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kongwildknots 06-30-2014 06:02 PM

Starting subox treatment - first time help
Hi there,

I just came clean less than a week ago that I am an addict. I have been using for almost 15 mnths now. The last 6 mnths were worse and I am now losing my job and have hit rock bottom.

I have an appt on Weds to possibly start subox, as suggested by an addictions doctor I saw in ER.

Saturday was the last time I used oxy, and I was told I need to be i withdrawal to start subox. I have been taking Ativan to calm the anxiety. Last night I took a few T3's and some Ativan to sleep.

I am scared and I don't know what any of this means. Do I have to be fully clean to start subox? My symptoms are just getting worse. Any advice would help.

I have been vomitting, have the shakes, sweats, headache, paranoia, insomnia, diarrhea... and I know if I use I am just setting my treatment back. Anyone have any suggestions.


br33zyjbaby 06-30-2014 06:09 PM

My number one go to drug was Xanax..are you prescribed adavan for your anxiety? Or just taking them to help with sleep?

br33zyjbaby 06-30-2014 06:11 PM

This detox will be the hardest thing you will go through. But you want this! The first step is admitting. You've succeeded there! And you can succeed to get completely clean and sober. Our bodies have a harsh way of recovering...

kongwildknots 06-30-2014 06:23 PM

Im not prescribed Ativan but I have some .. I was told by the counsellor over the phone to not take anything until Weds..

I feel like my withdrawal is already bad... and will be worse overnight/tomorrow..

With the headache of my work suspension looming over my head.. everything is falling apart...

br33zyjbaby 06-30-2014 06:30 PM

In my experience, being able to admit and want to help yourself is the best thing you can do. People respect that. People will reach out to you. I would make yourself comfortable if you have the energy...a nice comfy area, some ice water, maybe some of your favorite music playing softly...think of all of the reasons these withdrawals will be worth the pain and suffering in the end... Better relationships, a guilt free conscious, a happy and healthy brand new you. Everything happens for a reason. You are a very strong person to have made it to the admitting phase before it was too late. On the medical aspect of what to do, or what to take I cannot help you there. Don't be afraid to ask questions and be sure to tell your doctor and counselor exactly what is going into your body so they are sure of which areas to help you. Don't cave. Believe in yourself and know that it will all be worth it. Detox is temporary. A healthy, happy you will be permanent if you continue to help yourself. :)

kongwildknots 06-30-2014 06:40 PM

Thank You so much! I just feel... like im at the bottom..

OpioPhobe 06-30-2014 09:31 PM

Kong - the last sub doctor I went to told me to wait 24 hours before starting the subs. I have taken them too early (eg 12 hours from last dose), and I went into precipitated withdrawal.

If your last dose was on Saturday then you wouldn't be starting the subs until 4 days in. I would typically start turning the corner by day 4. Have you done your homework on the subs and know what you are getting into? The only reason I tried subs in the first place was because I didn't think I would be able to make it to day 4 going cold turkey. I think you should read up on the threads where people are coming off of the subs to see what others have to say. That is, if you plan on stopping the subs one day.

My point is that if you are looking to the subs as an easy out of withdrawal I think you would be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. If you are going to use them to take time to get your life together and to build a support system then I get it. Either way, I think you should be asking yourself questions like that when making the decision.

What are you planning to do for support going forward?

kongwildknots 06-30-2014 09:43 PM


Thanks for your advice..

I'm in a world of turmoil. I got suspended at work for something I was doing to find my addiction and I had to come clean.. I met with a substance and addictions dr who told me subox treatment would most likely benefit me.. he told me I need to be in moderate to mild withdrawal to start it..
So i took oxy on Saturday, Sunday just Ativan's and a few T3's at night but nothing else. I am feeling major withdrawal symptoms but if I start taking something at full speed I may not be able to start subox on Weds.
I called the clinic today and she said I had to be really 'sick' to start.. I don't even know what that means.. I'm tempted to take something but I also don't want to because I do need help..

