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finaltime 01-26-2017 06:33 PM

HEY HEY I am here. I will be around this weekend and PM me your number and I will call you. I will be there for you. Will send you a PM now.

teatreeoil007 01-26-2017 06:47 PM

Generally speaking the length and severity of withdrawals will depend on "how much-how long" principle in that: The longer you have used and the more you have used will affect how severe and how long your withdrawals will be....But it can feel like a crap-shoot sometimes and catch you unawares....cravings can rear their ugly head too at times.....even after you have been clean a while....and also catch you unawares...that's why it is so important to have a plan....

How's it going? You can do this. You will feel so much better, you really will........

godsdrummer209 01-26-2017 06:50 PM

I'm at 56 hours clean no diaria no restlessnlegs just Lowe back pain dilated pupils and just sneezed twice right now idk if thenworst is coming tomorrow or if yesterday being super restless not being able to sit in one spot at 36 hour mark was the worst of it

Not worried either way I'm doing this but I hope yesterday was the worst

teatreeoil007 01-26-2017 06:51 PM

Time Of Year
It's getting to be the time of year around here in which we transition from winter to late winter and then SPRING. I find this to be a precarious time of year as far the the 'blahs' go. But, if I can prepare my self a bit and have a plan I find it better when cravings hit. Ok: my "plan" for the night is to take a jacuzzi. I need to use it more. It's there. Why am I not using it more? Maybe I'm just being lazy. The hub is real good about using it. I need to follow his example in this case. Ok. Here I go......
The other part of my plan is to start reading the latest James Rollins' book I bought today. "War Hawk".
[takes my mind off of my personal worries] TY Mr. Rollins.

godsdrummer209 01-26-2017 09:01 PM

57 hour mark exhausted and feeling restless but not as bad as last night I'm out with my brother and my girlfriend right now at a hookah lounge they are supporting me through this right now and I'm probably exhausted from lack of sleep and all the activities I did today... it's not gonna stop tomorrow I'm going to work 3-8 which isn't bad atleast it'll keep me busy for five hours so I'm still going strong don't intend to go back out I've devoted too much time and pain to restart ... prayers are always welcome for me guys thanks

teatreeoil007 01-26-2017 09:07 PM

way to go drummer!! keep it up...we feel ya....


godsdrummer209 01-27-2017 02:27 AM

63 hours in and 26 minutes most of symptoms are gone but back ache mild pain and lack of sleep i slept from 12 am to 130 am and woke now i cant go to sleep so maybe a hot bath and i try again im still fighting this fight and im definetly not giving up

sugarangel 01-27-2017 01:07 PM

Hey Peeps....

How are you doing, GD?? You feeling any better?? Sounds like things are coming around for you, and I am so glad!! Sleep is going to come back soon, too. Especially if you are working. And, you working while going through what you are is amazing, and I have mad respect for that!! I have mad respect for you coming this far. You are doing so well!! Keep at it, my friend, and know that we are here for you. 100%!!

Thank you, Tea, for all your little posts of encouraging words. Thank you for being there for both GD and I. It means so much!!

Hey final...I got your PM. You should have my number from the last time I called you, but I will PM you. Love ya, girlie!!

So, I told you all my bro was coming home from Mexico on Wed. night. Well, he called me this morning , and we had a really good talk. I was very, very surprised by this, but so pleased!! AND...check this out, guys.....My bro said he would go to some NA meetings with me. I am just so shocked. But, in a good way. I just can't believe it. he is an ex meth addict, and when he got out of jail, he had to do all this court ordered stuff, so he knows where to find good meetings and what not, so he said he will help me. he said because he hates me being on pills, but he loves me very much, and wants a relationship with me. Oh man, guys!! That just made my day. But we will see what happens. I don't want to get my hopes up, because every time I do, things never work out. But, I am really praying this works out, because I love my brother so much, and I want him and his family to be a part of my life. Or me a part of theirs. You know what I mean!!
Anyway, that's the good news. Bad news is I am in wds. And it sucks. Bad. The Xanax and the mj help a little, but not much. My tummy is still so nauseated, and everything hurts. But, I'm going to try not to whine too much. It is what it is until it's not, and there isn't a thing I can do about it except not use, get to a damn meeting, and try to have as positive of an attitude as I can. That is what I am trying to do. That is all I can do. And come here every day. That's the part I like the best!!

Ok. Going to try and go for a small walk. I am going to try and move as much as I can through this wd. I think it will help. I just can't stand the idea of laying around crying over pills I can't have. That's just wasted time. No point to that at all. I need to move. It feels like my skin is crawling. Ugh, I hate that!!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!! I will check back in later. Will probably be here a lot this weekend. What's everyone doing this weekend?? Any cool plans??
Much love and many hugs to you all.

godsdrummer209 01-27-2017 05:10 PM

78 hours at work right now tense back is my only withdrawal symptom just back pain I can't wait for this to end but I'm not quitting also exhausted but I keep pushing doing activities ... hopefully this was the peak day I'm crossing my fingers I feel better n even get some sleep tonight

sugarangel 01-27-2017 05:28 PM

I hope so,GD!! Glad to hear from you, and awesome you are doing better. And, just think, ev ery day will be even better. It may be slower than we'd like, but we will still get there. As long as we don't use. Good job!!

I feel terrible. Trying to sound upbeat here, but I just feel rotten. But, I won't whine. Going to snugglewith my puppy and watch tv. Try to eat some rice, if I can. Find a good horror movie or something.
Will check in later.
Love you guys.

sugarangel 01-28-2017 01:11 PM

Hey guys...

