SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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cleaninLI 04-28-2014 11:48 AM

Guys listen to Marcus.....he knows what he's talking about! Ha!

Cold confusion did you use this guide?

I think it's great for entertainment purposes. I hope I didn't offend anybody.

dmclaughlin76 04-01-2020 07:48 PM

Hi everyone....this is Flappyd. Just wanted to let everyone know I have remained sober ever since I originally posted this guide if you were wondering. May God bless you all and give you relief from any struggle you are dealing with. I will all of you luck and the best!

Dee74 04-01-2020 08:16 PM

Congrats - awesome achievement!!

dmclaughlin76 03-15-2021 12:44 AM

Originally Posted by Marcus (Post 4614238)
Wonder how Flappy D is doing. He only posted twice and both posts were exactly the same. Doesn't bode well I would say, but who knows. I am just saying before this is looked at as "THE ULTIMATE GUIDE" we do need to consider the source don't we? Be WELL!!!

Hi everyone! Its been a very long time since ive been on here but just wanted to let everyone know im doing great and clean/sober to this day. I hope by sharing my experience that it has helped a few people who have read it. God Bless everyone on here and may He guide you during your recovery!

Dee74 03-15-2021 01:35 AM

I'm so glad to read your update, D - awesome! :)


GOAL1722 03-16-2021 07:22 AM

Thanks for sharing this thread it’s very helpful. I’ve been taking suboxone for about 9 years and have tried to taper a few times with little success. I’ll definitely be trying some of the suggestions in this thread.

Jj2518 09-29-2021 01:29 PM

I know this thread is kind of old but does anyone have experience enough with subs to know if I take them for 4-5 days will I have withdrawals? I’m only talking like little bits of the sub as well, I have 1 and half and I’m trying to kick fentanyl and right now I’m weening down to a little but I wonder if I just start the subs will it be better and faster? Will I still feel withdrawals from the subs and trust I know first hand what those Suboxone withdrawals feel like if I will id rather just keep weening down the dope!!! HELP ANYONE?

Bffrvr 11-03-2023 10:11 AM

Everyone needs to post their best plan/idea to quit. I"m dependent but not addicted: I never take it for emotional reasons anymore> I finally stopped feeling sorry for myself and rely on Jesus' love alone to meet my emotional needs. only way I stand a chance quitting: strict exact schedule each day. sleep important. no thinking just stick to routine, same diet, same times, moving, excercise I find impossible when weaning. I shouldn't try this til pneumonia passes. No job, broke, in debt. Renting. provide for 4. but unlocking enough RRSPs to last 3 more months so nows my last chance to wean off over 3 months tapering down 25% every 10 days or more. I think I"m Paying for bad choices. took opioids to maintain 3 jobs just to pay bills, loans, car payments. should have gave up car, took bus, gone bankrupt. made wife work 10 years ago. Life choices: stop feeling sorry for yourself b/c it leads to destructive behavior. stop blaming others or expecting God to change circumstances: God/Jesus promises LOVE, Peace, and heaven but does NOT promise circumstances or miraculously taking away destructive emotions causes by bad choices (sleep, overwork, drugs, self pity, anger, unforgiveness, jealousy, resentment). Guard your mind, your heart's desires and expectations, your emotions to line up with the truth and lastly accountability/friendship/community. = healthy soul.

6 yrs on 2mg/day. I only read threads of anyone less than 2mg. i've spent countless hrs searching and can't find anyone who maintained less than 1mg/day feeling normal. only tablets available Canada. i take 1/2 or 1/3 or 1/4 of a 2mg pill every 8 hours approx. i just take it when I have to have energy to do life duties. without it i'm paralyzed. IMO NO caffeine, NO alcohol, don't take it too close to bedtime or keeps me away, sleep is key. taking more than 1/2 a pill makes me spinny so obviously YOU need to find your minimum dose to just function normal then somehow figure a way to taper (longer time between doses or smaller doses q6 or q8 hrs.
for me this is my TRUTH: if i take 1/2 tab (1mg) every 12 hours I LITERALLY ONLY THINK OF THE DRUG FOR 20 SECONDS TWICE A DAY. absolutely no other side effects. but maybe i'm lying to myself because its 6 years now.....i probably forget what it feels like to think clearly. since i quit alc (4 drinks q evening) I'm so much smarter clearer memory etc.

