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riverc 05-20-2005 11:34 AM

any info on implant opiate blocker
Daughter is considering getting an implant (naxoprene) that is an opiate blocker. Looking for anyone with any info or anyone who has tried it. Heroin and oxys are her DOC.

angelgirl 05-20-2005 03:25 PM

Just wanted to say hello. I don't know about the implant, but have heard of some speaking of it, either on this board, or another board on recovery from opiates. Good luck, I'm sure someone here will know something about it. Again, just wanted to say hello, nice to meet you, my name is Becky. I am also addicted to opiates. I am currently on suboxone, also an opiate blocker. I started it a couple weeks ago, has helped me a GREAT deal, menatlly. I am also taking other meds. for anxiety, and depression. I have been having some side effects, but not completely sure which med is causing them, or if the combination is causing the effects. But so far, I feel I am much better off taking the suboxone, eeven if it is what is cauing my problems, because this is the FIRST time in a VERY ong time I can honestly say, I am having NO cravings at all for my pills. My drug of choice is painkillers. I also have no more mental fog, and I am alot less depressed. So, for now I will continue with the suboxone.
Good luck, and if you wish, keep us posted on your daughter, if she gets the implant, it would be great to hear how it is going for her. Thanks, Love, becky

eddie z. 05-20-2005 04:24 PM

Hmmm...strange that I don't know more about this, since I am a healthcare professional and opiate addict. I take naltrexone by mouth every day and it is also an opiate blocker. I can heartily recommend it. And it's probably cheaper than an implant. Now I'm going to go look up this implant thing. Best wishes to you and your daughter!
Love and hugs,

eddie z. 05-20-2005 04:30 PM

I looked it up and it is a naltrexone implant apparently. I personally prefer daily oral meds to implants. That way if you have intolerable side effects, it's easy to just stop taking the med. Make sense?

angelgirl 05-20-2005 06:14 PM

Hey Eddie, I have heard of someone talk of the naltrexone implant, I did think she was talking about naltrexone too, anyway, I believe it was good things they were saying about it, I THINK they had it for a year. But I do feel the same way as far as the implant versus pill form, I would be afraid of some bad reaction, I do realize they can take it out, but I just wonder if it would be worth all that, when a pill can just be discontinued. I don't understand why they would have an implant, unless the reasoning would be not having to take a pill everyday. I think I would weigh the pro's and the con's, and decide which is better for each individual. Of course, this is how I feel, but hey.......
Good luck, and please do let us know how it goes no matter the path your daughter takes. Love, becky

eddie z. 05-21-2005 01:41 PM

I think the reasoning behind the implant is that I can't just decide that I want to use, quit taking my naltrexone, and get high the next day. Does that follow?

riverc 05-21-2005 04:56 PM

hey, thanks for your info. Yes it is naltrexone. Daughter is only 19 and has been through rehabs and detox is not hard for her; it's the craving afterwards that she says she can't conquer. You're right, too, abut the pills vs. the implants. I personally would like to control the usage as you can with pills. But she is rather reckless, may not take the pill and use, or take them compulsively. I don't know. But, would like to hear from you: is it much easier to stay off opiates with the use of a blocker? Also,
how addictive do you feel naltrexone is? Thanks for your help.

shestruggles 05-21-2005 05:26 PM

Hi there:

My experience: I'm currenlty on suboxone, and it's worked quite well for me. I, like your daughter, have no problem detoxing (well, I can/have done it countless times over the last 10 years), but it was the constant cravings that sucked me back in. I feel that suboxone is allowing me some time to learn how live without being high. I have literally no cravings right now, for the first time in 10 years!

A big problem with using pills/dope is that you literally forget how to live and ****** your social and emotional well-being. The opiate blocker might help her put her life back together. I have been working really hard while I am on the sub, changing my daily routines - I eat better, I exercize, I cut out all contact with drinkers/druggers and trying trying to get some new hobbies - reading, cooking and riding my bike - all stuff I have not done in years. I am having a he!! of a time getting back in touch with my brain(?) and am seeing a therapist to help me with that.

So, overall, I think it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I believe it is a real option for those who continualy detox, but then go back. The best way I can describe it is that it 'buys you some time' to prepare for and adjust to a drug free life. Also, you can't abuse the pills to get high, you just get sick.

As for how 'addictive' it is - that seems to vary. It is a type of opiate, so there will be wd's when I come off it, but it won't be the same. You're not going from 'high' to rock bottom. My hope is that I will have built up enough strength and love for living 'not high' that I will have more of a chance when I'm on my own.

