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b0glerd69 06-21-2021 01:01 AM

Early Mornings
I have been sober for around 4 years and my body is in a good routine. I go to bed around 10:30, 11pm and then wake around 6:30 like clockwork. I spend a few hours in the morning surfing the internet, cleaning up, etc. but wondered what others do in the early morning? What is your routine?

Introvrtd1 06-21-2021 01:10 AM

Hi…Bed around 9pm or a bit earlier…Up by 4am for work and on the road by 4:45am.

This has been my usual when I’m having good days…on bad days when paws kinda sets in my sleep schedule is usually messed up. 🙁

Congrats on your journey and may we continue to see better days. :grouphug:

Introvrtd1 06-21-2021 01:10 AM

Hi…Bed around 9pm or a bit earlier…Up by 4am for work and on the road by 4:45am.

This has been my usual when I’m having good days…on bad days when paws kinda sets in my sleep schedule is usually messed up. 🙁

Congrats on your journey and may we continue to see better days. :grouphug:

Dee74 06-21-2021 01:33 AM

I enjoy not having a routine :D


doggonecarl 06-21-2021 02:23 AM

Up no later than 5:30. Take care of my 5 dogs while browsing the web, like right now, with a hot cuppa. Shower, shave, and get dressed for work. I've been blessed to have a job throughout the entire pandemic and I continued to commute to the office while most of my co-workers worked from home.

That routine, of getting up, getting ready, and getting out of the house did much to keep me sane this past year.

Nonsensical 06-21-2021 02:38 AM

Originally Posted by Introvrtd1 (Post 7653457)
Hi…Bed around 9pm or a bit earlier…Up by 4am

Same, although I don't have a standard morning routine. Mornings are my 'free time'. Most days I play some turn-based strategy games against the computer. This morning I watched a video lecture on options pricing theory from the MIT Open Courseware archives.

TheHook210 06-21-2021 03:34 AM

I also love early mornings. The routine in my house is bed 10-10:30 up at 6:30. Lots of coffee haha, and then spend sometime with my dogs, tidy the house a bit and off to work during the weekdays. On weekends the world is my oyster now that I’m still up at the time lol. But no set routine really aside from getting to enjoying relaxing in the morning and planning our day. We usually boat/fish a lot but the boat has been in the shop since I’ve quit drinking (I’m actually nervous about that one because it’s a major association for me) but boy do I love waking up sober!!

LoveDD 06-21-2021 03:44 AM

I have small kids so I am up quite early. For me I like to go to sleep around 10 pm and then I am up no later then 6:30 but usually between 5:30 and 6:00. For me I get my kids set up with breakfast right off the hope. Quickly tidy any small messes left in the kitchen from the day before the. Enjoy my coffee. If I am working I’m still up at 5:45 or 6:00. Shower, pack lunch and put the door. My husband gets the to deal with the kids :)

aasharon90 06-21-2021 04:36 AM

Early to bed, early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy
and wise. A saying I heard more than once in my lifetime
and use it to my advantage or best of my human ability. :)

I've gone thru many stages of life with different experiences.

Today, I'm an early to bed close to 6pm and rise around
3:30-4am. This down time, allows my body to repair itself
from the days activities. A time to reset everything.

You'd be surprised how the mind, body and soul repairs
itself naturally during the night. :)

Early morning coffee, SR, a walk around my garden of
paradise with lights to guide my footsteps and a flashlight
to shine upon all the beauty nature provides after yrs of
continuous work and maintenance.

A good hardy healthy breakfast to hold me till an early
lunch. Run a few errands, a balanced lunch, outside
gardening, snack then wind up the days task before
my last meal of the day several hours before calling
it a day.

Thru out the day, i remain mindful of my actions and
behavior, asking my Higher Power for guidance and
protection. Remembering to say please at the beginning
of the day to remain sober and thank You for His help.

