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xSickandtiredx 12-03-2012 01:34 PM

Ready to be free of methadone
Ive been on methadone for the past two years and have been takin around 5 to 10 mg a day.I know that doesnt sound like alot but when i dont take it wow can i tell.I havent takin no less then 5 mg in the past two years and have had a routine of 5 one day then 10 the next.IM DONE...Im 25 years old no job and have a girlfriend thats stood by me and hasnt judged me at all even though ive put the drug ahead of us sometimes.:c020:Im ready for us to be married and start a real life together.

Im SO ready to be done but am scared of the withdrawl and how long it will last.My father had a very hard drug problem (prescription) and ive seen him go through hell comin off opiates.I know my amount prob seems like nothin compared to what some of you have gone through but im still scared of day1 and 2.Thee maybe slim to none after that im not sure but i need some help and advice on what to expect and how to deal with it.Thanks

jazz66 12-05-2012 05:26 PM

Taper as low as you can to 1 mill if poss and get level on that your going to need to look after your self .
When I stop I stop from 50mill witch Isn't advisable
The next time I try I'm going to tapper down to nothing as small a dose as poss
Having done it once seems to make it much less scary
If you drop off at 5 mill you will feel it mate you might even need time of work
I carnt Speke for the rest of tHe people who have come clean from methadone
Just myself but it was pretty uncomfortable for quit a long time not much sleep and not much energy bad angziaty and depression ..
It don't sound good realy does it mate but I'm just being honest .
I found it hard to get honest answers when I came clean witch was realy annoying .

People think being honest will put you of from trying but I personally disagree
I think you need to have some idea so you can plan on what to do .

Because its so time consuming or I should say it taks so bloody long to get something like normal.

But at your young age it will defo not take eny were near as long as it took me .
It takes 2 weeks for a scratch to heal for me at my age .

Eny way good luck mate head down and just do it you need to realy you have your hole life ahead of you .

jazz66 12-05-2012 05:29 PM

I don't come on hear much these days mate because the methadone section is realy quiet but again good luck . Sorry I'm the only one to have replayed mate
There may be others who come along

RI24 12-06-2012 04:02 AM

Hi Sick and Tired.
After 15 yrs on and off methadone, I'm 7 days into self imposed detox, as Jazz said go as low as you can and take it slowly, in my experience worst thing you can do is try to do it too quick and end up using. Its taken 2 weeks to come down to 0mls from 30mls and 7 days to feel anyway normal again, yeah its hard really really bloody hard but not impossible!

jazz66 12-06-2012 12:21 PM

Your right r 124 it is possible I have been on methadone a long time as well not the coming of that's the hard bit although its not nice it's the staying off that got me
Totally clean for 11 months dabbled after that for about 2 years then realised I was better of getting back on the methadone witch I did ..and guess what everything is hunki dory again. For me at the moment it's better staying on methadone . Being dumed down a bit is ok by me

Lyoness 12-07-2012 09:46 PM

RI24 and jazz, have either of you done suboxone or just the methadone route? My doc said since I was on ops for so long (14 years) and have pain issues I may need methadone or subs long term. Was just wondering if you've done both, any comparison to how well they worked for you? How hard to get off of?

jazz66 12-08-2012 11:29 AM

Sorry lyoness never done subs the reason being he thought I would be better of on methadone because of the emotion blocking affect methadone has .
Apparently you feel more emotion on subs more like the real you I've been told .
But I have no ideas if thay have eny pain relief to be onest if methadone does have eny I carnt say I have notest . If I do have eny pain like head ack or ankle pain paresetamal still work .
I wouldn't take ither for pain unles it was forever.
Because thay are both hard to detox from
Good luck though

RI24 12-08-2012 12:08 PM

Hi lyoness,

I've never gone down the sub route, it's just not as accessible where I am, the first thing an MD will do is put you on methadone, 99% of them won't detox until you've been on it a couple of years hence the reason I did it myself, having said that I did get a check up before hand to avoid any mad stuff happening to me. it'll be about my 5th time is 14 years self detoxing so I'm well prepared for it.
Physically do you suffer much coming from oxy to subs? The methadone certainly numbs you up mentally but to be honest I feel like it just delays the inevitable flood of emotion you get when you come off and you still have up to a week of withdrawal (sometimes more i think . on the plus side I had little or no craving for heroin so i could get on with my life to a certain extent , get up, go to work, mind my son etc etc,sorry i couldn't be of more help.

