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happycampers 04-18-2014 12:48 PM

Day 9 - wow, time flys ! Excellent job, Doc !

wackybunny 04-18-2014 02:12 PM

#9 #9

Doctorwho737 04-18-2014 02:58 PM

Thanks guys!

Bunny are you repeating me or did you know I was referencing The Beatles revolution #9?

Mountainmanbob 04-18-2014 03:09 PM

yet another study just released
pot causes brain damage
something to think about

News for fox news pot brain damage


Casual marijuana use linked with brain abnormalities, study ...

Fox News ‎- by Loren Grush ‎- 3 days ago

"The interaction of marijuana with brain development could be a significant ... University Feinberg School of Medicine, told

Doctorwho737 04-18-2014 07:33 PM

Yeah actually I saw that on FB and argued with a few ppl who think pot is "safe as mother's milk".

I don't as said care if people do it if they can handle it, but I hate when they are blind to the fact that not everyone is like that and it is a drug, no matter the politics!

happycampers 04-19-2014 06:30 AM

I think it's horrible for young people who's brain is still developing ! It's the only thing I worry about with pot becoming legal.

Doctorwho737 04-19-2014 04:49 PM

On that point I will agree and considering I started right before my 15th birthday I admit I did give it some thought.

To make matters worse lots of pot related crime and OD's have been in the news out of Colorado, partially because people are using edibles and taking more then they were instructed to.

Even if the trend continues with THC being made legal LOTS of work is still needed in the frame work/legality.

Ironically it is almost the reverse of prohibition. During prohibition People got sick or died from bathtub or homemade concoctions. Here we have people getting hurt by it being legal.

Mrsbee 04-19-2014 05:02 PM

Have to chime in husband and I go to family group sessions at the place he did his IOP and recently the topic was drugs/alcohol and the brain. They showed brain scans of a normal brain, an alcohol-impaired brain (I believe she said 0.10 blood alcohol level), a marijuana-impaired brain, and a brain scan from an Alzheimer's patient. The alcohol, marijuana, and Alzheimer's brain scans all looked almost identical in terms of the areas where connections weren't being made. If I ever thought that pot was safer or better than booze (and I definitely did), well this left me gobsmacked. My cravings for alcohol and weed get diminished every day, but now if I happen to get them, I think about those pictures and quickly change my mind. As they explained at that particular session, the damage can be reversed when one gets sober, but seeing the biological effects of my DOC was literally disgusting. I then googled around and found a bunch of new studies that suggested the same, so anyone who defends weed by saying it's not bad for you since it's "just a plant" my opinion, those are the people that just want to make excuses for it so they can keep getting stoned.

Doctorwho737 04-19-2014 05:45 PM

Oh, it is indeed a plant, which is also a drug...

Don't get me wrong I am not an apologist at all for this situation, I feel that THC is dangerous in and of itself, I am living proof of that as I said before...

I am glad it reverses though...hopefully that includes me too.

wackybunny 04-20-2014 12:16 AM

Originally Posted by Doctorwho737 (Post 4599821)
Thanks guys!

Bunny are you repeating me or did you know I was referencing The Beatles revolution #9?

I recognized the reference immediately. In return I say, surely day 42 is when it should all become clear, right?

Doctorwho737 04-20-2014 03:25 PM

The secret of life, the universe and everything?

Days in now, don't even know how may 11...13?

But today would have been a big temptation day, but won't use...did however just go off on my father because of the holiday...his ignorance took away my family and now he goes around with these friends of his upstairs like he is some saint...ha!

I did not mean to be mean and before today I was doing great and expect it will be back to that tomorrow but honestly having no one on holidays kills sometimes...I just want to be normal like everybody else and share meal with friends or whatever...recently went back to posting on FB but I forgot how much people posting pictures and videos of how much joy and companionship they have in their lives affects me.

This is the only place I have put my frustrations though unlike before, and honestly I am sure not smoking or drinking has something to do with it as well, sucks more with no buffers.

