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indigo 02-27-2005 09:25 AM

This is it!!!!
Well it seems as if I've been here before.....this time it's for real. i quit smoking for over ten years, then nearly two years ago I started again....what a thing to do.

Last night 26/02/05 at 21:50h I tossed away my final cigarette. My mother who never drank, smoked etc. all her life died of cancer 8 years ago today 27/02/05 and I sort of still talk to her and make a deal with her that if she helped me with something then I would give up tobacco well she came up with the goods ( that's how I like to think of it ) so a promise is a promise.
I am almost crawling up the walls with this already but i did it before and i'll do it again. I never make promises unless I am sure i can keep them, i'll keep you all posted.

love indigo

I best start walking the dogs more often LOL.

dave 02-27-2005 09:29 AM

Goodluck with the smoking its not easy.Like they say its jest a bad habbit.So good luck and let us know how it goes....

JaySee 02-27-2005 10:28 AM

Hi Indigo

First 3 or 4 days for me was hell - but then after that - it was fine.

Congratulations on your decision/promise.

much love

indigo 02-27-2005 10:47 AM

Thanks guys i am drinking lots of fizzy water and trying to regain my will to live....just joking i'm so glad of the support

love indigo

indigo 02-28-2005 05:34 AM

Still haven't had

Wolfstarr 02-28-2005 05:42 AM

Annie!! how great you are doing wonderful, you can do it!
I, too had quit for 10 years then a trip to Key West changed all that. I started again and quit again, it's been 5 years now I haven't had a ciggie.

It's tough as nails but hang in there, if I can you can! I was such a ciggie addict. Now I don't even miss them but for once in a rare while, then that is only fleeting.

Do it girl! Keep it up!!! YES breathe that fresh air!!!
with you all the way,

Andy F 02-28-2005 10:46 AM

First time I stopped I wrote list of all the reasons why I was stopping smoking and carried it with me. The imediate battle is just getting through the moment. The moments pass.

indigo 03-01-2005 10:24 AM

Well I seem to be coping with the nicotine withdrawls it's when i stop for a break or after eating i feel it most so i keep putting sugar free gum in for about as long as it would take to smoke a cigarette and then take some deep breaths. It is hard not to turn to food so i am staying clear of the biscuits etc.

love indigo

indigo 03-02-2005 03:23 AM

still a smoke free zone.


indigo 03-04-2005 06:15 AM

Day five and i am not looking back.....
hope everyone else is coping!

hugs indigo (only a little grumpy today)

indigo 03-05-2005 04:35 AM

Oh wow i'd missed a day so i've got a week today yippee!


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