Tlh 12-08-2012 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by Lyoness (Post 3707797)
RI24 and jazz, have either of you done suboxone or just the methadone route? My doc said since I was on ops for so long (14 years) and have pain issues I may need methadone or subs long term. Was just wondering if you've done both, any comparison to how well they worked for you? How hard to get off of?

Hey Lyoness, I seen your post and figured I maybe able to shed some insight on the two, I in fact have done both and believe it or not there are not many comparisons to the drugs, except that they both are addictive. I will tell you this Methadone has a higher addiction rate then Suboxone, so if I were you I would definitely go with the Suboxone but I'm not you, so I won't tell you what to do. I was on Subs last year for about 5-6 months and decided to go Cold Turkey and though it was tough to get through I managed to do it, then I relapsed a couple months later and started using Methadone for 8 months, and BOY am I telling you the withdraw symptoms for Methadone are a bit worse, I'm here telling you the comparisons, no need to sugar coat it right?... Both of them worked great for me though, I just wish I wouldn't have took the Methadone route.

I hope I kind of shed some light on your situation, if you need to ask me anymore question feel free to do so. :c031:

Tlh 12-08-2012 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by RI24 (Post 3704713)
Hi Sick and Tired.
After 15 yrs on and off methadone, I'm 7 days into self imposed detox, as Jazz said go as low as you can and take it slowly, in my experience worst thing you can do is try to do it too quick and end up using. Its taken 2 weeks to come down to 0mls from 30mls and 7 days to feel anyway normal again, yeah its hard really really bloody hard but not impossible!

Hey RI24, I'm on my 4th day, but took a couple endocets because the W/D's were unbearable, you think that will prolong my W/D's?.... anyways how is your 7th day looking?

Tlh 12-08-2012 03:16 PM

BTW RI24 I only took 2 5mg/325 endocets to curve the withdraws which it really didn't help that much, I mean i'm not getting that many bad cold chills or hot flashes but I do have a headache which I have had for the past 4 days!!... I hate this!

Lyoness 12-08-2012 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by jazz66 (Post 3708502)
Sorry lyoness never done subs the reason being he thought I would be better of on methadone because of the emotion blocking affect methadone has .
Apparently you feel more emotion on subs more like the real you I've been told .
But I have no ideas if thay have eny pain relief to be onest if methadone does have eny I carnt say I have notest . If I do have eny pain like head ack or ankle pain paresetamal still work .
I wouldn't take ither for pain unles it was forever.
Because thay are both hard to detox from
Good luck though

Wow! Thanks! That's the first time I've read or heard that with subs emotions are more like the real you. For me, that's not such a great thing! But I feel SO relieved to have my experience validated! My subs doc isn't always a font of information, I sometimes have to really work to get info out of him. That's not great but really all that's available right now. But I really appreciate that piece of info. I feel less insane right now! Thanks!

Lyoness 12-08-2012 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by RI24 (Post 3708531)
Hi lyoness,

I've never gone down the sub route, it's just not as accessible where I am, the first thing an MD will do is put you on methadone, 99% of them won't detox until you've been on it a couple of years hence the reason I did it myself, having said that I did get a check up before hand to avoid any mad stuff happening to me. it'll be about my 5th time is 14 years self detoxing so I'm well prepared for it.
Physically do you suffer much coming from oxy to subs? The methadone certainly numbs you up mentally but to be honest I feel like it just delays the inevitable flood of emotion you get when you come off and you still have up to a week of withdrawal (sometimes more i think . on the plus side I had little or no craving for heroin so i could get on with my life to a certain extent , get up, go to work, mind my son etc etc,sorry i couldn't be of more help.

