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Spica 10-11-2011 01:11 PM

Apologies all, I misread that first thread and mistook the father for the uncle. (Brain still not completely back on line yet)... :)

I have to say that Fuster nailed it on the head - that is great advice.

Good luck to you...let us know how things go.

LostinLaLaland 10-11-2011 01:34 PM

Your all right!
Everyone has given some considerably great advice, and I really appreciate it. The first NA meeting was eye opening indeed and I did to share just a little. Salvation Army is willing to take me as soon as Thursday, however, it is in patient and I don't think I could get my affairs together quick enough for that, but regardless I'm now on my way to my parents to spill all this wonderful news, crying just thinking about it and my mom sounding super worried on the phone because she could tell. But screw it this is just the next and maybe hardest step for me. Thanks again guys for all the wisdom!

Impurrfect 10-11-2011 01:50 PM

YAY for you (((Lost)))!! Let us know how it goes.

Hugs and prayers,


metajolost 10-11-2011 02:13 PM

Good job getting up the nerve to tell your family. I know it was the hardest thing I did but I am so happy that they all know, I think you will feel the same way. Keep us posted. :dance1:

Tryin2Recover 10-11-2011 07:30 PM

I replied to your other post Lost. Hope everything went well, give an update please.

LostinLaLaland 10-12-2011 07:44 AM

Here we go day 4!
Wow day 3 was quite a day, but hopefully that one will be the hardest, but who knows. My parents are so amazing and were so understanding. I told them everything I could think of about my situation currently and even went as far as confessing to a couple things non-drug related. They are behind me all the way as I knew they would be, it's just hard to get it out because of all the guilt and shame associated with the drug use, but you all pretty much know about that I'm sure. My mom say's she can't necessarily trust me at the moment and I told her that's understandable and I would earn her trust going forward and I realize that will take time.

Turns out there's not too many people in my family that haven't dabbled in one thing or another which is almost kinda nice because they are all productive individual's doing well, so it's real obvious that it can be done. Having been through it themselves they won't be as quick to judge, I'm sure they will be a bit surprised because I was always the one who excelled. But hey I gave it a decade and it turns out it wasn't for me, time to get back to being productive! Telling my apartment manager today I'm moving out Saturday (my lease is up after this month so I'm not being a dirtbag there), and I moving back to my old room. There won't be intense pressure to get right back to work but I probably won't take to long to get back, and I will continue to bartend private events as soon as next week.

Physically I am starting to come around, my appetite is returning and I don't feel hardly any anxiety anymore, I'm betting alot of that anxiety was related to telling my parents. Slept over at my parents last night, however, I did not sleep a minute, but still have decent energy. My favorite part about today so far is I'm not constantly thinking about taking a pill or smoking a bowl, I know cravings will probably continue maybe lifetime, but at least they won't be constant.

I never could really think of a job that I could love and not consider a job, but I think I will return to school and grab a pyschology degree (hopefully I will only have to take classes related to that and not to many basic courses as I knocked those out while I was doing the criminal justice thing), ha that's funny huh I was gonna be a cop before, even went through a reserve academy and all. But what I was starting out to say is once I'm clean at least a year, which it will take probably 3 semesters maybe to get a different degree, I'd like to work with people in my situation in some capacity. Then maybe I can look at these last 10 years as not so much of a waste because I will be able to understand the practical side of it all and not just the intelluctal stuff. Anyways this has been a long post so I'll stop, sorry so long. Happy Wednesday everyone I hope you all have a wonderful day!

MelissaNoDrugs 10-12-2011 07:47 AM

I don't see how a parent could not see addict behavior in their child, sooner or later it shows.

I also think concealing addiction only feeds the shame, not that there should be any at all.

LostinLaLaland 10-12-2011 07:59 AM

Takes one to know one
I'm kinda surprised they didn't pick up on it too, especially since they told me a few things they have done in the past. However, throughout I've always been pretty productive, excelled in school, always held down a job, studied for one night (on coke) and grabbed my real estate license, that was a hard test considering I had just done coke all night and then had to sit amongst tons of people, but somehow passed. And well I'm way too good at lying, that existed even before the drug use. But it's out now so no more lies. I'm gonna actually work the steps hard and can't wait to get to the one where you thing of those you wronged and make ammends so I can get more s*** of my chest because it feels pretty good. All honesty going forward, except at the poker table where the bluff is an attribute and a big part of my game.

Here's my profound comment

"Nothing exceeds like excess", can't remember who said it but it's not an original by me.

LostinLaLaland 10-12-2011 06:53 PM

Great Day 4!
Well considering I got zero sleep last night I am starting to feel dramaticlly better. Let's hope this continues because I'm packing and moving all in the next 3 days. It's not an unimaginable task as I pretty much have it down to a science, just whether I'll have the strength. I did some free weights and push ups today and was pretty much on par with pre-withdraw strength surprisingly and I just got back from a walk. I actually feel pretty strong mentally as well very little cravings today as well. I wonder if I'll sleep tonight?????

Anyways I hope everyone had an equally or more positive day than I did myself, and God Bless you all because I've garnered alot of this strentgh from you all, so thank you!

Spica 10-12-2011 06:55 PM

Way to go Lost - sounds like you are doing really well!!

Good luck with the move!

RubyRose 10-12-2011 08:53 PM

A Parent's Love
You are so very, very lucky to have parents who so obviously care for you and love you unconditionally,

Please don't let them down. Don't get too comfortable and forget to work on recovery.

They are helping you so you can get well - don't turn them into enablers.

Embrace their love and support but help yourself get healthy first and foremost. This what they most want for you too, I'm sure.

You sound determined and that's great to hear! Good luck, we're all pulling for you.