All of the best to you and your family. Please keep us posted.

Much Love: SS

angelgirl 05-21-2005 07:56 PM

Hey SS- hope your day is well.
Hi Eddie, I get it now, I was not thinking along those lines, funny, while I was using, I would have figured that out quickly. Very grateful for my healthier mind. Have a great day. Luv, becky

eddie z. 05-21-2005 08:06 PM

I think it's definitely easier to stay clean with the naltrexone on board. And it's NOT addictive at all, unlike the Suboxone. The implant sounds like a good option to me for someone who tends to be impulsive. Personally, I am subject to random drug screens and they test to make sure I'm taking my naltrexone, so I don't miss a dose! Let us know what happens, OK?

Hey, Becky!

Love and hugs, all,

bluskies 05-25-2005 09:53 PM

Hi RiverC
My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I had a friend who had the implants put in...they worked great for him. He had it done at the Coleman Institute in Richmond, VA. I found the website for you, I hope this link works. If it doesn't just do a search and you should find it.

Best of luck

eddie z. 05-26-2005 01:09 AM

Hey, bluskies! Where are you in NC? I'm in Winston-Salem.
Love and hugs,
Eddie :slaphappy

ashley80 05-26-2005 07:39 AM

I have never taken naltrexone or had an implant. I have heard, though, that the implant is for MOTIVATED addicts. There is a risk of overdose if an addict tries to use enough to override the block. I've read stories about this, but have no first hand knowledge. But I did want to raise this issue. I think it's important to get all the facts and that your daughter is aware of the consequences of using on top of naltrexone.

I wish the best for you and your daughter!

eddie z. 05-26-2005 08:08 AM

Good point, ash! But it is so weird you brought that up this morning because I had a drug dream last night that I was injured and telling the people in the ER that they would have to give me enough _____ to override the naltrexone! Bizarre, huh? I hate drug dreams, man. :yuck:

Love and hugs,
Eddie :slaphappy

ashley80 05-26-2005 08:13 AM

Wow, me too, Eddie. And that IS weird. I thought about posting something a few days ago when I first saw the post, but decided not to, since I don't really know what I'm talking about....(as usual!!!). But for some reason today, I just felt the need to say it.

Hope you recover from the dream soon. I hate how they haunt you all day.....haven't had one in while, thank God.

eddie z. 05-26-2005 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by ashley80
Hope you recover from the dream soon. I hate how they haunt you all day....

Thanks, ashley! I'm already over it. SR took my mind off it. Yea, SR! But I was up mighty early this morning because of it. I got up and ate a PB & J. Hey, better than doing what I was dreaming about! Have a great day, ash! Whoa, I need to answer your PM, don't I? Have to go walk right now, though.

Love and hugs,
Eddie :slaphappy

virgovixen 05-26-2005 09:28 AM

Here is a link to the Naltrezone site, Dr. Gooberman is the Dr. who pattoned this. Their is alot of info on this site. My abf doc is heroin and although he has not tried the implant and the oral neltrxone is still in the bottle in the cabinet, he has been to him a few times for the bephernex (sp?) 1 shot a day for 3 days to detox you off of opiates then you must remain clean for 7 days before you can start the naltrexone. Unfortunately my abf hasn't made it 7 days yet. Good luck, hope this helps.

eddie z. 05-26-2005 03:32 PM

Maybe he needs to stay on the Buprenex. It comes in tablets, too. Sometimes it's used for maintenance as well as detox.
Love and hugs,

shestruggles 05-28-2005 09:59 AM

Hi all!

Riverc - any news about your daughter?

Hey, Eddie - just a question - did you get on the naltrexone right after getting clean? I asked my doctor about it yesterday and he mentioned that it can be a follow up to suboxone, which I am on now. If I understand correctly, the sub blocks the cravings (by giving your geedy little brain it's opiate fix) and blocks the effects if you do use. The naltrexone just does the latter. I don't know, mayne I'm just a big wuss, but I am so worried about what will happen when I get off the sub, I was thinking about naltrexone just as some type of insurance so I can't go back to using.

I had a real doozy of a drug dream last night, finding all these oxys and bottles of methadone, I tried some of the pill - but couldn't feel anything, so I gave them away. Still yucky, yucky, yucky feeling coats me all day from the dream....

Anyhow, just curious.

Much Love: SS

shestruggles 05-28-2005 12:44 PM

On second thought, I don't want to hijack riverc's thread with my own worries.

eddie, maybe you could PM me?

Love to you all: SS

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