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LateBloominCait 12-22-2020 06:08 AM

Things we don't miss in sobriety
I thought it would be interesting to write down the things we don't miss about our drinking or using days.
  • I don't miss running into people who remember talking to me at a restaurant, but I have to pretend I remember because I was blacked out.
  • I don't miss that jolt of panic when I opened my eyes after a night of drinking and couldn't remember how I got home or what I said to people the night before.
  • I don't miss having to skip entire days of jewelry making (for a business I am in the process of opening) because my hands shook too much to work. Sometimes the shakes went on for days.
  • I don't miss the sadness that sober me felt because sober me had all these goals and projects that I never got to when I was drunk.
  • I don't miss being exhausted all the time.
Feel free to add your own. These are the kind of lists I look back on when I have rough days.

Sober45 12-22-2020 06:24 AM

-I don't miss sitting at my desk with heavy eyes, wishing I could just find a way to stop drinking.
-I don't miss the mix of negative emotions I always felt, not being able to differentiate between me and drunk-me.
-I don't miss the look of disdain in my daughters eyes, while she tried to communicate with the drunk me...and begging me to stop.
-I don't miss my husbands eye-rolls because it's another unstable day and he's fed up.
-I don't miss the paranoia I felt because I erroneously thought my husband was cheating.
-I don't miss spending more money on booze then I did on self-care.

I could go on forever. Thank you, I needed this today:)

Mizz 12-22-2020 06:36 AM

Dont miss:
being drunk
trying to run/ workout with a hangover
risky behavior
feeding the alcoholism
depression associated with active alcoholism
groundhogs day

CincyFin 12-22-2020 06:43 AM

I don't miss the crippling anxiety.
Dry heaving in my morning shower.

Suzieq17 12-22-2020 07:27 AM

The constant and debilitating alcoholic loop that plays out over and over and over again, with the same results every single time AND without any significant change only a perpetual wallowing day after day, year after year.

I don’t miss any of that.

FreeOwl 12-22-2020 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by LateBloominCait (Post 7561234)
I thought it would be interesting to write down the things we don't miss about our drinking or using days.
  • I don't miss the sadness that sober me felt because sober me had all these goals and projects that I never got to when I was drunk.
Feel free to add your own. These are the kind of lists I look back on when I have rough days.

on a related note: I don't miss the sadness, frustration and shame I felt at all the goals and projects I envisioned while drinking but never did anything about.... because I was always spending so much time drinking and thinking about things I could do one day.

Libby06 12-22-2020 04:01 PM

I don't miss the terror of who I called or drunk texted in a blackout.
I don't miss needing to drink in the morning to get back to zero, but throwing up after said drinks, and continuing on.
I don't miss the withdrawals of quitting over and over again.
I don't miss figuring out how to stop the madness.
I am free.

resolute50 12-22-2020 04:36 PM

After 7 years of sobriety.
I don't miss the hiding it, or at least trying to.
To thine own self be true.

Lpg 12-22-2020 06:15 PM

I don't miss
  • Getting over Being awake more than 1 & half days because of long binges, hiding in my spare room with cider & coke ashamed to face my partner or look at myself
  • The craziness, I seemed to get real crazy & embarrassing in the last days
  • Putting my life at risk of suicide while blackout
  • Hearing my actions once i sobered up
  • Having to stay in bed crying for a full day
  • Not being able to enjoy food
  • The money I spent on alcohol

Just a few awful things that stick out most

stickyone 12-22-2020 06:44 PM

Taking home Janet jackson from the bar to wake up the next morning next to Freddie jackson. Just kidding. :c033:
So much to list but I love being sober and having a good laugh. Take care everyone

FreeOwl 12-22-2020 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by stickyone (Post 7561559)
Taking home Janet jackson from the bar to wake up the next morning next to Freddie jackson. Just kidding. :c033:

That's hilarious....

But also... very on point.

Reminds me of a drunken one night stand of unprotected sex when I was on a business trip - and at the time I was both married and having an affair. I woke to the triad of a terrible hangover, deep shame and terror that I probably had HIV or some other STD.

DEFINITELY don't miss that.

DriGuy 12-23-2020 09:00 AM

I don't miss anything about my drinking days. Anything I did drunk, I can do better sober... Anything! So what's to miss?

Surrendered19 12-23-2020 09:26 AM

I don't miss driving around hammered with my two young daughters in the car, bottle of vodka between my legs, and being utterly unable to find my house.

I don't miss my daughters finding me tipped over in a snow bank outside and fearing I was dead.

I don't miss towards the end of the madness being surprised and saddened that I woke up and survived another day.