And the anxiety of wether or not I will just be terminated or criminally charged looms in my head and is causing me more anxiety and paranoia.. I feel like I am going to explode and I don't have my usual dependencies to lean on... Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

kongwildknots 06-30-2014 09:47 PM


I told my family over the weekend and they are supportive. I am very lucky that way. I will need more support as in, connecting with other addicts so I want to explore group meetings if available..
My first concern is dealing with these pains and aches and jitters and heat flashes and bathroom runs... I can't beleive I ever got here..

What do you suggest for support..

OpioPhobe 06-30-2014 10:42 PM

Kong - this website (SR) is great for support. There are a lot of folks on here that I think you will be able to relate to. You aren't alone that is for sure.

NA meetings are great for face to face support. I only went to a few of them early on, but they were helpful. If it wasn't for SR I would go to meetings because I would really miss this outlet. It is helpful to me to hear from recovering addicts dealing with the same issues I am dealing with.

As far as the work incident goes do you have legal counsel yet? Is there any way that you can make amends with your employer prior to it getting to the courts? Maybe that would ease some of your stress.

Did you talk to a doctor when you called the office? If not, tell them that you need to speak with the doctor. You can ask the doctor for a timeframe for how long you should wait or guidance on what he means by 'really sick'. If they give you flack you can call the addiction specialist (I assume that is a different doctor than the sub doctor), and see if he can call the sub doctor on your behalf to get an answer.

cleaninalabama 07-01-2014 06:13 AM


You are talking about two different kinds of drugs. It is not going to matter whether you are taking benzos as far as when you are able to go on suboxone. Now, it certainly matters that you are taking illegal drugs as far as your sobriety goes, but taking the ativan is not going to prolong how long you have to wait until you take the suboxone. The tylenol 3, on the other hand, might. The general rule of thumb is 24 hours but I have heard people say longer and I have heard people say shorter. The doctor will be able to examine you and decide if you are far enough along to begin suboxone.

Opiophobe makes a really good point. This is something that you should look at very carefully. If you are just wanting help getting through the withdrawals, it's probably not worth it. If you are 4 days in, you are in the homestretch. However, if you have tried cold turkey and cannot stay off the pills then the suboxone might be a good option.

I was an opiate user and tried and tried to get clean. Sometimes I would make it through the withdrawals only to start using again a few days after. Soemtimes I couldn't even make it a day. I was tired of living my life that way and could see the writing on the wall. I met with a psychiatrist and addiction specialist and told them that I had made several unsuccessful attempts at quitting. We decided to try suboxone. It is not hyperbolic to say that it changed my life. I have been able to get my life back on track professionally, romantically and personally. there is not a facet of my life that has not improved tenfold from this time last year.

I say all of that to say it is a hard choice. I think anyone would recommend cold turkey over suboxone if it is something you can succeed with. However, at some point it is ok to try a different route. The suboxone will not be a magic bullet. You will still have to do some serious work to make it happen so be prepared for that.

Good luck

Hereweareagain 07-01-2014 08:07 AM

I just started suboxone on Monday of last week and I still had some opiates in my system. Don't take anything or you will go into precipitated withdrawal. It sounds like you are sick enough to start but my concern is the T3s.

I started sub too soon and I went through the worst day of WD of my life. I have quit cold turkey before. You think you feel bad now? if you take subs with any opiate (even codeine) they will not interact well. Suboxone works by stripping your pain/nerve endings of all opiates. It hurts for the first day and gets better with each passing day. I am on day 8 and I can go out and talk to people, deal with a couple important things per day and eat.

Please don't take anything before you go on Subs. Take it from me, I did it to myself and it was awful.

You can do this, I found many hot baths (to loosen muscles), keeping yourself extra warm, drink water and tea. Be kind to yourself, you are going through a process and it will be worth it, I promise.

Take care:You_Rock_

kongwildknots 07-01-2014 09:08 AM

Thank You.
I woke up today with the worst pains in my body and aches. I am fatigued. My bed is soaked from sweat. And I want to just take something to make it all stop, but I won't. I'm constantly thirsty, I have anxiety about everything from starting treatment to where I will be in a few months. I'm a mess.
I don't feel like quitting cold turkey is enough. I know I will want to use again and that is why I hope suboxone and therapy and support meetings will help.

