in USA Today (1/23/06). It's a great read!

Please do start a new thread with your story, Lynn. I'd love to hear about it. Again, glad you're here! You, too, HBers!

~ Kelly ~ {heading off to email Philster .....}

Edited to add: Hey there, Alice! I missed your post. Glad to meetcha! So happy you're here!

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