Thanks! I can't believe you can self detox off methadone! I was too afraid to do that off oxy. I had a huge habit, was injecting, etc., and this is my first real attempt to quit. I figured I needed all the help I could get.

The switch from oxy to subs wasn't too bad. I'd say I felt off, strange, some withdrawals and really sedated from the subs for about a week. But the withdrawals were way easier than when I've run out of oxy. Emotionally I felt a lot of turmoil, cried a lot. And as I've said above, am still feeling emotionally whacked.

My subs doc said if the suboxone doesn't work I may need to go the methadone route. He does a pretty quick program of about 6 mos. total from start to finish. I feel like that's a bit too cookie cutter. I wish he was more flexible to work with me as the individual. Maybe it's no better than the 2 year plan your doc does, but I've been on opiates well over a decade, and it just makes more sense to treat each person individually.

Do you feel the methadone does help you?

Lyoness 12-08-2012 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by Tlh (Post 3708810)
Hey Lyoness, I seen your post and figured I maybe able to shed some insight on the two, I in fact have done both and believe it or not there are not many comparisons to the drugs, except that they both are addictive. I will tell you this Methadone has a higher addiction rate then Suboxone, so if I were you I would definitely go with the Suboxone but I'm not you, so I won't tell you what to do. I was on Subs last year for about 5-6 months and decided to go Cold Turkey and though it was tough to get through I managed to do it, then I relapsed a couple months later and started using Methadone for 8 months, and BOY am I telling you the withdraw symptoms for Methadone are a bit worse, I'm here telling you the comparisons, no need to sugar coat it right?... Both of them worked great for me though, I just wish I wouldn't have took the Methadone route.

I hope I kind of shed some light on your situation, if you need to ask me anymore question feel free to do so. :c031:

Thanks! Partly I've been wondering about methadone because I have physical pain issues, too. I know it's better long term if I can sort them out without any opiates, and I've started to. But I still feel it would be better to be on subs or methadone than crazy addicted to oxy. But I do keep reading that it is HARD to get off methadone.

Which did you feel worked better for you? Did you have any particular reasons for doing subs or methadone when you did?

Tlh 12-09-2012 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by Lyoness (Post 3709168)
Thanks! Partly I've been wondering about methadone because I have physical pain issues, too. I know it's better long term if I can sort them out without any opiates, and I've started to. But I still feel it would be better to be on subs or methadone than crazy addicted to oxy. But I do keep reading that it is HARD to get off methadone.

Which did you feel worked better for you? Did you have any particular reasons for doing subs or methadone when you did?

Hey Lyoness, Hope everything is going well for you, let me know how you are doing.

But to answer your questions, I felt the Methadones work the best but are way more harder to get off. Don't get me wrong the Subs work to but only to a certain extent. I felt the Subs didn't last as long as they should, and the Methadones last for 36 hours after your dose. I did both of them Illegally no prescription, I did the Subs to help with my opiate addiction I had which was Oxy's, Roxis, and well basically any kind of pill I could get my hands on to feel that high. I got on Methadones just because, well just because I had the money to waste at the time and I wan't to get high. I would consider myself a "Junkie" which I'm not proud of, but that's something I got myself into and I got to get myself out of. I hope I was some what of help. :)

If you need to talk and haven't been in the chat rooms you can always find support there, they are all friendly and great to talk to.

