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jt22 04-20-2016 10:03 AM

Where is everyone?
Seems like few people post here anymore. Why is the substance-abuse forum so empty? Heroin has been on a scary rise and really, any drugs require serious help, yet it feels overlooked at times. I guess this site is more focused on alcohol though which is an understandably huge problem. I just find it harder for me to check up on here everyday because the community for drug abuse seems to be shrinking. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

AdelineRose 04-20-2016 10:30 AM

Hey, I am fairly new here but I don't notice a shortage of people posting about drugs in the Newcomers to Recovery forum. Maybe people are just posting there instead of in this specific forum? I'm not sure but I am sure that heroin is rampant everywhere and there is no shortage of addicts. Hopefully more people start posting in here, otherwise post in some of the forums that are more populated. A lot of people are alcoholics and drug addicts and post in the other forums.

amy55 04-20-2016 11:15 AM

Hi Jim,

I'm a recovering alcoholic. I never really used drugs, so I can't be of much help for you there. I post in this section because of my cousin. He was a heroin addict for 10 years, then went on the MMP for 22 years or so. He quit the Meth Program from 70 mg to 0 about 18 months ago.

I remember talking to him when he first went cold turkey. He was a mess. He told me that it was like all these emotions that he has been suppressing for years and years were finally all hitting him, and he didn't know if he could deal with them. He did work his way through it. He needed moral support from other people. He needed to talk things out with someone else. He never developed any coping skills. He hit his rock bottom. He had no money, he was selling his possessions just for food, he has no internet, no cable, and lives in the sticks, he had no bank account, no credit card, or debit card, no hot water, almost never used his electric.

He made it through all of that and then reached out to me.

I do think that it would be a good idea to join NA if near you or even AA. This forum is also excellent for moral support.

So, even though I don't know anything about withdrawal from heroin, I can be here for you for moral support.


Magichappens 04-20-2016 11:49 AM

Hey JT,
Sorry you are not getting a lot of activity. You are right. Heroin is killing people. I had a friend that was in recovery. He started using after a few sober years, and that $#1t killed him. He was one of the sweetest people I knew. It is so hard to get away from. It breaks my heart. I know there are a lot of people whose lives have been ruined by substance abuse. Not just the addicts, but the families.

Stay strong. Even if you are here for just one addict to reach out to, you are a hero in my book! I will come by and see ya if it helps. :You_Rock_ Magic

Soberwolf 04-20-2016 11:54 AM

Hey JT

teatreeoil007 04-20-2016 12:56 PM

Hi jt. Good to see your post. I've noticed a drop off in activity on this forum too. I think maybe because it's spring time in a lot of places? I've been reading and posting more in the F&F forum lately...myself being a life-long co-dependent...grew up in co-dependency...parents were dead set against "drugs", but my dad was quite a drinker and my mom quite the co-dep. In my mind alcohol IS very much a drug; however legalized!! And, alcohol can be just as damaging, harmful, addictive, unhealthy and devastating as any other substance. It just happens to be legal in most regions and more socially acceptable.

So, how are you holding up; how is your family? Take care and feel free to share! Some of us are still "here", friend!

AnvilheadII 04-20-2016 03:13 PM

i think also perhaps it is somewhat more "difficult" for active heroin users to reach out - meaning the drug doesn't really have a "time out" period - whereas many alcoholics sober up in between bouts and maybe get more of a chance to reach out for real help????? i know we see a LOT of girlfriends and wives of H addicts down in the F&F section.

finaltime 04-20-2016 03:23 PM

We are here!!!!!!!!! The most important thing is you focus on you. How are you? What is new with you? I have been following you and your story. I think you are great. I am 3 months off opiates as of tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can finally sleep. My headaches have lessened. I can poop. I laugh. I sneeze. I go to meetings. I am on step 4. I am working it. I even worked out last night!!! Life is getting better. Day by day.

If we keep posting, others will come. Share our experience, strength and hope.

In the 4 or so years i have been here this is how it works. People come and go. I even changed my thread name after a while due to fear of people finding out who I was. My story is very odd, so if someone near me read it they would know since I live in another country.

The rooms are the same. People come and go. We are addicts. That is how we work.

Hang in there. You matter. :You_Rock_

jt22 04-20-2016 08:37 PM

Hey guys it's nice to hear from you all. I didn't mean to complain that i'm not getting the help i need. I just meant this seems like a small forum that's only getting smaller, which suprises me with how serious of a problem substance abuse is.

Anyway I was almost a month clean and i took a few pills all because my elbows have chronic pain and get in the way and i hate missing workouts. The pills make it disappear completely... It sucks because everything is just better when i take opiates, i think clearly, work efficiently, have amazing workouts, stick to my diet, enjoy everything, and just generally enthusiastic. It's so hard to give up something that just seems to make me better at everything(i know it's just fooling me into trouble). I'm getting help in therapy and trying to figure out a major for school. I'm not doing terrible, but my sobriety has been shaky. My diet has been amazing, i've been productive, i get to sleep around the same time everynight, i'm runnig 5~ miles a day and lifting weights 2-4x a week, plus training in mixed martial arts. I've even got some good sober friends that care about me and met a girl, but i still find a way to get bored and cave in to drugs. I don't understand what else i can add to my plan. I've been doing the urge surfing Dee recommended and i try to relax and meditate, read a lot, etc. it helps, but still can't seem to be 100%, it's pretty frustrating.

