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northbelle 04-14-2009 09:59 AM

Yeah my neck stuff stems from a 2002 drunk driving accident..the one that got me into recovery..
Driving drunk and high...went off a 150 ft cliff with my then 4 year old son in the car!!! We were trapped in the car for about 10hours...guess I am lucky I am not sitting in jail doing life ....??? Only by the grace of god did ya know....?? So I am pretty sure that is where this all started...good guess anyway...
It really is killing me today too...pinched nerve..yeah I need to get to physical therapy....this really sucks..I wasw SUPPOSED to go but let the appt slide..
love north

change4penny 04-14-2009 01:33 PM


Yeah, I understand God's grace as it has saved me from myself time and time again. I'm truly lucky to be alive after some of the stunts I've pulled.
Feel better!

Impurrfect 04-14-2009 02:34 PM


Did you ever try the neurontin? I can't remember. I hope you get to feeling better and don't go back to the ER..I remember what happened the last time you went there:( I also know how much a pinched nerve hurts.

I'm trying to convince my right lower back, hip and leg THEY don't hurt, right now, and they aren't listening, dammit! This is all muscular and started after the just seems to aggrevate it, sometimes. Not much I can do about it...gotta work! Gonna take some ibuprofen, stay under my electric blankie and take it easy, since I'm off.

Sheez, sounds like we're falling apart!!

BTW, so glad you found a counselor for Chance! Brit is doing pretty good. She's staying home more, hasn't cussed anyone out or smoked weed in her room, so that's all good:) I'm trying to get her to quit smoking with me, but haven't convinced her yet.

Hugs and prayers!


beeba 04-14-2009 05:35 PM

Isn't life unbelievable! I pray for these people and you North, it has to be so hard to see someone trying to better themselves and go through sickness. Hang in there. Lynne

northbelle 04-17-2009 11:03 AM

SO my neck is alot better...It is new for me to realize that the body can heal itself without the use of IV Opiates!!!!
Who knew??
love norty

jane_668 04-17-2009 11:22 AM

North ,I'm glad that you're feeling better. You're doing great.

Amy I hope you're feeling better too.


Lenina 04-17-2009 11:24 AM

So glad you're feeling better, honey.



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