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Mags1 03-15-2023 08:39 PM

Web of Deceit ~ Weekenders 17 - 20 March 2023
Web of Deceit ~

Weekenders 17 - 20 March 2023

“Oh what a tangled web we weave

When first we practice to deceive”

My drinking got me in all sorts of bother and from being an honest person I became someone who would lie and deceive to protect my addiction.

Very much like a spiders web is made, I’d weave my life to fit round my drinking. and perfected it like a pristine silky web.

The strength I found to feed my addiction was tantamount to the strength of a spiders web.

But unlike the spider, I got myself tangled in my own web of lies and drinking.

My own web trapped me, in a nightmare of booze, hangovers, regrets and deceit, until the day I eventually broke free from the web.

It wasn’t easy to begin with, I’d drank for many years, eventually I realised enough was enough. Though it got easier over time.

If you feel this is you too, you can free yourself from this web. It took determination on my part and much support from like-minded people who had trodden in my footsteps.

I found SR (SoberRecovery). It pretty much saved my life.

If you’re wanting to stop, give it a go, we’re here to support you. We know the pitfalls and ‘bumps in the road’ .

For me, stopping drinking was the best action I

took for my mental health and well-being. I got my life back!

I will be here along with many others, all of us ex drunks and alcoholics. We are your scouts and can tell you what is on the trail ahead so you can be ready for any obstacles. I can tell you to come on! It is rocky and slippery but if you focus on where you place each step, you will have no trouble getting to where I am on the trail.

All of us can tell you where the potholes are, bumps in the road, and the slippery places, but we can't walk your path for you. We can only take joy as you succeed, and cheer, one and all!

Dee74 03-15-2023 10:47 PM

Thanks as always Mags - it still feels good to be out of that web :)


calmself 03-15-2023 10:55 PM

Shotgun!! Great opening post Mags. It really is a spider web.

Mags1 03-15-2023 11:24 PM

Congratulations on shotgun calmself. :You_Rock_

Hi Dee :wave: I’ll never tire of being out of the web. :yup:

Britbird80 03-15-2023 11:31 PM

Morning and thanks, also glad to be out of that web 🕸 in for a sober weekend.

Robbie64 03-16-2023 01:16 AM

Thanks Mags. I'm IN for a sober weekend!

Purplrks3647 03-16-2023 01:50 AM

Thanks Mags! :thanks

I think I mostly lied to myself while drinking, thinking it was okay since I didn’t hide it from anyone… :huh?:

In for the weekend….Thanks everyone for being here! :grouphug:

Alpine 03-16-2023 02:05 AM

My web was a horrible horrible place to be in. So glad I am out with the help of my friends here. I can not say thank you enough. But I can do my signature dance :HulaDance

PhoenixJ 03-16-2023 02:15 AM Mags.

For any story is slightly better than my bro's with alcohol. He did 1..three times. When I had a choice in 2016. If I chose to keep would not be from a horrible childhood, or deaths, or depression or if I chose to drink then, it would be just drink. IF I chose that , I would not be writing this. I would be another lonely dead statistic.....drink and die...get sober and live. I chose life.. SR was one of the first supports I set up.. It helps me a great deal.

Cityboy 03-16-2023 03:43 AM

Web of deceit indeed! The drinking provides health benefits. It helps me to cope. It helps me fit into social settings. And those are just some of the lies I fed myself that were directly related to the drinking.

Mags1 03-16-2023 03:48 AM

Good to see you BB :wave:

Nice pic Purps :wave:

Hi Robbie, PJ, Alpine and CityBoy :wavy:

Got a hospital appointment today with the immunologist. Just a routine one I think.

Alpine 03-16-2023 04:11 AM

Good luck Mags

Cityboy 03-16-2023 04:33 AM

Hope the appointment goes well Mags.

MLD51 03-16-2023 05:26 AM

I'm IN!

I wove quite a large and sticky web when i was drinking. Lying became almost second nature to me over the years, and I really hated myself for that. I still cringe when I think about all the lies. Most of the lies were completely unnecessary, but I didn't know how to tell the truth anymore, it seemed like. I was lying to protect myself, and I thought I was lying to protect others. I just ended up hurting a bunch of people, and myself. When I finally came clean, it was hard, but it felt really good to be honest for a change. It took a long time for me to completely untangle that web I had woven. And people didn't trust me for a long time. I could not blame them.

I feel so free now -- no more lies, no more covering up, no more regrets from drinking.

Still sick, and mostly missing another day of work. I suppose one way for me to look at this is that it's a "good" week to be sick because students are not in class and most faculty are not on campus. I'm not neglecting anything important. I'm still doing the important work from home.

RunnerF 03-16-2023 05:39 AM

In for the weekend and to be free of my “web”. Not going to lie to myself or others anymore. Pledging for today. Day 165.

SoberLeigh 03-16-2023 05:58 AM

Thanks, Mags!

Oh what a web of deceit - mostly lying to myself.

In for the Sober Weekend.

Love to all.

samwitch 03-16-2023 06:44 AM

What a great opening, Mags! I am partial to a Shakespeare reference, and that is one of my favorites, and so appropriate.

I'm here for another sober weekend.

CaptainHaddock 03-16-2023 10:35 AM

Thanks Mags, joining all of you for a sober weekend!

I think I’ve got the greenhouse 70% assembled. Will continue tomorrow afternoon.

Caramel 03-16-2023 10:48 AM

“Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive”

- from Sir Walter Scott’s Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field, 1808

Free2bme888 03-16-2023 03:11 PM

Oh yeah, what a death trap we were weaving.

Glad I escaped.

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