OpioPhobe 04-20-2014 03:33 PM

I really never got the it's "just a plant" logic. So is hemlock so what's the point?

Doctorwho737 04-20-2014 03:40 PM

Oh, there is no point..tobacco is a plant, natural caffeine, cocaine, pot etc etc..all plants and all drugs as well. It is an excuse for an agenda propaganda for the smoking movement.

I apologized for my dad for the men things told him I wished he would have gone to my joint counseling session as we have a lot of ground to clear up.

Mrsbee 04-20-2014 05:45 PM

I don't know if it's me being newly sober or what, but I hate Facebook nowadays, Doctor!

Everyone on there drives me nuts. It's like FB is the dumping ground for everyone's complaints OR the place to post pictures of how f$&@%d up everyone got. I contemplate deleting my account almost daily, but my business page is linked to my personal account so that keeps me hanging on. For now I just try not to log on as much.

Doctorwho737 04-20-2014 10:52 PM

Nothing has bothered me about Facebook in that way yet Bee, and I have seen full blown pictures of buds, pipes and tons of drinks!

I am more bothered by couples posting how happy they are, pictures of holidays like today and similar. Yeah it seems a bit twisted but it is the truth.

I will note that today via Facebook I contacted my Aunt to try and reconnect with local family (which is very scary to me honestly) and also to get some truthful background into my family history as my father's versions are most likely lies.

Yeah I have a few FB pages myself so I can see how that is an could make another account, make yourself another admin of the pages in question (Just be sure to set the setting for your new admin account to full control of the page-they have their own term for the levels of control, forget the exact terms) and then delete the original account.

OpioPhobe 04-21-2014 10:23 AM

Doctor - how is day 12 going?

As far as folks posting pictures showing how happy they are don't forget that everyone has their own problems. I have found that many of those people that present a façade of the perfect life to the world are actually the most unhappy. It is easy to get isolated and not be able to reach out to anyone for help, because the image of the perfect life that they spent so much time cultivating would be ruined.

Why do you think those pictures bother you?

wackybunny 04-21-2014 04:07 PM

Back from Easter trip. All is well, did not get tempted to get stoned. How is it going for you? Almost two weeks?

Doctorwho737 04-21-2014 05:56 PM

I know why they bother me, they bother me because I am alone all the time and have no family to speak of and I get very lonely...part of the reason I used in the first place was to not be bored and not feel lonely.

Holidays are the worst because it is everywhere...TV ads, papers, the net...its like they are laughing in my face.

I know that is not it but it bugs me so much and then I had that family and that went away too..actually last two days battled my dad I am very much in a confront mode.

Did not reach him so...don't think that breach will ever be healed...sad.

wackybunny 04-22-2014 12:07 AM

Sorry to hear you're having a hard time getting through to your dad. I remember once telling someone I didn't feel like I couldn't heal until I had it out with my step dad. They wisely pointed out that he was set in his ways, totally in denial and a bit of a jerk so I'd be waiting a long long time if I was waiting for him to appologise. I'm still angry when I think about him but he lives in another country, not in the same house. I'm sending you best wishes for dealing with that tough situation.

Doctorwho737 04-22-2014 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by wackybunny (Post 4606331)
Sorry to hear you're having a hard time getting through to your dad. I remember once telling someone I didn't feel like I couldn't heal until I had it out with my step dad. They wisely pointed out that he was set in his ways, totally in denial and a bit of a jerk so I'd be waiting a long long time if I was waiting for him to appologise. I'm still angry when I think about him but he lives in another country, not in the same house. I'm sending you best wishes for dealing with that tough situation.

Thanks Bunny, that was a major part of my therapy session today...essentially the question was how long am I going to base my happiness on trying to gain the acceptance of a man who seems to not care about such things.

It is a hard thing for me as it is at the core of my being cause it all happened so young.

I feel you about your step-dad and it is a terrible feeling when you want to have reconciliation and peace and yet can find no purchase...

Time will tell, it always does. :)

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