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tmaddict 02-11-2012 06:33 AM

27 days today
I woke up feeling so good this morning, and decided to share my progress in hopes of maybe helping/encouraging others. I am 27 days clean from opiates today!! I won't post my whole history of use, WD, etc because I've already done that, but just share what joy and excitement being clean has brought me!! I know I'm in early recovery, and I will be tested, but thanks to you great people, I feel I can handle the temptations. That might have been the longest run-on sentence in history, sorry. Anyway, I just want people to know there is hope, and you can beat your addiction if you want it bad enough and have the right tools. WD sucked (of course), and the insomnia thing is still kicking my butt from time to time, but I feel soooooo much better than I ever did using. My mind is clear, energy is pretty good (some periods of fatigue), but the most amazing thing is: I CAN LAUGH AGAIN!!!!! I love to laugh, and I never realized that my little pills took that from me. To those who are in early WD, or just trying to get up the nerve to quit, YOU CAN DO IT!!! It's hard, it sucks, it feels like you're dying at times, but when you come out on the other side, it's beautiful!!

bigguyslimm 02-11-2012 06:40 AM

Congrats to you

tmaddict 02-11-2012 06:45 AM

Thank you!! sobriety date 6/15/2011- that's amazing!! You are an inspiration!!

strugglerf 02-11-2012 06:53 AM

I am 28 days clean today, have had ups & downs but I feel your positiveness!! Congratulations and keep going. Here's a funny joke to laugh at that really got me:

The Rev. Billy Graham tellsof a time early in hiscareer when he arrived in a small town to preach a sermon. Wanting to maila letter, he asked a young boy where the post office was.

When the boy told him, Rev. Graham thanked him and said, “If you’ll come to the Baptist church this evening, you can hear me telling everyone how to get to Heaven.”

“I don’t think I’ll be there,” the boy said. “You don’t even know your way to the post office.”

THEN THERE'S THE ONE MY 10YEAR OLD THINKS IS HILARIOUS: Why did the gum cross the road? Cuz it was stuck to the chicken's foot!! HAHAHAHAHA

ryan1983 02-12-2012 02:47 AM

Good to read that it is going to get better, I am finishing day 6, depression, moodiness, and fatigue are what are killing me at this point. It really sucks, everyone tells me that it gets better, last summer I went 35 days of hearing that until I quit believing and relapsed until now. Thanks for the update, gives me a little hope.

IvanKatz 02-12-2012 04:48 AM

Ryan, while everyone is different - you CAN do this! Believe me when I know that being in W/D misery really sucks and its old. Too old!!!!!
I too went though W/D several times only to go back (mostly for the back but some for the meds). I did something different this time though. I decided my back pain wasn't going to get better unless I got some weight off AND got some muscle tone back too. I started the gym last week and it has made a difference. It has made a little dent in my back pain but it has made a big difference in my mood!
Do I like going to the gym? Well.... Not a whole lot but it is nice to get out and move.
THe thing is, I wanted to break the old cycle and the only way to do it was to do it the hard way... By repairing my brain the right way. By forcing it to make feel good chemical through exercise. It's starting to work AND sleep is starting to get a little better.

NewAttitude 02-12-2012 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by ryan1983 (Post 3278640)
Good to read that it is going to get better, I am finishing day 6, depression, moodiness, and fatigue are what are killing me at this point. It really sucks, everyone tells me that it gets better, last summer I went 35 days of hearing that until I quit believing and relapsed until now. Thanks for the update, gives me a little hope.


I needed to hear that today. I'm on day 33 & feel like I'm holding on by a thread. I'm sorry you relapsed, but just by sharing that, you give me the much-needed reminder that if I stay sober, it WILL get better; and more importantly, if I use, it's GUARANTEED to get worse. I mean, if using worked, then why would anyone ever struggle through getting clean?

Hang in there :c011:

Hidingit 02-18-2012 05:46 AM

Thanks tmaddict... and all of you. Im only at day 6 but need to see life will keep getting better ... Ive felt so disconnected from life.. and people for so long.... I want to be able to laugh freely and not have this flat emotional state stay with me ... I feel like Ive missed so much. Want to get back into life and these kinds of supportive posts are what is going to keep me going. Thanks!

tmaddict 02-18-2012 10:38 AM

Hey hidingit!! Way to go on day 6!!! That's a huge accomplishment!! I'm glad my post offered you some encouragement. You ARE going to beat this- keep up the good work!!

finaltime 02-18-2012 02:32 PM

Thank you all for sharing!! I am on day 4 once again.. Thankfully I was only back using a light dosage since January 14 so my withdrawals are not there. Crazy crazy dreams though and can't sleep, hence why it's 6:26am on Sunday here and I am wide awake! My hardest part is thinking and having to swallow and accept all the financial damage I have done to myself over the past year. If I would've quit the first time, I would be 2 years sober TOMOrrow!! Not too mention have about 20 grand more in cash and probably still be sleeping nicely right now instead of posting on sober recovery! Lol. Well I could continue beating myself up or I can forgive myself and accept that if I don't change the road will only get worse. Thank you to everyone that post on here. Makes me sad though how many people deal with pill issues. And majority started from an injury or two. My back is severe, in fact when I sneeze I must stabilize myself. I am going to do what IvanKatz does and try every option other than meds!!

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