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Resurgence 10-22-2020 06:11 AM

Dealing with life on life's terms
This post isn't intended to offend; I'm genuinely curious to gauge opinion as it's something I'm struggling with.

Okay, so I've heard the title phrase bandied around a lot about sobriety, but I've noticed many people - here and IRL - rely on other forms of medication to deal with things, be it benzos, cannabis, SSRIs, and the like.

But is this true sobriety? Aren't these not chemical crutches? I'm not judging those who take such things as I've relied on two of the examples given - and more.

I'm just feeling somewhat despondent about a straightedge life when many of the people I look up to use other pacifiers to get them through the day.

Thanks for reading.

biminiblue 10-22-2020 06:27 AM

Stay in your own lane, it's better there.

I don't take any meds or mind altering "drugs" other than caffeine and sugar and you can try taking those out of my cold dead hands.

Nonsensical 10-22-2020 06:40 AM

Other people's drinking was never my problem.
My drinking was my problem.
I extrapolate this to other substances as well.
And I definitely would not challenge Bimini on the sugar. Seems scrappy.

Best of Luck on Your Journey! :ring

LumenandNyx 10-22-2020 06:59 AM


A lot of "pacifiers" don't make otherwise sane folks become out-of-their-mind-saturated-freakazoids like alcohol does.

I think some people benefit from the help of some drugs.

Let it go. Stay off the sauce. Move on and do your thing. Overthinking things like this will drive you crazy. No matter what we do - we - humans - will never be perfect.

Gabe1980 10-22-2020 07:07 AM

I need certain meds not to be a complete basket case of a person. I don't think that is a weakness or a dependency. I view it the same way as a diabetic taking insulin. It is about being well. If I am well mentally I have a good shot at recovery. If I am not, I have very little chance.

Alcohol is my problem!

Resurgence 10-22-2020 07:09 AM

Thanks for your responses.

Yeah, I'm working on letting this go, Lumen. Just hypersensitive at the moment with no crutch myself.


Be123 10-22-2020 07:59 AM

I'm not sure I can answer that without a PhD in neuroscience. In the little I do know, the chemicals the body generates naturally affect mood very greatly.

I'm addicted to running and the chemicals it releases. I'm probably addicted to sugar and that changes my mood greatly. I may well be addicted to sex (I am aware some people suffer this as an actual addiction and I mean no offence) because the chemicals it releases are very moreish!!!!

So I guess we are all reliant on chemicals to live, the key thing being whether we can generate these ourselves or rely on them from outside our body. If I cannot generate these chemicals - maybe there is an imbalance, maybe I've damaged myself through drink, maybe circumstances dictate - then it may help me to find a way I can. As long as in trim this doesn't damage me further.

So bringing that right down to earth - loads of people in my family have depression and I was very low as a teenager. Probably a hereditary chemical imbalance. I countered that by pouring alcohol into myself. Worked an absolute treat for 10 years. Then it made me very depressed and suicidal. The chemicals in alcohol wore down my ability to create and use serotonin and I couldn't enjoy anything - not running, sugar or even sex 😳

Now I've stopped drinking my brain is repairing itself and it's ability to create and use these natural chemicals. I've heard this process takes 6-24 months. If that doesn't work and I need some help externally to get the balance back then I'll take it as prescribed, in the faith it won't harm me further as alcohol did

Resurgence 10-22-2020 08:02 AM

Hey Be123,

Thanks for your reply - it really resonated!

Anna 10-22-2020 08:02 AM

Please do not refer to medications prescribed by medical doctors as pacifiers.

Do focus on yourself and your own recovery.

Resurgence 10-22-2020 08:11 AM

Hi Anna,

With respect, I have been prescribed medication by doctors in the past that pushed me to the brink of suicide. They are qualified, but not infallible.

I am very much focused on my own recovery but I'm struggling, so I asked a question, prefaced with a note regarding offence.

nez 10-22-2020 09:05 AM

Just to play Devil's advocate here, not judging or trying to start an argument, just trying to open mind parachutes because doing so helps me to pull my own ripchord...

Do you eat the meat of animals? Eating animal meat supplies the body with vitamin B3/nicotinamide which has definite neuronal impact. It effects the brain in a positive manner, so would not this be considered a chemical crutch.

Do you follow a vegan lifestyle? Following a vegan lifestyle makes it super hard to get the amounts of choline needed for healthy brain levels. Of course you could always take a supplement, but would not this be considered a chemical crutch.

There are always two sides to every point of view. For my own health, sobriety, and recovery; I need to be crystal clear on my own path. I can't spare the time to critique the other point of view.
Not only that but the earth is round, so it has a lot more than two sides. :dance1a:

fini 10-22-2020 09:13 AM

there is a huge difference between a "crutch" and a needed medication.

nez 10-22-2020 09:39 AM

I just came off of a two month period in a non-weighting cast due to a motorcycle accident During that time, I used a walker. I know my motives were good ones though for using the crutch of the walker. This time period really helped me to broaden my perspective and increase my empathy and compassion for others. I view things a tad different now., which is not a bad thing. :~)

BeABetterMan 10-22-2020 09:54 AM

There are a few ways to frame your question/observation. The one that I think would be most helpful to me if I found myself asking the same question is as follows:

1. While it may be helpful to look at other people and what they do to live happy and healthy lives, the actions of other people don't have much to do with what I need to do to stay sober and pursue long term sobriety.

2. Are those people using a crutch? In a lot of cases, I would say yes. But, I have had to take SSRIs in the past and they literally saved my life. However, I don't know a single person that would prefer to be on SSRIs if they could do without, just like I don't know anyone that would prefer to walk with a crutch, if they could do without.

