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fashnblyl8 10-31-2017 12:35 AM

Vivitrol vs. Subutex vs. Suboxone HELP
First of all, I know the differences between all these midications. I also understand the abuse potential of each. Whichever one I choose with the doctor, I plan on taking them as prescribed, even if I have to have my mom give one dose at a time.

What is the pros and cons starting one of these drugs.

Which is better: vivitrol OR one of the subs?

About me: as of today, I am detoxed and clean. Last week, we trialed Suboxone and I became very itchy all over my body. It sure what I am reacting to, but this isn’t my first rodeo with naloxone. When I was using I was narcaned a few times, and never got itchy. So, maybe I’m allergic to the Buprenorphine. I’m going to try subutex this week, and hopefully won’t have the same reaction. If I do react, we are going to do vivitrol.

Let me know what you guys think?

Dee74 10-31-2017 01:59 AM

Hi fashnblyl8 :)

It's really hard for anyone here to answer because by our rules we can't give medical advice.

I can tell you that as far as I know subutex and suboxone both contain buprenorphine, but the suboxone also has naloxone, an opioid antagonist....

so if you are allergic to bupe your choices reduce anyway.

Do you trust your Dr's opinion?


fashnblyl8 11-01-2017 01:05 AM

Hi Dee:
I do trust the opinions of my providers. I started subutex today. With the help of an antihistamine, I am tolerating it well.

My concern with vivitrol is, although some say it helps with cravings, I’ve found a lot more people online saying it doesn’t do anything with cravings. In fact, at the end of the 30 (or so) days after the vivitrol shot, some people report the overwhelming desire to use opiates or go one an alcohol bender. While they can before their next shot, that is.

For me, cravings are what led to my recent relapse. I’m hoping, once I leave rehab, I can control not only my cravings, but mitigate the effects of triggers.

My triggers are School (which I have to return to in order to finish my degree), daily medications that I take (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, GERD, MDD, and GAD), pharmacies (which are everywhere nowadays), and my lower back pain. As you’ve probably deduced, the triggers are errrrwhere/errrrrday!

Aside from medical advice, can you share (if applicable to you) how well vivitrol has worked for you? Also, anything you can offer, in the way of empirical advice, that might help me mitigate the effects of my triggers?


Dee74 11-01-2017 01:30 AM

I'm afraid I have no personal experience with any of the 3, but I hope others will come along and share soon Fashinbly :)


OpioPhobe 11-02-2017 07:27 AM

fashnbly18 - I have limited experience with short-term use of suboxone and methadone for at home detoxes. For that, I found methadone to be much more effective. None of this was under a doctor's supervision.

As for empirical evidence, there are three individuals I know well that got on the vivitrol shot. Two of them stayed clean for somewhere around 1 year, and then relapsed. The third person couldn't stay sober for 30 days and started drinking heavily again. Of those three, one is currently incarcerated, one is using, and one has liver failure. It isn't my personal experience so I don't know exactly where things went wrong with them.

As far as triggers go, I didn't find it very effective to try to identify everything that triggered me to use. There were really two triggers for me (1) I was conscious, and (2) I was not high. I did make some serious changes to reduce the chaos in my life. However, I did so because I am happier and more peaceful without them in my life. I didn't do it to avoid being triggered.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.

axeman5971 11-03-2017 08:39 PM

Some guys with opiate issues in my program are on Vivitrol and call it a miracle. Gotta combine it with treatment, but I am a believer.

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