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Mags1 01-16-2021 07:28 PM

Sounds delicious kev.

lifewithart 01-16-2021 08:05 PM

I'm very grateful for the support I was able to offer to another struggling alcoholic today and this weekend and in the previous days. I'm very grateful for every moment of sobriety and peace. I'm also grateful for the challenging moments. I'm grateful for all of you and for sober recovery

SoberLeigh 01-16-2021 08:55 PM

Very nice post, lifewithart. Very glad that you have joined us.

Gratitude is pure magic.

Mags1 01-16-2021 10:10 PM

Hi lifewithart, I’m pleased you were able to help someone who reached out. :)

lunar 01-17-2021 05:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks, Mags.
Although I'm rather late, please count me in.
Been hectic, with Dad's recent death.
Jobu says hello to everyone.
Hope all is well.

Mags1 01-17-2021 05:21 AM

lunar, hope all is going ok. Jobu is looking very contented.

kevlarsjal2 01-17-2021 05:35 AM

Hi lunar :) is Jobu your pet?

itsmaria 01-17-2021 07:56 AM

Hey all thanks for the welcome. Made it through yesterday but it was a long day. In lockdown in Ontario, not much to distinguish one day from the next.

I'm lucky I've never had to deal with a lot of power outages. As a kid I did grow up in a rural area though and sometimes we would get snowed in.

I've been thinking a lot about gratitude since I posted yesterday. Have a hard time to think of anything. But I guess always grateful I have a warm, safe place to be during covid times. Fortunate to be able to keep working from home. I guess that is a luxury some dont have.

Take care all.

SoberLeigh 01-17-2021 10:20 AM

Jobu is looking well, lunar.

Hope all have a blessed Sunday.

Hawkeye13 01-17-2021 10:31 AM

Hi All;
Just caught up reading. Congrats on your 7 years Mesa and your upcoming 7 years bim--something I aspire to!
I'm grateful for so many things right now I can't easily list them all. But at the moment I am warm with pot roast cooking in the oven looking at a beautiful lake in a paid-for house. I retire in 16 weeks with a good pension and health insurance. (For our friends from other countries, in the USA, that is saying something). To get here has been a lot of work and struggle which I made 1000 harder with my past multi-decade alcohol abuse--so sobriety is always near the top of my gratitude list.

I've struggled as a child and adult with lack of money all of my life, so this strange turn of relative prosperity feels odd. I still have plenty of debt, including large student loan debt and other things, but I can finally see my way to the freedom of being debt-free in five years and living a sober and peaceful life with no more relapses. I realize that I used the despair of debt and fear as one more excuse to drink my "troubles" away instead of facing them, getting extra work, and working on resolution. It is no accident that my financial recovery corresponds to my "big quit" of alcohol and embracing recovery in 2013. In fact, it is a direct cause-effect correlation.

Until I quit drinking, I barely was keeping up with the job I had. Quitting gave me time and the emotional resolve to quit whining and get extra work to pay things off and start climbing out the the hole I dug even deeper in my last two decades of heavy drinking. I am lucky in that I had opportunities to work beyond my regular job which not everyone has, but it wouldn't have ever happened if I hadn't embraced sobriety, faced the fear, and gotten honest with myself. I have had several short-lived relapses since 2013, but each time I come back stronger and more determined to solve this problem for good. That is one reason I appreciate all of you showing me it can be done.

I am sharing this in the hope that other people who may be struggling with something similar will be encouraged to take a deep breath and start with little steps towards fixing their situation. It looked impossible when I started, but by working on a positive attitude & self-care, making a "Life" plan along with a sobriety plan, and being patient with slow and steady progress I built some momentum, which surprised me more than anyone. Just take the first step of getting sober, and the rest can surely follow. . .

theVman31 01-17-2021 11:07 AM

Thanks Hawkeye.

Keep going itsMaria.

Hope everyone got through the weekend and if you didnt well dont give up.