LostinLaLaland 10-13-2011 05:56 AM

I am lucky to have such great parents, and am very glad I enlisted their help and got this out in the open as hard as it was to accomplish. I definately will not get to comfortable, and I doubt my mom would allow that to happen, she likes to push which is fine as you said I am determined myself. I'm very strong minded (your thinking ya right then how did you get here), but it's true. I suggested to my parents that they go to an Ala Non meeting on their own and I know that my mom will definately go and possible my pops as well, so they can learn how to set healthy boundaries and expectations and what not, but honestly I got this, I feel great! Except for a little stomach cramping, but that's nothing compared to the first 4 days. Day 5 here we go.

Impurrfect 10-13-2011 10:23 AM

(((Lost))) - so glad that everything is out in the open and you have the support of your parents. The trust will be built back as you work your recovery. It took a while for my dad/stepmom to not worry every time I walked out the door, and even more than 4-1/2 years into recovery, I think they would still worry if I went back to the town I used, but have hooked back up with friends who do NOT do drugs, dad/stepmom met them years ago, and I will eventually get down there to see them. I'll just call home, say "okay, I'm at N&J's" and hopefully, they'll be fine.

Glad you are feeling better, and totally understand the being strong-minded. I call mine stubbornness and hard-headedness, but we put that toward being "successful addicts" (to me, that meant the ability to get dope), and now we can put it toward building our lives back to what they are meant to be.

Hugs and prayers,


LostinLaLaland 10-13-2011 10:34 AM

It is definately gonna take time to build up the trust again, especially with my mom was I didn't hold back any truths and divulged some info that I'm not at all proud of and allowed them to ask some tough questions, which again I didn't hold back on, but we will work towards it together. Shes pretty hurt but still loving and caring.

Your right I go 100 mph on everything and try to be the best, i'm very competitive at times, and ya that meant being the best drug addict. I was nicknamed the machine at one point because I would never stop, I'm looking forward to losing that nickname.

Day 5 is going great though, I've actually accomplished a few things already and will be hitting a meeting in a bit. Have a great day, and thanks for the happy thoughts.

Peace and Love:thanks:thanks

LostinLaLaland 10-14-2011 01:28 PM

Day 7!
Well Day 7 is here and I'm almost back to normal minus the insomnia, although my neighbors wedre partying hard last night pretty hard so maybe it wasn't insomnia. Packed my entire apartment today for the move this weekend.

I wanna thank all of you who have helped with advice and encouragement throughout, I couldn't have done detox without your help. Now it's just swatting away any urges, which I haven't had sense day 3. I think detox was so gnarley that it may have ruined drugs for me and fighting urges won't be so hard. But I will continue to come here to help encourage anyone who needs it regularly.:thanks

LostinLaLaland 10-18-2011 09:46 AM

Hey Everyone!
Hi all! Sorry I haven't been on for a few day's but the weekend was super busy with moving and getting set up back at my parents. Surprisingly everything seems to be going very well, I really do not feel any withdrawl symptoms any longer outside of my hands are still a little shaky, but my appetite has returned and my sleep patterns seem to be returning to normal. I have not done too much streneous exercise (except the move that tuckered me out), but I plan on exercising alot more in the near future. I was fading away detoxing, I started at 174 LBS and dropped to 158, and now I've leveled off at 160.

Feels good to be so clear headed for a change, I read a book yesterday, yes the whole thing lol, "Saving Max" is the title and I highly recommend it, very quick and entertaining read. I don't think the first few day's of detoxing are good for reading but once you've gone thru the worst of the withdrawls it will occupy your mind! I will have to go to the library and check out a book today because I can't buy a book a day.

My parents have been awesome! Weird being back at home after all these years but I think getting them involved was the best thing I could have done, as hard as it was. The trust still isn't there but I think they can see my commitment to this new life. It's been a bit easier as they are not rushing me back to work and if anything urging me to take my time, I so feel for all of you who HAVE to go to work that does make it tougher I'm sure but I'm positive you can do it nonetheless.

My laptop does't get wireless here as of yet but were working on that, so I am relegated to using their computers whenever I can, so I will try to come on here and contribute as much as possible because I know how it helped me, especially in the first few day's.

Stay strong people, lean on each other, and we will all make it

LostinLaLaland 10-20-2011 07:51 AM

Day 13
Woohoo Day 13 is here! Thirteen is my lucky and favorite number so maybe this will be my favorite day of sobriety yet. As far as I can tell my body is near normal after a decade of abuse. I'm sure there are still some adverse affects, but the obvious stuff like loss of appetite, insomnia, anxiety and what not are no longer present. I feel like it's a miracle that those symptoms have dissapered so quickly.

Did some weight lifting yesterday and my strength is ALMOST there but not quite back to normal. So today I will go for a jog and see just how much energy I really have in me. I've always been an avid runner minus the past couple of years, but that was mostly due to a reoccuring injury in my right ankle that started with sports years ago. We shall see I've really only got my sights set on a mile today which should be possible, I hope so.

I hope everyone on here has a great sober day and finds in within themselves to continue down the sober path!

AEIOU 10-21-2011 07:35 AM

It is so great to see you doing so well, Lost - it is a great inspiration to see how positive you are about everything and all of the support that you are giving others! It is the comments like yours, Spica's and Failed Taper's that keep people going.

Congrats on 14 days!

LostinLaLaland 10-25-2011 09:33 PM

Going Good!
Things have been going pretty great after getting through the withdrawls! Not sure how many day's it's been now, no opiates or pot since the 8th. Everything is getting back to normal physically and mentally, and scored a new bartending job yesterday, so I'll be getting back to work.

Thanks to everyone for the the great advice on here and for sharing all your stories. This site combined with some chemical dependency classes and a great family have made this process so much easier.

You all Rock!

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