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DavyDave 04-08-2009 06:40 PM

Maine is a terrible place for addicts.
I dunno where you all live but with the two months, when I was trying to get off Vicodin, I found no support but the Internet. I wanted to check into an inpatient detox, but alas none were too be found. "We don't do that here," they said. The only "support" you get here are outpatient detox where the doctor at the ER gives you a "detox cocktail" which makes you sleep for days or opiate replacement therapy like Methadone(this is why there are over 500 people on Methadone in Bangor, Maine alone. Going to the two Meth clinics here. This says something to me) and Suboxone. This is why I went on Suboxone. I felt like I was backed into a corner. I couldn't breathe. I was treated like crap by my doctor at the time accusing me of absurd things. If I could afford a lawyer I'd sue the ******* for falsely accusing me of such things.

I hope that all of you that want off your DoC reading this live if a state not like Maine. It might be one of the most beautiful states in the country(IMO)...but there's nothing here.

I don't know why I'm typing this. Perhaps I'm just reflecting back over the last bunch of months and shaking my head at what went wrong. Painful memories indeed.

If anything I learned my lession never to touch another opiate as long as I live.

I'm just ranting. Heh.

Peace out.


change4penny 04-08-2009 07:19 PM

I hear ya Dave. I'm sorry.
Sounds like you're going through a rough time.
Sometimes you gotta vent, i understand.
As far as "learning my lesson" and "never gonna touch another opiate"...I'm with ya all the way!
Take care,

Penny :Val004:

bval 04-08-2009 08:39 PM

I think being an addict in active addiction pretty much sucks no matter where you are ...

But sorry about all the travails, DD, and I'm glad you're doing well my friend :)

Stagebear 04-09-2009 03:53 AM

Maybe it goes back to the notion that "We Main-uhs are a strong stock." Much of the state is isolative, no? They're pretty big on "don't ask dont' tell"-me your problems.
Reminds me of Wyoming...another state with drug issues but limited resources.

windysan 04-09-2009 04:21 AM

I hate the cold therefore I hate Maine.

vicodaniel 04-09-2009 05:41 AM

Attitudes all over the country aren't very progressive! Doctors prescribe the drug.( I still remember my first 60 count lortab script with three refills) then they look at you like you have three heads when you say you have a problem.Addiction is big money,addicts on methodone and suboxone are steady customers. I think suboxone is a great tool, but a dangerous opiate in its own right, and I found it harder to come off than the hydro's. I went into a tough ass detox center for 3 days and cold turkied the opiates. They gave us enough clonodine and valium to keep us from jumping out the window and thats about it.That was the boost I needed cause if I was home I would have used. Its great that you are not using the opiates, but what is their game plan to get you off the suboxone ?

DavyDave 04-09-2009 06:22 PM

Thanks for the replies everyone. I think some places are worse thing others though. I mean you have Florida, New York, and California that have a lot of options. Then you have a state like mine where there's are few and far between.

All in all...for a country like America which is so "Anti-drug" compared to other countries. You'd think they would try to help people getting off drugs more.

Still so many closet addicts. Still so many people that die needless deaths due to accidently overdosing like my cousin Jason.

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