I don't miss the dread of night, the dread of mornings, sweating in the winter, organ pain, gout, e.d., rotten teeth, ****** up feet, filthy house, hangovers, impulsivity, anger, smelling like death, looks from others, chest pains, drunk food decisions, drunk shopping decisions, drunk career decisions, eyes looking like two ****-holes in the snow, foggy brain, fat face, red face, ugly face, ****** up joints, smoking the dirty cigs. I could go on and on.

So grateful to be in recovery and sober. Grateful for every single day.

ReadyAtLast 12-23-2020 08:23 PM

-waking up at 3 in the morning with a raging thirst, pounding head and that utter fear, despair and shame as the memories-the ones i can recall, start coming back. who did i text.fb, what did i say?
-the constant going round and round what shall i drink, what time, how much?
-arguing with myself, im not doing this again, only to do it again
-not trusting myself
-looking and feeling awful every single morning

Be123 12-23-2020 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by ReadyAtLast (Post 7562258)
-waking up at 3 in the morning with a raging thirst, pounding head and that utter fear, despair and shame as the memories-the ones i can recall, start coming back. who did i text.fb, what did i say?
-the constant going round and round what shall i drink, what time, how much?
-arguing with myself, im not doing this again, only to do it again
-not trusting myself
-looking and feeling awful every single morning

Christ RAL, you've stolen my list. 😵

Sammy1980 12-24-2020 01:53 AM

Every reply on this post has brought me to tears! Everyone reminds me of how I felt everyday.
​​​​​​Ground hog day really sticks out.

PalmerSage 12-24-2020 04:26 AM

Love this post!!!
I don't miss:
Waking up hungover every day, and eating junk and drinking more to try to "fix" it
Day drinking, period.
Hiding bottles and cans, needing to take out cash so I wouldn't leave a paper trail of the incredible amounts of alcohol I was buying
Living life at a distance from everyone else
Shame and guilt
Planning my driving around when I would be drunk
Puffy face, bloodshot eyes, generally looking and feeling like death warmed over

boreas 12-24-2020 08:34 AM

All this and...
Acid reflux. Constant.

Hevyn 12-24-2020 09:19 AM

'Jolt of panic', terror, dread, fear, despair, shame - all words used in the above posts. This was fun? What were we thinking?!
In my case - in the end I had no choice but to take it to work with me - or I would shake & be sick during the day. (Oh, I'm sure no one noticed :tongue:) Classy!

BrianK 12-24-2020 12:36 PM

I won't miss trying to count the drinks I had the night before and hope my blood alcohol is low enough so if I get pulled over at work I'll be under the limit. Or waking up finding a loaded gun on the living room floor and having no memory of putting it there or why.

Devizes 12-24-2020 12:51 PM

The brittle, brutal selfishness and self-loathing

Gabe1980 12-24-2020 02:07 PM


12JSAngel21 12-30-2020 04:16 PM

  • I don't miss the constant sweating. I hated always feeling sweaty and dirty. I can actually wear the covid mask for a long time without feeling like I am going to pass out. I Love feeling clean now and smelling clean.
  • I don't miss the waking up at 2AM and staying awake for hours, mind spinning about dumb stuff, heart pounding. I Love wonderful restorative, restful sleep. LOVE it!
  • I don't miss making mountains out of mole hills and creating drama and problems. I Love being calm, in control, relaxed, able to walk away from drama and not engage in it.
  • I don't miss hating myself, absolutely being disgusted with myself because I couldn't seem to quit guzzling poison even when it was making myself physically and mentally sick. I Love, loving myself again, feeling like I am special and I am worth it, and how I do want to live and enjoy and breathe the good life.
  • I don't miss the depression, that dark ugly place. I Love having hope and goals now.
  • I don't miss the foggy brain, indecisiveness, not caring, not doing, lazy, unmotivated person I was. I Love feeling alive finally!
  • I don't miss it. I know my brain and body have been damaged from it and will take time to heal and cravings will pop up, but I know that I can heal and get better, a lot better. I Love that I am doing this.
  • I don't miss it.

bandicoot2 12-30-2020 06:32 PM

I don't miss being late to everything, even funerals.
I don't miss never keeping my word.
I don't miss hating myself because I couldn't pull it together, even for my loved ones who desperately needed me.
I don't miss wondering where I hid my bottles and becoming paranoid over who might find them or worse, if I couldn't find them and had to buy replacements.
I don't miss wondering where all my money went each day, week, month.
I don't miss looking and feeling bloated, being unhealthy and overweight, looking much older than my real age.
I don't miss anything about drinking, period!

Hodd 12-30-2020 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by bandicoot2 (Post 7566234)
I don't miss being late to everything!

I had to laugh, albeit uneasily as my former lateness habits lost me a few jobs over the years. Now I’m sober (a few hours short of two years :) ), I have so much more time and am never late. Ex-colleagues of mine wonder how I can be a teacher when I never turned up until 10am. That was then but this is now.

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