Take care and God Bless,

TJ :c031:

xSickandtiredx 12-09-2012 10:45 PM

Thanks you for your reply Jazz.Im bracin myself to finally get off.I've just stopped takin the 10mg every other day and am takin just 5mg.How long should i continue this route before i stop completly?Would two weeks of 5mg a day be low enough and a good starting point to get off?Thanks again for your reply

RI24 12-09-2012 11:57 PM

hi guys,

hope you are all doing ok this morning.
Lyoness regarding methadone detox, its a b*tch....... having said that taking it meant I could organize my life somewhat without waking every morning sick and have to score my DOC (heroin) i had been mainlining bout 3 years before my first methadone detox then started smoking it (convinced myself that this was a better option than mainlining , oh the insanity of addiction....) after about 6 years back using ~(had a very small break whilst pregnant, like 3 months before my son was born) decided enough was enough I had been buying methadone on the street every week so i was really getting sick of having to take something ,anything to feel ok and normal.
12 days in and I'm pretty much over most of it, I'm still very drained but shakes / shivers / runnys etc have stopped thank the lord....
mentally I wouldn't have made it this far without SR and talking to you guys, so big thanks to all posting on these threads (lyoness , S0444, sick& tired and more recently tlh)
I'm the kinda person who can give out great advice but have probs taking it myself , so talking to you guys is kinda like giving myself advice and realizing that I'm not the only person in the world who is going through this. you guys make me feel like I might actually have a shot this time so thanks......

Tlh 12-10-2012 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by RI24 (Post 3711039)
hi guys,

hope you are all doing ok this morning.
Lyoness regarding methadone detox, its a b*tch....... having said that taking it meant I could organize my life somewhat without waking every morning sick and have to score my DOC (heroin) i had been mainlining bout 3 years before my first methadone detox then started smoking it (convinced myself that this was a better option than mainlining , oh the insanity of addiction....) after about 6 years back using ~(had a very small break whilst pregnant, like 3 months before my son was born) decided enough was enough I had been buying methadone on the street every week so i was really getting sick of having to take something ,anything to feel ok and normal.
12 days in and I'm pretty much over most of it, I'm still very drained but shakes / shivers / runnys etc have stopped thank the lord....
mentally I wouldn't have made it this far without SR and talking to you guys, so big thanks to all posting on these threads (lyoness , S0444, sick& tired and more recently tlh)
I'm the kinda person who can give out great advice but have probs taking it myself , so talking to you guys is kinda like giving myself advice and realizing that I'm not the only person in the world who is going through this. you guys make me feel like I might actually have a shot this time so thanks......

Oh you definitely have a shot RI24, everyone does it's just normally a lot of people including myself sometimes doesn't want to take that shot as soon as they should. I'm glad you have made it through to day 12 that's a great step in your recovery. It's hard to just make it through day 1 so a pat on the back for you :) ... Just remember this saying "One hour at a time, One day at a time" ... if you remember that then you should be just fine.

Again I'm glad you're getting through this, not sure if you ever been on the chat but there are A LOT of friendly people on there that shows tons of support and love, so if you haven't been on there and needing to talk go on the chat, and if you ever see me in there shoot me a PM and lets chat :)

Have a wonderful day,

RI24 12-10-2012 12:19 AM

Hi TJ,

cheers for your post, I'm actually feeling pretty good today physically but tomorrow is my first day venturing out into the world without my partners watchful eye, so basically I'm really frightened I'm gonna use , one minute I've decided to and the next I'm defo not, my mantra has been one day at a time so I'm trying not to panic myself bout tomorrow, but it does keep popping into my head, and the addict in me is getting excited!!!!
trying to keep strong but i feel on the edge at the moment and one step will pull me over....
hate posting so negatively but it's how i'm feeling

Tlh 12-10-2012 12:30 AM

Oh RI24 don't hate it, it's how you feel, everyone is here to help one another... I perfectly understand how you're feeling, tomorrow maybe you should write it down on your hand that "you will NOT use", I've done that, or write it in a little book of some sort. Or if you think you are going to use then go back home get on your computer and get on SR :) like I said there is plenty of support here, and we will try and do our best to keep you from not using.

So PLEASE do NOT USE tomorrow. (I know easier said then done) .. But just have a clear and free mind when going out tomorrow, or any day.

God Bless

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