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pinksage 04-15-2012 03:00 PM

How to Avoid Getting Hooked on Prescription Pills
In the world of modern medicine, popping a pill and receiving instant gratification is one of its most valuable assets. Doctors and their suppliers love it, and so do we -- the consumer.

However, taking anything to an extreme can take something that is suppose to help you, actually kill you. My hardcore drug use was followed by an addiction to the painkiller, Oxycodin (Oxys). While in Seattle, I was working contact at X company -- most of you know where that is-- and decided to not take the health insurance options. The job was so little pay that taking the hit from the insurance, would not allow me to make rent.

I fell hard to a chain of sore throats and swelling which later became strep throat. I began to get strep throat monthly. Because I didn't have insurance, I decided monthly visits to the local emergency care would do the trick. Every month I was prescribed antibiotics and an array of pain killers, mainly Oxycodin.

Little by little, I began to feel sick when the prescription had run out. At the time, I did not understand this. My drug history before this point was only made up of smoking pot in school bathrooms. But, I figured, I AM SICK, so that must be it.

Month after month I took my dose of Oxys or Vicodins, and started to increase the recommended amount. Before I knew it, I started to feel like I NEEDED something in my body, ANYTHING. I had a CVS stock worth of Nyquil ready for when the monthly sickness began. I started to drink shots of it just to feel better. Because I liked the feeling it gave me, a sort of whoozy high, I kept going recreationally, not to mention my monthly supply of Oxycodin was a-coming.

This turned into a nightmare, as withdrawals were worst than the ones I had with Heroine, I would assume because I did Oxys way more frequently. I became a feen and needed a drug in my body. During this time is when I dabbled in to Heroine, a nasty habit of Meth, and Cocaine.

I am not blaming my addiction on prescription medicines, but I am warning those who have an addictive personally like I do, to be weary. I suffer from herniated disks on my lower back and really need the pain killers. If you ask the doctors, you can be given pain killers which are not addictive -- which is what I currently take.

My Tips on how to avoid an addiction with prescription drugs
  • If are having a hardtime emotionally, be careful as you might want to take the medications to heal your pain and your emotional wounds
  • If you know you have an addictive personally or suffer from addiction before -- DO NOT TAKE PAIN KILLERS THAT ARE ADDICTIVE. You can ask your doctor or nurse to give you non-addictive ones. Why do they give out addictive ones in the first place, I do not know.
  • Weight in if you need painkillers at all. Maybe a stronger dose of Tynenol would help, make sure to ask your doctor.
These are all from my experience, and are not made to replace a medical recommendation. I hope this helps anyone that is currently in need of medication and who is not aware of the damage they can cause if not used correctly.

(This is a repost from my blog and wanted to share with you guys as well! <3)

keltie 04-15-2012 03:22 PM

Wish I had known this before I got hooked on Norco. I am a recovered alcoholic and unwittingly became hooked on vicodin/norco without meaning to. Quitting (which I'm in the process of doing) is SO much harder than quitting alcohol for me. Good warning story.

pinksage 04-15-2012 03:40 PM

Yes! Most of use are completely unaware and might have heard stories, but we think, "nahhh, that wont happen to me".

Even after I quit taking "Real" drugs, I had my wisdom teeth pulled out and was giving Vicodin, I took them and didn't think there would be a problem, but I got back into the same cycle, almost instantly.

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