Dee74 04-20-2016 08:44 PM

It does seem to be growing ever smaller down here. Not sure why tho.


Magichappens 04-21-2016 06:25 AM

Hang in there JT. Helping other people deal with addiction will help you too.

Cista 04-21-2016 06:50 AM

Hi JT I relapsed a few times over the years. Looking back I was saying the same things about pills 'they give me so much energy' but it wasn't until I realised I was addicted to them and how they were screwing up my life like staying awake til the early hours of the morning still buzzing and feel strung out, slightly psycho and making bad choices from lack of sleep the next day. Also not feeling true emotions just edited toned down version of them. I'm close to three weeks clean and its early days and some days are crap but I want to truly feel what life throws at me so I can prove Im stronger than my addicted brain and one day get my life back on track. I hope you get your life back too.

Lily1918 04-30-2016 01:14 AM

I am here. Lurking... And spending time in the friends and family forums. I'm not good at helping newcomers through withdrawals, and Im impatient with people who post but are not yet ready, so I st on my hands a lot because I still need to work on myself.

There have been lots f "war stories" lately and I don't care for them

skywalker91 04-30-2016 05:15 PM

What's up? I agree this forum is definitely not as active as the others but I am glad it is here! I think since alcoholism is now being recognized as an umbrella term for all types of substances (which is great) people are in different forums. Btw, I am a recovering Crystal Meth Addict using AA/some rational recovery(AVRT)/Therapy

I am glad you are thinking about a major, met a girl, and are doing therapy. However, I do want to warn you from experience that jumping into a relationship of any sort right now might not be the best idea with just near a month off of the drugs. Not sure if you're still using since you mentioned when you get bored you still find a way to cave into the drugs...Depending on where you live maybe an impatient facility just to get you through the early days might be a good idea..and then after do a few months at a sober living...One at a time but you need the 100% willingness first. Finding your major and all that is great just remember sobriety always comes first because eventually drugs/alcohol take away what you've been working towards so better to make sure you get that taken of. I did a sober living out in LA one was amazing and gave me so many tools and another was terrible. Feel free to PM me if you are looking for a sober living in that area. :danse1b:

Originally Posted by jt22 (Post 5915647)
Hey guys it's nice to hear from you all. I didn't mean to complain that i'm not getting the help i need. I just meant this seems like a small forum that's only getting smaller, which suprises me with how serious of a problem substance abuse is.

Anyway I was almost a month clean and i took a few pills all because my elbows have chronic pain and get in the way and i hate missing workouts. The pills make it disappear completely... It sucks because everything is just better when i take opiates, i think clearly, work efficiently, have amazing workouts, stick to my diet, enjoy everything, and just generally enthusiastic. It's so hard to give up something that just seems to make me better at everything(i know it's just fooling me into trouble). I'm getting help in therapy and trying to figure out a major for school. I'm not doing terrible, but my sobriety has been shaky. My diet has been amazing, i've been productive, i get to sleep around the same time everynight, i'm runnig 5~ miles a day and lifting weights 2-4x a week, plus training in mixed martial arts. I've even got some good sober friends that care about me and met a girl, but i still find a way to get bored and cave in to drugs. I don't understand what else i can add to my plan. I've been doing the urge surfing Dee recommended and i try to relax and meditate, read a lot, etc. it helps, but still can't seem to be 100%, it's pretty frustrating.

Magichappens 05-03-2016 06:46 PM

Hey JT and all you peeps on the substance abuse forum. How's it going? I know that it is really hard to get off and stay off pills, since there are some legit reasons for them. Then it is hard to tell where need ends and abuse starts. I support everyone who is fighting that battle. Stay strong, get support. Love you guys! Magic

RedManc7 05-03-2016 07:07 PM

Think it will just ebb and flow - idiots like me get out of the habit of checking in.
This forum the best and most clued up and supportive in my opinion. Some of the folk on the booze one (I know it a lot bigger numbers wise) seem confrontational and bitter about the advice they get.
Hopefully we'll get more folk contributing.

jt22 05-10-2016 10:24 AM

Hey guy's just getting back to you all. Thanks for replying. I'm not bad, but i just can't seem to totally commit. I know what i have to do, just can't seem to put It all together. I'm not physically addicted to anything and haven't been for a couple months, but i still am stuck dabbling every few days. For some reason opiates seem to help my exercise-induced asthma and they make my chronic pain go away when i work out so it's very tempting. When i take a pill i am immediately able to breathe with no problems. I know i should see a doctor about this.

Also i know some of you mentioned being careful with relationships. This girl i met wants to date me, i've been kind of straying from the subject though. Any advice for me here? I think i'd like having someone, it's a big change for me, i'm used to flying solo lol. I don't want my problems to hurt her or me though.

Dee74 05-10-2016 04:55 PM

I think your recovery should be your priority, to be honest, jt?.


Soberwolf 05-12-2016 12:33 PM

Backing up D's post bud nothing before recovery

sorrysoul 05-18-2016 05:38 PM

I am a heroin addict .. :( mostly lurk... because mine is the same old story...!Need to quit but keep failing, I've literally lost everything and it's still not enough for me apparently. Don't know what to do to make it easier, craving it is the bad part I can't handle.

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