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trachemys 07-29-2014 09:33 AM

Can't. We have nothing infinite to reference.

soberlicious 07-29-2014 09:40 AM

Can't. We have nothing infinite to reference.
So then the answer can't be no. It must be maybe.

dwtbd 07-29-2014 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by LBrain (Post 4808188)
does infinity go both ways? ;)

ways? both?

soberlicious 07-29-2014 10:51 AM

ways? both?

trachemys 07-29-2014 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by soberlicious (Post 4808287)
So then the answer can't be no. It must be maybe.

I believe I agreed with "can't be no" when I said it can't be proved.

The answer is still no.


anattaboy 07-29-2014 11:58 AM

I believe the answer is "know">

LBrain 07-29-2014 12:33 PM

So you walk half way toward a wall. And again, every time you only go half way. How long will it be until you meet the wall?

dwtbd 07-29-2014 12:44 PM

ah but grasshopper , are you walking toward the wall or away from the door?

infinity is a potentiality not an actuality

but back to the question at hand, am I at sea-level and is the wall stationary? ;)

trachemys 07-29-2014 12:48 PM

Not before you die.

Nonsensical 07-29-2014 04:40 PM

For some reason this thread reminded me of the time my uncle, who never had any post-secondary education, came to visit me at college. He asked what classes I was taking and one of them was Philosophy 101. He said, "I never studied philosophy, but I invented my own. It goes like this: I know what I know and I like what I like, and if you don't know it or like it, go **** yourself!"


Oh, and infinity definitely goes both ways!

MesaMan 07-29-2014 06:34 PM

All that we can imagine or observe might be somewhat like a rather large Mobius Strip that folds back on itself; putting you back where you started. Disclosure: not my original idea. :dunno:

I had the great pleasure over the Decades of going to CERN; Brookhaven Nat'l Labs; Fermi Lab; KEK in Asia; you name it. Smart Folks, obviously, but mostly practical, interesting people. Measuring the un-measurable, and then planning the next Tool, like the newly-commissioned Large Hadron Collider at CERN, once they need to measure the next previously un-measurable Particle.

A Female Researcher interviewed on the BBC in 2013 said this illuminating thing, which I won't soon forget: 'Science doesn't have all the answers. That's why you do more Science'.

'She Blinded Me with Science' ~ Thomas Dolby


dwtbd 07-29-2014 06:46 PM

Nephew ! How the heck you been

desypete 07-29-2014 07:08 PM

my head hurts after reading this thread ????????

i wish i could of seen the looks on peoples faces when some bright spark proved the earth was round : )

it seems impossible to believe that the mass of the whole world believed that the earth was flat and that people who thought different were mad
yet thats exactly what people used to believe in

i wonder what other things will come to light were people believe with all there heart only to find out its not true ?

MesaMan 07-29-2014 07:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
To quote a Lyric of Stan Ridgway from 'Wall Of Voo Doo': 'I feel better than James Brown'!

Been fn with my new Truck, and prepping to move f/t to the W. Slope of Colorado and our Retirement Joint. A slight diversion called 'Life' rudely interrupted. This F-150 Truck was one of 5,675 knocked in May/June to have a faulty Steering Box Gear. I was supposed to have it towed in, the failure could have been so catastrophic. I found this out 'accidentally' after I drove to the Dealer/Service Dept. on a whole other topic and they ran the Truck VIN. Dunno when they were gonna tell Customers. Now, newly repaired and Aligned, I can get on with ensuring my Trailers tow OK, and the Electric Brakes work. Nice to have when going up/over Vail Pass at 10,400' with 3k or 4k lbs. of our Household Guano in tow on my Utility Trailer.

Ford makes a great Truck, so no worries here. They caught the problem fast, but lagged on the Public Service part. Good fun driving around, checking out the Fog/Headlights while not sweating getting pulled over with a buzz on. Ah, the simple pleasures in Life...

I've been lurking, following the heady Philosophic musings here, but had nothing insightful to post until I read LBrain's Post re: 'Successive Approximation'.

Nice to read/see all these active, innately-inquisitive Minds Thinkin' Large in here...

freshstart57 07-29-2014 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by desypete (Post 4809231)
it seems impossible to believe that the mass of the whole world believed that the earth was flat and that people who thought different were mad
yet thats exactly what people used to believe in

Not sure about this, desypete, that there was a time when every one believed that the world was flat. Pythagoras from 6th century BC and Aristotle who lived in the 4th century BC are known to have believed the earth was spherical. A really clever dude named Erastosthenes actually calculated the diameter of the earth to within 1% in 250 BC using what is now high school math by measuring shadows at different spots on the earth at the same time of year. A modern historian says, 'With extraordinary few exceptions, no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat'.

So you were right on the mark in the first place, desypete, to not believe that folks believed the earth was flat. It does make a cool story tho.

More info.

freshstart57 07-29-2014 08:46 PM


Weaver 07-29-2014 09:37 PM

Originally Posted by desypete (Post 4809231)
my head hurts after reading this thread ????????

i wish i could of seen the looks on peoples faces when some bright spark proved the earth was round : )

it seems impossible to believe that the mass of the whole world believed that the earth was flat and that people who thought different were mad
yet thats exactly what people used to believe in

i wonder what other things will come to light were people believe with all there heart only to find out its not true ?

This rings so true for me. Previously I was a participant in a very popular recovery program.The most widely used program in the United States.

When I actually took BACK the power, and believed in MYSELF...believed that...Yes I DO have a "light" came on.

So happy that I finally realized this.


samseb5351 07-29-2014 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by Weaver (Post 4809455)
This rings so true for me. Previously I was a participant in a very popular recovery program.The most widely used program in the United States. When I actually took BACK the power, and believed in MYSELF...believed that...Yes I DO have a "light" came on. So happy that I finally realized this. :)

I hear you.

Probably even before I applied critical thinking as way of life, I questioned the idea of powerlessness, a question even more unwelcome in certain recovery programs than questioning a belief in a higher power. I didnt have any urge to be the absolute controlling power myself But as I explored a long held indocrinated message of "admitting to being powerless" it started to fall apart. What was I really admitting too when I said that I was powerless over gambling, and if I really believed this back to the wall message than the only answer was a Higher Power. So powerless no longer I became, I was never powerless in the first place just immature and unskilled.

samseb5351 07-29-2014 11:53 PM

Great bunch of brain stimulating points on this thread, it is a shame the person who started the thread (Me) can't spell "recovery" LOL

trachemys 07-30-2014 03:05 AM

Originally Posted by samseb5351 (Post 4809516)
Great bunch of brain stimulating points on this thread, it is a shame the person who started the thread (Me) can't spell "recovery" LOL

We didn't want to say anything. :biglaugh:

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