3. It sounds like you're looking for an easier softer way. Hey man, if I could take Benzos all day and not have them destroy my life, I'd probably sign up (actually I wouldn't, these days I prefer raw awareness, I prefer to be present at all times). Fact is, cannabis and benzos and things of the sort are largely recreational these days. I guess, I'd just ask myself, do I want to be present or not? If you like a benzo buzz and want to interact with the world, and loved ones in a haze, and risk addiction and ruin, maybe you should give them a try. I'll be eager to hear you report back on what it's like living life with a crutch. And when those benzos and weed fail you, what crutch will you look for then? It's a big no thanks for me.

WeThinkNot 10-22-2020 10:22 AM

I'm going to sidestep any discussion of medication prescribed by a doctor and share my journey of dopamine detox after getting sober.

After about three months of sobriety I first started setting life goals for myself. One of them was to quit smoking cigarettes before my one year anniversary which I did (one week before).

I only seldom dabbled in other drugs during active addiction, alcohol was my true love. At a New Year's party I smoked some pot when I had eight months of sobriety. After the high I immediately regretted it and that was the one and only time I had any mind altering drug after I quit drinking.

In my second year of sobriety I deleted all social media accounts which was long overdue as I've long known social media is pure mind garbage. I also stopped doing mindless internet browsing and now use the internet mostly to search for self improvement articles.

Tomorrow I will complete eleven months of semen retention to address a sex/masturbation addiction.

As I look to 2021 here is the status of the vices I still partake in:

Caffeine - I only have one cup of coffee in the morning and I don't remember the last time I drank a soda. Besides coffee the only thing I drink is water so I don't see this as a problem.

Sugar - I've surprisingly cut down on the amount of sweets I consume which is amazing considering the sweet tooth I have. In fact I have cut down on pretty much all junk food in general. Currently I do not see this as a problem that needs addressing.

Television - I only watch TV at the end of the evening after I've cooked dinner, washed dishes, and brushed my teeth.

Gambling - I only gamble during my Vegas trips which I will never give up!!!

Resurgence 10-22-2020 10:58 AM

Hey guys,

Thank you for all your considered responses.

I asked because, in the past, I've been on SSRIs, hooked on weed, and currently struggle with alcohol. I exercise, meditate, work my recovery plan, but my emotions are, at times, overwhelming.

I apologise if I failed to frame the post correctly. It was born of frustration and a continuous struggle to navigate life without an emotional buffer. Part of me wants to go to the doctors so they'll prescribe me something to relieve the anguish. But I feel that'll take me back to where I started - dependent on anti-depressants, and batsh*t crazy without them.

I've been upset lately by people telling me 'it gets better', but then finding out they're taking this that and the other. 'No wonder it gets better - I want some of that!', I've thought. This was two people I look up to IRL; two sober mentors. It just left me feeling like, do people really get entirely straight? Honestly, I'm reeling, lost, and confused. Not trying to hurt or pick at anyone, I'm just raw right now. Struggling to accept it and move on, as Lumen pointed out. But we're all a work in progress I guess.

I'm almost seven months clean from cannabis but have relapsed with alcohol recently after hitting 100 days. I can't seem to rid myself of all my addictions, and it's wearing me down. They're interchangeable for me, and I'm just sick of this chemical carousel. If it isn't these, it'll be SSRIs again. F*ck.

@Nez - I appreciate you playing Devil's Advocate. He or she is always needed! ''Not only that but the earth is round, so it has a lot more than two sides'' - I love this, too :)
@BABM - You're right, I am looking for a softer way. Trying to come to terms with the fact there isn't one. Always appreciate your input.
@WeThinkNot - Your post was very inspiring - congratulations with all you've accomplished. I've done the semen retention thing previously, and also intend to get rid of my social media accounts soon. I think I'll join you in 2021 with caffeine, too!

BeABetterMan 10-22-2020 11:05 AM

Lots of good responses. Good stuff WeThinkNot. I've found porn and masturbation to be an often overlooked and destructive vice. I have struggled on and off with them as has some of my ex partners. Congrats on your progress there.

PeaceManic 10-22-2020 01:14 PM

I think we're probably looking for something extra in life, or protection against it. I'm going for all the crutches I can, exercise, meditations ssri s etc. I'm slowly coming off the SSRIs, but the ones I take are life savers sometimes, even if they just dull things. Plus any crutch that doesn't leave me curled up in mental and physical agony has got to be better!

Dee74 10-22-2020 02:06 PM

You;re entitled to your opinion but I think you're being manipulated by that pesky AV.

Its not far from 'all these people are not really sober - they need a crutch' - to 'man, I need a crutch too' - and AV wins again.

Man, it does get better :)

I was not on any other medication until about 7 years in.
Life was good but there was constant pain, but I managed.

I then developed a nerve pain problem which was a whole new level of agony.
Without drugs to deal with that I honestly don't know where I'd be.

That led to other meds to keep me healthy - I have a few other chronic health issues.

I'm not on meds to get high - I'm on meds to prolong my life and to make the quality of life as good as it can be.

Like Fini said it's an entirely different animal for me.

I asked because, in the past, I've been on SSRIs, hooked on weed, and currently struggle with alcohol. I exercise, meditate, work my recovery plan, but my emotions are, at times, overwhelming.
Things will get better - you're not that far from a recent relapse right? Give it time...and my advice is start thinking now about what a sober life you love might look like.

You start building that and you'll have no need of crutches :)

Wastinglife 10-22-2020 05:43 PM

SSRI's are prescribed to people suffering from clinical depression. A medical condition that can severely impact a person's mental health. They have saved lives.

You sound like Tom Cruise berating Brooke Shields for taking SSRI'S for her severe post-partum depression!

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