Am here. Feel really sick. Slept a little, but woke up all sweaty and craving. Head hurts bad. Stomach hurts bad. So depressed I can't even tell you. It feels like I lost my best friend. I know that sounds stupid, but that's how I feel. I lost my armor. My safe place. Feel lonely and want to crawl out of my skin. God, the cravings are insane. I want to climb the walls. Or rip my house apart looking for a pill. There's just no escaping it.

On a positive note, my bro called me twice again since yesterday. I appreciate that so much. It makes me want to cry. In a good way!! He is being so sweet. It's awesome, but weird, and I am afraid it will go away. Just like everything else good that I hope for.

Ok. Going to stop now. I am getting maudlin, or whatever, and no one wants to read about that.
I'm trying. Really hard.
Love you guys.

finaltime 01-28-2017 04:18 PM

call the NA hotline and ask to talk to someone. listen to a meeting. call me. I am free. listen to some music. take a bath. the time will pass. I would often think about how the drugs are coming out of my body.... I have to let them.

watch idiot abroad, love that show. Hanging out the rest of the night, not going anywhere. if you want to message or just need to keep writing on here.

godsdrummer209 01-28-2017 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by sugarangel (Post 6310924)
Hey guys...

Am here. Feel really sick. Slept a little, but woke up all sweaty and craving. Head hurts bad. Stomach hurts bad. So depressed I can't even tell you. It feels like I lost my best friend. I know that sounds stupid, but that's how I feel. I lost my armor. My safe place. Feel lonely and want to crawl out of my skin. God, the cravings are insane. I want to climb the walls. Or rip my house apart looking for a pill. There's just no escaping it.

On a positive note, my bro called me twice again since yesterday. I appreciate that so much. It makes me want to cry. In a good way!! He is being so sweet. It's awesome, but weird, and I am afraid it will go away. Just like everything else good that I hope for.

Ok. Going to stop now. I am getting maudlin, or whatever, and no one wants to read about that.
I'm trying. Really hard.
Love you guys.

Hey don't give up I am going through it too... I know how your feeling hit what helped me is telling myself that every second that passes your that much closer to the prize ... you won't feel this way I promise

finaltime 01-28-2017 07:44 PM

sugar how you doing? Check in. thinking about you

sugarangel 01-29-2017 01:38 AM

Thanks guys for being here.

Can't sleep. Can't think. I am all weirded out. Sweating like crazy. Tummy hurts. Head hurts. Cramps. You get the picture. Not going to whine, but I do want to cry. This is so hard. But I'm not giving up. I meant what I said.
Last time.
Love you guys.

finaltime 01-29-2017 04:29 AM

Morning Sugar. I know those sleepless nights way too well when we are coming off the drugs. tossing and turning and sweating and up pooping, I know it all so well. Honey, love bug, this will get better. I know it will. I could write in here a million words of advice but you know the drill. It comes down to you. PUSH PUSH PUSH count minutes, get up and walk, hot baths, the positive is you don't have to get up and go to work or take care of a kid.

Just made coffee. Going to listen to a meeting. love you

godsdrummer209 01-29-2017 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by sugarangel (Post 6311596)
Thanks guys for being here.

Can't sleep. Can't think. I am all weirded out. Sweating like crazy. Tummy hurts. Head hurts. Cramps. You get the picture. Not going to whine, but I do want to cry. This is so hard. But I'm not giving up. I meant what I said.
Last time.
Love you guys.

hey sugar just another update 117 hours clean just getting ready to start day six of withdrawals only symptom seems a very mild back ache and insomnia .... only slept 3 hours last night compared to the night before that i slept for 6 which i find odd... but it is what it is... second day and 3 rd were definetly the hardest for me but now its just like they are there and im used to them so im grateful for that ... just wanna talk everyone who supported and motivated me through these withdrawals so today is gonna go on and hopeful for a good night sleep tonight ... and to anyone other than sugar reading this wondering should i do this? hell yea you should... throughout my withdrawal i had my eyes set to the price at the end of the tunnel and im almost there just being able to get up in the morning laugh around your family and not have to be empowered by a stupid little pill that does worse than good is just fabulous so if your just starting the process i encourage you to continue to tell yourself that you wont feel this way forever itll pass and just fight the voices in your head... when people told me you can do this i was like the heck i can but look starting day 6 clean and sober , during day one it was one second at a time and now its one day at a time it does get easier sugar just keep telling us how u feel we understand ... i swear to you if u want it bad enough u can have it much love Godsdrummer

finaltime 01-29-2017 10:37 AM

good stuff and you sound hopeful. Keep it up.

sugarangel 01-29-2017 12:20 PM

You are doing so good GD!! I am very proud of you, my friend.

Feel so bad. Cant get out of bed. Even my damn hair hurts. My body aches so bad I want to cry. Scream. But too sick to put the energy in.
I was gonna say something else, but cant remember now. I am so tired. It just feels like it gets harder and harder each time.
Ok. Gotta go. My brain feels like its dead. Theres a big whole up in there that the pills used to fill. Now just feels like a big sad black hole of nothingness.

Well, that was cheerful and upbeat.
Love you guys.

finaltime 01-29-2017 04:21 PM

that's okay sugar you know that this will pass. IT WILL PASS> TRULY. Get it all out. We are here for you. Proud of you. IT's gorgeous our there today, Arizona has the best winters!!!

Sat out by the pool for 3 hours today.

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