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ccgirl 09-22-2007 02:32 PM

Three months
OK, all, I need help. I'm about to come up on my three month clean date; I attend many meetings, I have many sober friends from my home group I call;my best friend works for a detox center - it's all good, right?

Why then, at this 90 mark do I start craving (psychogically) opiates? It's no different this time; except for changes in my thinking and my insight. But, I've gotta tell you, I'm jonesing big time. I try to take my mind off it by keeping busy, but those thoughts just creep right back in. I'm so scared after all the hard work I've done, I'll blow it....again. I guess I'm just putting it out there, kind of like therapy, but i could sure use some help!

janied 09-22-2007 03:12 PM


Remember why you quit three months ago. You don't want to go back, right?

Find something to do. Call one of your sober friends.

I understand what you're going through. I'm currently sober (alcohol and benzos) for two weeks but still physically and emotionally weak from detoxing at home. It was the worst I've experienced but not as bad as what many people have been through. I've quit off and on several times over the last five years, but this time it's different. It must be if I want to live.

Please call a friend. Hugs to you!


misslisa 09-22-2007 03:13 PM

a Nurse from the detox centre I attended (many times!) told me to expect 3 months of emotional ups and downs. to the day on the 3 month anniversary I felt a change inside of me. Like I had conquered it or something. It was then that I began to have thoughts of "I can have just one hit right", "I came this far, Im okay now" etc. The thoughts bugged me for days and days (it was at night that was the hardest) I contacted a friend from a meeting and told him all about these sudden cravings and urges. He said "get on your knees and give it all to God". So I did. The change was remarkable!!!

I just want you to know that your not alone with these urges. Everyday can be different. ( I saw a addict on Opera the other day 7 years clean and he had a 'trigger" to use from being on Opera!). You have come so far. Never stop reminding yourself just how far you have come, and even though your getting cravings and urges again. You can over come them!. Call upon your higher power and give it all to Him.

Keep up the good work and keep us posted!!

much love


Sugah 09-22-2007 03:15 PM

Why it's harder around those milestones, I don't know. I experienced something like that right up till about a year.

I've heard some who like to personify the addiction saying, "It's letting you know it's still there and wants you back." I don't know that I hold with that so much as my own inner talk of, "Well, see? You've proven you can do it. Now, why not reward yourself?"

Hang in there, keep doing what you're doing, and just don't use. You'll be okay.

Peace & Love,

Movin On 09-22-2007 05:08 PM

i don't know why it's harder.....i've not made it that far.

for what's it's worth...i believe you can do it. HEY.....what am i saying?????? You ARE doing it! Congradulations!!!

northbelle 09-22-2007 06:20 PM

Ya know it shows us just how freakin serious this disease is..It sreally scarey and it is nothing to play around with huh??
I met with my sponsor today. We sat out in my front yard at a little kid sized picnic table and read through the doctors opinion in the AA book. It really talks alot about the guys should do yourselves a favor and READ that part..Doctors Opinon...
There comes a time we have NO DEFENSE against the first drink or drug...
And you have to have a different a little bigger than us or the disease///
That praying on your knees thing...I have to do it..
I mean I have absolutely nothing to loose and quite possibly the only solution may be spiritual...??? I just can't seem to do this of my own accord..
Keep talking about the cravings ...CC ,,,,you are a inspiration and help to so many here!!! We realy need to hear what you have to say!!
I know I ALWAYS rad ya baby!!!
love north

Alan 09-22-2007 06:57 PM

Hi CC. I was addicted to pain killers for about 2 1/2 years. The last year I was taking hand fulls of xanax bars on top of the 20-25 painkillers I was taking daily. I detoxed in August of 06 and relapsed on hydro in February of 07. I had clean time and felt OK but would obsess about getting high again. One day I ordered a remaining refill of 90 and ate it in about 4 days. Getting high again just reinforced what I already knew, that if I continued to live like that I would be dead very soon.

If you remain sober for long enough, you will wake up one day and realize that cold hard truth that this disease WILL kill you if you let it. Would I like to get high today? Hell yes! Am I going to? Heck no, and that is the difference. We are all different and yet still the same. We all need to find whats going to be right for US to remain sober. What WE have to do for ourselves. Once I understood that for the first time, remaining sober became the most important thing to me. My life actually became much simpler and really put outside things into a very manageable prospective.

Another thing I did to keep sober was remain challenged. I'm doing quite a few things right now as my career, that in a combination may seem very strange to some. I cant do the 9-5 anymore and for good reason. It never challenged me working a normal job for somebody else. I work twice as hard working for myself and it doesn't even seem like work anymore. Good luck, I like the avitar.

sun shine kid 09-22-2007 07:17 PM

CC...To me its like knowing that a big party or holiday is coming!!!
The mind is telling the body to get ready for the reward. (drugs or alcohol)
The only defence for me is a 24 hour repreve from my higher power.
Going to meetings & talking to people gets me out of myself.

I had to change the way I reacted to trigers.
cause if nothing changes--nothing changes.