I've read various things.. is suboxone a daily medication or weekly? Or does it all vary on the person?

Thanks for all your info.. And experience.

kongwildknots 07-01-2014 09:21 AM

Another question.. What if I fully withdraw and have no further withdrawal symptoms, can I still start sub or would they just treat me clinically ( with therapy or stuff?). I'm just confused as to how they decide or don't decide to start subox.

cleaninalabama 07-01-2014 10:57 AM


It is a daily medication. You need to speak with the doctor about the rest. It can be used to ease withdrawals and it can also be used a maintenance medication. That just depends on your goals and your doctor. Just be truthful with the doctor and let him/her know what your goals are and what you are hoping to accomplish

kongwildknots 07-01-2014 11:37 AM

Does anyone know, after my first suboxone dose, what I feel? Will I be high or will I be subdued or hyper anxious or...? I know this varies for anyone but I would love to hear some experiences to know what to expect..

cleaninalabama 07-01-2014 12:16 PM

I felt pretty much back to normal. It took the withdrawals away but I was not high. I was able to sleep that night and go to work the next day just like normal. IT was wonderful.

ViktorVice 07-01-2014 12:22 PM

I've recently moved to Suboxone from a 500mg/day oxy habit. After 34 hours after final oxy dose I was okay once I took suboxone. No W/D symptoms at all, just felt closer to normal.

If you have Ativan (I do not know this drug) but I know it to be similar to Xanax. That will help you to sleep, and ease withdrawal. Benzos are not easy drug to kick habit. Be cautious with benzo use. I mean no lecture, just wish to spare you much pain from benzo withdrawal.

OpioPhobe 07-01-2014 02:37 PM

Kong - the first meeting is typically the 'induction'. My doctor would ask about my symptoms when I walked in and then would give a relatively small dose. After waiting a period of time in his office he would call me in again. If I was still sick he would give another dose. That kept going on throughout the day until I was either stable (bearable / no withdrawal) or the max dose was reached. That was my experience with my first doctor.

The second doctor I went to just wrote a script and it was up to me to take it. In that case I took it too soon (~12 hours) and went into precipitated withdrawal. That is the scenario you want to avoid. When I took it too soon I was honestly not that sick prior to taking the subs. It is tough to sit through withdrawal waiting to get 'sick enough' to take it when it is in your possession though.

Once I got settled on the subs I just felt 'stable'. I wasn't high, but I wasn't sick. I was able to go about my normal business during the day without worrying about the drugs. However, I never took it long-term so that may have changed over time.

I would say that both of my doctors were adamant about not taking benzos with subs. If you keep taking the Ativans right up to the meeting with the doctor that MAY be a problem for them. That is something you would have to ask them about directly. Tolerance drops quickly when you are kicking opis. If you had no tolerance for benzos to begin with, and you take an opi (i.e. suboxone) to relieve withdrawal after your opi tolerance drops it could be a bad scenario. Either way, you absolutely need to tell them honestly about your dosings with the benzos so they can give you guidance about it.

I know you are anxious about the process, but take a deep breath. The only times I had rough experiences on the subs was taking them way, way too early. Once you get switched over things should settle down dramatically, and you will have time to get your life in order.

Hereweareagain 07-02-2014 08:35 AM

Kong- I am so thirsty all the time too! I keep meaning to mention that and forgetting.
I hope you are finding some answers on this forum and elsewhere. Suboxone is taken daily, in my case as in most, and at this point I am picking it up daily due to my bad reaction to meds that landed me in hospital last month.

I also have a RX for Diazepam (benzo) that I have been on for years. They would like me to gradually taper off those, but NOT YET. I have stopped taking a huge amount of methadone, my antidepressant and am only on the diazepam and suboxone.

Yesterday was Canada Day so I knew I would have to kind of suck it up and go out and do something. I made it! I walked around in crowds from noon until 4, went for dinner in a busy place and was home around 7. It was my best day yet and as of today, I have been on suboxone for 9days.
May this bring you hope!! It gets better I promise you.

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