SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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Tron 01-09-2012 08:44 PM

Day 1 (adderall)
I am on day one from quitting cold turkey from adderall I am going thru all side effects and withdrawals in the book... I have abused adderall heavily for 5 years now and just looking for some people to share stories and experiences to help push me thru these tough few weeks until I hit complete sobriety

Pandie 01-09-2012 08:50 PM

Welcome to SR Tron! I personally haven't ever used adderall, or any uppers, my DOC is opiates. Just wanted to welcome you and let you know you are not alone. There are many, many great people here!! Congrats on taking your life back :)


Tron 01-09-2012 09:06 PM

Thank you very much.. Withdrawals have made this whole process of signing up and posting a full day adventure ha.... I have stayed closely with adderall besides the teenage experimenting.. How long have you been sober?

JustAYak 01-09-2012 09:59 PM

Hey Tron, glad you're on your way to getting clean! I too was addicted to adderall/ritalin, anything to get me feeling like I was invincible... Withdrawls suck but you'll get through it! Just stick with us here and keep posting!

Tron 01-09-2012 10:06 PM

Thanks Jason. How long did you use ? And how did you overcome it?

JustAYak 01-09-2012 10:29 PM

I used for about 2 years before I decided I wanted to get clean....then I used some more. Then I actually tried, and was clean for a little over two years. Sad to say I had a short relapse in October, but I'm back on track and I just don't want to go backwards anymore. Clean and sober is a good life, I don't want to discard it for anything. It's a lot of stumbling and learning but it's worth it.

Honestly, I don't think addiction is "overcome." I say this because addiction is never cured, I mean you could always pick up again, there is always a chance for relapse. I think that addiction is "treated" and that we can recover.

I used this website, and still use this website for all my recovery needs pretty much. A lot of people don't like "my way" of recovery, but what you'll come to learn on this forum is the saying "take what you like and leave the rest." Many will recommend AA/NA as sources for support and those are great too! Always be looking for support. Every little bit counts. Also keep in mind that there is no "right way" to recover, so do whatever works best for you (as long as it's not using of course!).

Personally, I didn't find that I fit into the NA or AA program, but I found SMART recovery (google it, you might find it useful) to be helpful to me. They provided me with a lot of great tools to help me navigate through cravings and whatever else jumped out at me during early recovery. SMART plus all the people here on SR have really supported me through my journey, and I would not have been able to do it without them!

I don't know how you're fairing, but I know when I went through withdrawals I got really depressed and always helped to know that I could come on here and post a thread to get some people to egg me on and help me push through it. It's a great tool to utilize.

bval 01-09-2012 10:38 PM

Welcome to the site Tron :)

At the end of my 3 year OC bender, many years ago, I was doing any addies/ritalyn/dexies I could get, and when I couldn't find those, I'd get speed off the street. That only went on maybe a year, but it was pretty much at least SOME stimulant usage daily during that time. I switched to subs to deal with the opioid problem, and moved 2.5 hrs away from my connections, and lost all phone numbers. Honestly, I basically only felt stim w/d's for a few days (lucky, maybe? course, the subs probably helped) and they weren't THAT uncomfortable ... at least, not compared to kicking OC ... not even close. You'll probably just feel out of sorts, lethargic/tired, and a bit depressed for between a week and a month would be my guess, depending how much you were doing.

In any case, best of luck to you, and keep coming back to You're in the right place, amongst others in recovery. This is where you need to be ;)

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