2ala2 09-23-2007 12:39 AM

Hello CC,
Hang in there buddy. You're doing the right thing by talkiing about it. Always let it out. I freaked out at the 4 months mark. I had a continous bombardment of using thoughts for a whole month or more. Here's what I did and it has worked so far:
I called my sponsor and told him (every single time I got a thought)
I prayed to God .
I went to a meeting and mentioned it.
I always tried to keep busy.
The best thing CC is that we need never walk alone again. Always ask for help like you're doing now.
Hang in there and have a great day!

ccgirl 09-23-2007 04:13 AM

Thanks for your inspirations guys. North, well, I can't say anymore how I feel about you.

ala, and a couple others said to pray to my god. That's one of my sticking points. All the rest, I'm doing. But I can't seem to find God, even as I know him. I wish I could get on my knees and ask him for help, but honestly, the concept is so foreign to me, it scares me. The only higher power I have in my life is making sure my children are safe and happy and my charity work with animals. Those are the things that make me feel whole? Is that a kind of higher power?

See, I grew up with a Catholic mother and a Methodist father, so guess what they did for religion growing up? You guessed it. Neither. Nothing. God is a big empty space in my being. Herein lies my sticking point and what makes is hard for me. I went to some women's step meetings and felt lost. Loved, but lost. And somehow it seems that for this whole thing to work, besides sheer strength of will, the topic of the higher power is always there. I guess I'm just scared and rambling and I DO know that talking is good; I usually isolate and hide what I"m feeling, so this helps.

P.S. Alan, the Avatar is two of my pet charity rescues. The dog stayed, but the kittens go back to the shelter to get adopted. Talk about satisfaction.

Thanks again, all.

cloudy lady 09-23-2007 06:44 AM

While my own beliefs are more traditional, I can tell you about one of America's greatest thinkers--Ralph Waldo Emerson. He believed that God, man and nature are part of the same spirit. (He called it the Oversoul.)

You say that you are connected to people (your children) and to nature (your animals), so if Emerson, who was a very smart and spiritual man, was right in his belief of one spirit which expresses itself through God, man, and nature, then it follows that if you feel a deep connection to your children and to your animals, then you are through them also connected to your higher power.

Jane63 09-23-2007 06:59 AM

ccgirl...Just wanted to say CONGRATS on your 3-months!!:You_Rock_ That is a huge accomplishment and one you should be very proud of!!!!

Those nasty cravings **"stinkin thinkin"} can pop up on us anytime so we have to be ready with tools in hand to stiffle them!
Keep posting, being honest, sharing your thoughts and staying busy! Those all worked {and still are working!} for me.


emmer 09-23-2007 07:18 AM

I think it's the milestone thing too .. I'm coming up (in 1 more month) on my 1 year
tag and I've been told that people who approach this mark and others sometimes use because we as addicts think thst it's better to relaps before we reach a bigger goal, like 3 month, 1 month, 1 year, and so on.

For me and others its stinky thinkin.

lotustea 09-23-2007 09:11 AM

SOmetimes when I get the urge to use I just go somewhere- sometimes I walk my dog sometimes go out to the movies- just some little thing to get you over the hump. Think small -- like the cravings are road bumps to get over rther than getting overwhelmed like you have to cross over this giant mountain with no road over it.

Jane63 09-23-2007 02:36 PM

Good advice lotustea!! Those words are so simple but sooo true!!
I always get great satisfaction from walking my dog and she is so grateful just to walk along and sniff the ground! {LOL!}


ccgirl 09-23-2007 03:26 PM

Hey, all- Well, today was one of those rare, late September days on Cape Cod where one can go to the beach, in a bathing suit it's still so warm and since it's off-season now, the dogs are allowed.

And that's just what me and my girls and my young dog did (the old guy on the avatar is too old) I met a friend and her daughter whom my girls are friends with, she brought her three pugs and we just.....relaxed.

It didn't make this problem I"m having go away, but it gave me a few hours of reprieve and solace. Right now, I'll take what I can get.

You've all been so wonderful talking me through this. It means a lot.

Viki 09-23-2007 07:36 PM

Norhtbelle..are you here? If so empty your pm messages so that i can pm you....Viki

Viki 09-23-2007 07:37 PM


SammyRose82707 09-23-2007 08:12 PM

Congrats on your 3months. I've heard before that three hard times for recovery addicts is 3weeks 3months and 3years.. I know week3 was REALLY hard for me.. so there might be a little truth behind that.. I understand that crazy overwhelming opiate want and how it just comes out of nowhere and (today was 28day) last week I would get it at the strangest times and not understand why... keep your head up and remember why you stopped using in the first place.

Cathy31 09-23-2007 09:09 PM

Congrats on your 3 months that's so awesome, well done! All you're doing is great, keep it up. Iagree with other - this disease is patient and dangerous - it's primary purpose is to DESTROY you - no questions asked.
What helped me when I was in your situation (now at 18 months clean and sober I can honestly say that for today my desire to use and drink has been lifted by the Grace of God)
What helped me...I bought the green and gold step guide and started working the steps! That is an integral part of the programme and a combination of that and meetings and fellowship keeps me clean and happy today. The Promises DO come true, but by working at it it means the will also help you find a God of your understanding. That's how it works! :)
Good luck!
and well done again!

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