Schedule: bed and get up exact same time each day. Eat same food each 2 or 4 days rotating to get exact calories/nutrients. same time each day. find out best minutes of the day and try hard to exercise (for me its weight lifting). Do whatever I physically mentally am capable of to stay positive mentally (bible, construction videos...whatever you love) audio books. stick to strict routine then ignore dialogue conflict bichyness horrendous emotions, just shut up and do the routine, forget about wanting to feel better until next year or whatever your schedule is set for./ can afford. Either 2 months for me...or wean super slow over 12 months.

Dee74 11-03-2023 02:16 PM

Welcome to SR bffrvr :)


Sidisgoat87 12-30-2023 11:17 AM

Hey Thanks Flappy this gave me a little glimmer of hope. And hope doesnt matter to an addict like me untill I become hopeless. Let me tell you about my recent experience.

First Ive been on Subs for over 5 years and during that time I went to AA, got a sponsor, worked the 12 steps and my life changed completely. The AA promises truly did come true for me. It works if you work it and take those actions like going to meetings, calling other drunks, being of service, having committments ETC.

I became a paramedic firefighter in AA and when i first arrived I was just trying to see who i could get a cig from. Life was good and i was on 8mg daily for this time. I got cocky because for years Id wake up feeling great. And the echos of my doc saying its easy to get off of rang in my ears. Through my 14 week education I quit going to meetings and quit taking those simple actions that got me 6 years in the first place. Little by little I began to run the show again, was not praying, and was living in self will run riot as the big book says. And I took a drink. And when I get drunk i get an obsession to go get fent or any opiod i can get. so I went on a 4 week long opiod and alcohol bender and quit taking subs altogether. Then came the day when I was out of drugs and out of money. it was 3 days before christmas.

12 hours after my last fent does i started feeling really bad and foolishly took a sub thinking id make me feel well enough to get my desperate ass to a meeting. Instead I threw myself into precipitated withdrawl and it was by far the worst feeling id ever experienced. When I took that first drink I knew in the back of my mind that it wasnt gonna end well. Thats the insanity of addiction. I know exactly whats gonna happen and i do it anyway which points back to what it really means to have lost the power of choice. Yet when i become willing to take other seemingly unrelated actions all the sudden i have freedom.

Today ive got 9 days sober and am back on the 8mg daily dose. I have been seriously humbled and now see clearly that this medication is no joke and its not something that you can just all the sudden stop taking. It will take time. It will take discipline. In the AA big book it says that addiction and alcoholism is a spiritual malady and that unless i can find something to solve that spiritual problem Im doomed. Luckily I know the program works ive lived it. And if your new to recovery just think of the term god or spiritual experience as a personality change sufficient to bring about recovery. How do I obtain that personality change? Its about commitment, sponsorship, its about service, its about people like you with a loving higher power in the midst of all that.

The only hope I have at long sustainable recovery and to get off subs is to be in fit spiritual condition and sit in the middle of the boat. The boat being AA or NA. A wise man once said " you cant think your way into right living but you can live your way into right thinking" Bring the body to meetings and the mind will follow. So if your new and you cant believe in yourself today believe in AA and the collective conciousness of the 40- 50 million people who this program has touched. And the great thing about AA is that I dont have to have it all figured out. I dont have to believe or understand I simply have to actions I dont believe in. Get a sponsor and follow their directions. Through those seemingly unrelated actions your perception and eventually your feelings will change and its just that simple.

I used to think if i could only believe as he believes maybe I could stay sober. Today I understand that I must do what they do. If I lift weights everyday am i gonna get strong? doesnt matter what i think or how i feel about it. Relapse has been apart of my journey and today I understand that that journey to recovery just like that journey to surrender that each and every drunk has to walk is personal. So if you feel hopeless and desperate good! use that desperation to take actions that you do not believe in. Go to AA with an open mind, willingness, and honesty and I promise you you will be amazed before you are even half way through the 12 steps. God bless you all and we may meet as we collectively trudge that road of recovery.

Dee74 12-30-2023 11:42 AM

Hi and welcome Sidisgoat :)

I hope you don’t mind, but I broke your post into paragraphs to make it easier for folks to read.

Congrats on making it back to recovery and on 9 days :)


Sidisgoat87 12-30-2023 11:53 AM

Thank You Dee for editing my word salad! and thank you for the welcome back. I am glad I discovered this form. Nothing ensures immunity from relapse more than working with other addicts and alcoholics. Thank you and have a happy new year. I think 2024 is gonna be my year!

Dee74 12-30-2023 11:59 AM

I hope so Sidisgoat :)


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