Sunday night in France in front of the fire. :)


IcedVoVo 01-17-2021 11:13 AM

Wow, some great posts this weekend—I like it very much. I hope you don’t mind me showing up and hanging out. Gives me a little inspiration as I’ve not been feeling much lately. It’s like I needed a push out of the doldrums. It sure felt like I was ‘in irons’, adrift in life. Not entirely true but there’s something to it. I’m looking for something solid, and I know that recovery work and connecting with others who are grateful and enthusiastic is something I can count on as far as feeling lifted up goes. 😊. Things are not as they seem, lately...really they’re much better!

Hi, I’m Vo from Texas. I’m one of the fortunate people working from home (tech) is lonely since it’s just me in this house. But I have a house. Because of sobriety, really. I’m warm and fed and 3 years sober.

I’ve had multiple-year runs with sobriety before...actually, several of them. It’s scary in the sense that I went back out, and I’ve beat myself severely with that before. Ugh. On the other hand,I’ve had lots of sober time in my life and am sober today. Flipped the script.. Why not? I want to feel happy in sobriety and hopeful about my post-pandemic life. When I’ll be out with people again. It’s coming. I can use this time to heal. And get back into music and plants and trying new the recovery people. There are some here...lots of good recovery here on the Weekenders! I recognize several names and am so glad to be here. I’m doing a 24-hour sobriety retreat and it’s a blast. Reading, writing..immersion therapy! Winter retreat. I’m off can be 2-days of I went to the SR convention or something 🎂

Thank you so much


kevlarsjal2 01-17-2021 11:43 AM

Nice post Hawkeye, it's amazing what we can reach in life once we put the drink away and take our blindfold off.

A 2 day recovery retreat sounds nice IcedVoVo! As does the Sunday night by the fire Vman :)

I've finished all my meal prepping for the day minus the cake because there are still too many Christmas cookies left that should be eaten first. But I still haven't decided on a new camera lens and read myself crazy, looking at way too many reviews and opinions. Then I chattet to an online shop consultant and they suggested to switch to a different camera system which made the confusion perfect. I guess for tonight I'll put it aside and eat cookies so I can make that cake soon. That's what I call productivity!

The moon looks amazing here tonight, it hangs low and yellow and is a super slim crescent. You can even see the shadows on its surface!

lifewithart 01-17-2021 11:53 AM

We can do this!! Keep it up fam <3

Willow00 01-17-2021 12:52 PM

Great post Hawkeye, thank you for sharing your story, it’s very inspirational.

I’m grateful to be be starting a new job.
My previous job was very stressful, and I realised that my previous job was a big factor in my poor mental health, which was significantly contributing to my struggles. I really want a long term sober life, and I realised that stopping drinking wasn’t enough. I really had to rearrange my life and make positive changes in every aspect of my life, not just my downtime. I had been focussing on diet, exercise and positive thinking in my time off work, but when I was at work, I was constantly anxious and stressed and it was encroaching into every aspect of my psyche, even into my dreams at night. I was not only worrying about work in my time off, but I was having so many scary, anxious dreams at night. So I quit my job and started applying for new jobs in a less stressful environment. Oh my goodness, what a sense of relief! And guess what! I got a job. Three days a week, reasonable pay, low stress. I am so happy :)

Today I’m sober and starting a new job and I am filled to the brim with gratitude ❤️

kevlarsjal2 01-17-2021 01:35 PM

Wow that's great news Willow, I'm excited for you! :) And what a brave move to change something so big!

Lixie 01-17-2021 02:34 PM

Congratulations, Willow! And well done on identifying your stress factors and doing something about it! :D

Robbie64 01-17-2021 03:33 PM

Congratulations Willow!

IcedVoVo 01-17-2021 03:53 PM

Congratulations Willow on your new job ♥️

Dee74 01-17-2021 04:16 PM

congrats Willow :)


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