When not outside in my gardens, I come here to share
my experiences, strengths and hopes of my own continued
recovery and sobriety and stay connected with likeminded

Recovery and faith are the foundations that I live my
life upon daily in order to achieve many of life's miracles
and gifts that keep my heart, mind and soul full.

For that I am truly blessed and grateful for. :)

fishkiller 06-21-2021 04:51 AM

Wake up, clean up, check SR while making coffee and breakfast.
look outside and admire the beautiful thing we call Earth.
Send wife to work and decide what my day will entail.

Surrendered19 06-21-2021 05:10 AM

I love my mornings so much. To this day, one of my favorite parts of sobriety. I wake up 5 to 5:30. Go to the gym or watch some early morning news and drink some coffee. Regardless of what my morning plan is, I absolutely love that clear-headed quiet feeling I wake up to each morning. It is one of my main reasons to stay sober.

Mizz 06-21-2021 05:44 AM

Wake up 4;30 or 5 am.
Coffee and SR
Morning Practice
Run or weights or both

I truly love the quiet time I have in the AM. Setting myself up to succeed.

Boondock 06-21-2021 09:10 AM

To bed around 10 or so
up between 5-6
and then basic morning routine: brush teeth, make bed, eat, coffee etc......
I love the early fantastico

least 06-21-2021 10:09 AM

My schedule is a bit different. I usually stay up late, til 1 or 2 am, then sleep late in the morning, waking up around 10. I too love waking up sober. I wake up happy with my little dog right beside me. :)

Robbie64 06-21-2021 12:56 PM

I usually go to bed around 11pm to midnight. I wake up around 6.30am and listen to the news in bed. Get up, have a bath and open up the household for about 8am. I have a cup of tea while checking my emails. Breakfast at 9am the clean and tidy the house. What I do after that depends on what I have planned for that day.

dustyfox 06-21-2021 02:58 PM

I have always been a night owl I am often awake until 11.30 - midnight, it's when I feel most relaxed and thoughtful. (That is of course now I am sober)

I am not a morning person and sadly must wake up around 6.45am to the sound of children and cats all making a racket -Then there is breakfast, the chaos of getting the children to school ensues, lost shoes, teeth that have fallen out in the night, missing cats, augments over porridge being too hot, too cold, too thick, too thin - cats howling for no apparent reason, lost homework, more arguing over who loves the cats the most, finally after endless noise, the front door is slammed shut as children scream goodbye - that is when I sit in silence and enjoy a cup of tea and feel pleased I am sober.

Robbie64 06-21-2021 03:53 PM

it sounds like organised chaos dustyfox!... followed by peaceful bliss and a cup of tea. How many cats do you have?

RecklessDrunk 06-21-2021 03:58 PM

I look out for the sunrise. Try to get on the same page with the light, heat, energy coming off. Its something for me that shows the presence of God. If its cloudy try to see what is peaking through and remember, like God, the sun is still there when I can't see it.

Give thanks to God, the first few things that come to mind at the moment. Prayer and hopefully at least half an hour of meditation. Then over half an hour commute to work. Meditation to me is that important. I try and drain out the fear and turn it over to God.

Steely 06-21-2021 04:22 PM

My mornings change. Sometimes not much at all other than thoughtfulness.

I had a friend stay stay over last night I met her a long time ago in AA and she has good politics. According to me :)

She's returned home, and now relaxing, thinking about the washing up.

Some mornings still fraught because not completely recovered paws benzos so can understand Introvrtd. It was a shocker of a thing, but heaps better now. Whatever doesn't kill

advbike 06-21-2021 04:56 PM

I get up around 5-5:30 with the sound of birds, and like to go outside and watch the sun rise. The desert sunrises can be spectacular but mostly in winter when there is more moisture in the air than right now. I generally have two cups of coffee while reading the news and checking SR. Then off on the bike or for a walk before whatever project I have planned for the day.

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 10:55 PM.