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thomas11 07-29-2020 03:46 PM

Only 10 days
Its been 10 days since I lasted posted and I think I was 2-3 days sober. I had to revert back to my mindset of 2015 and make sobriety as important in my life as breathing air, and so I have. Been a few nights where I've been in bed at 7PM just to make the demons go away. For that reason, among others, I don't feel I am in a position right now to post or offer any "advice" to others. I start working Monday 8/3. I had a bit of a plan to prepare for that and as of now I am happy I have had the discipline to stay the course. I've been alcohol free, and tying up loose ends and being a responsible adult once again. I will be coming back to this forum on a regular basis as its been a literal life saver, but for now I wanted to put it out there that I am ok (maybe even better than ok) and I will integrate myself back into this forum on a regular basis, but only when I feel comfortable doing so. I hope everyone is well. For those who are not doing well, keep at it. A day sober is better than a day drunk, hungover or in withdrawal. Jeff.

Dee74 07-29-2020 04:20 PM

congrats on your sober time.

I think you're more than qualified to offer advice here tho Jeff- you've quite literally seen the lot.
I'd also hate to think that you were denying yourself support here because you feel you don't qualify.

Gotta be honest too - you make me nervous when you shun support. I do appreciate you genuinely feel this way but I think you should consider whether feeling this way is genuinely in your best interests?


Anna 07-29-2020 05:05 PM

I'm glad you're doing well, Jeff and I hope that your new job going well.

You have lots of support to offer and I hope you will freely accept support, too.

courage2 07-29-2020 07:06 PM

I'm with Dee, thomas. No reason why you can't just hang around a gratitude thread, or some kind of daily group. Kind of "keeping your hand in." I find it really encouraging just to see, every day, that we're all in it together.

fini 07-29-2020 07:21 PM

Jeff, i believe everyone can offer support to others. that’s not the same as advice. offering encouragement and getting it in return by being cyber-space connected with others on this journey in a steady manner has been a staple for me. it can be for you, too, if you so choose.

LumenandNyx 07-29-2020 07:21 PM

High Five!
Keep on keepin' on!

On another note - I'm fairly certain that those who are newer to sobriety and recovery than you are would very much appreciate anything you might chose to contribute. A bit of advice. Some inspiration. A story. Your trials and experiences. These things help others feel less lonely.

No one can endure our 1st sober day, our hangover or withdrawal for us. And that can make us feel very alone. But we're not. We just feel so crappy that it's hard to remember sometimes that others who honestly know how we feel are there for us if we'll just crack open the door. Sharing your experiences going through this - withdrawal to starting work - how you spend your time and what it's been like for you - might be EXACTLY what another newbie needs to read to put the bottle down for good.

Just an idea.

Surrendered19 07-29-2020 07:50 PM

I will say that even a brief word from you Jeff goes a long way around SR, but I hope that does not put undue pressure on you. You deserve peace and health and if we can return the support, so many on here will be there for you. If you ever have the sense here on SR that you are expected to be responsible for anything other than your own sobriety and health, you are not. Everyone just likes you and we want you around, but you don't owe anyone here anything.

BeABetterMan 07-29-2020 08:05 PM

It’s a relief to hear from you and especially in your current state. 🙏

Delilah1 07-29-2020 09:15 PM

Glad to hear you’re sober and getting ready for your new job to start.

Dropsie 07-30-2020 02:39 AM

I can see how it would all feel like pressure. Even when that is not what is intended.

You are important to us.

Dee74 07-30-2020 03:10 AM

I can't really get on board with posting here either for oneself or for other people as pressure.

SR was my sole recovery tool for a long time and I used the heck out of it.

If someones using other tools as well, fine, but if this is your main or even sole recovery outlet, I don't think it's unreasonable, or pressure putting, to suggest you use it.


SoberLeigh 07-30-2020 09:24 AM

Your advice here is very valuable, Jeff. The ‘give and take’ of SR is magical.

lessgravity 07-31-2020 12:11 PM

Come on Jeff - go check the messages you have gotten throughout the last few months - your presence here doesn't need to fit some preconceived notion of how you do or do not contribute. For many of us, just knowing another person, with your character and life experience, is fighting to get and stay sober is enough. Stick around and keep us updated. Glad to see you back.

Delilah1 08-02-2020 10:06 PM

Good luck with your first day at your new job tomorrow Jeff!

Dee74 08-02-2020 11:37 PM

I'll add my best wishes too Jeff :)


MythOfSisyphus 08-03-2020 01:22 AM

It sounds like you're doing pretty well, Jeff! That's awesome!

Surrendered19 08-03-2020 03:16 AM

Good luck on your new job today Jeff!! Let us know how it goes.

Delilah1 08-03-2020 08:58 PM

Hi Jeff,

Just wondering how you’re doing, and how your first day was.

thomas11 08-04-2020 07:11 AM

All of you are so kind. So yesterday was just administrative stuff, was told first week is primarily that kind of stuff and I don't even work a full 8 hrs. Its ok. It warms my heart that you remembered.

Regarding my status, feeling much better. Early sobriety is such a fragile place, so easy to cave and was glad I did not. Took a big breath of fresh air when I got to yesterday because now I have about 4 hrs a day to myself and they are in the morning. Not much chance of screwing up there. As I stated before, I will post more often as a little more time progresses. Looks like a few folks have slipped and fell but are now back on their feet....good to hear. I support you 110%. Jeff.

Anna 08-04-2020 07:30 AM

I'm glad to hear from you, Jeff and good luck for the rest of the week with your new job.

Dee74 08-04-2020 04:58 PM

so easy to cave
Not so easy when you remind yourself of where you've been and whats at stake Jeff :)


BeanieBaby 08-04-2020 08:34 PM

So good to get your first day update. Was thinking about you yesterday and wondering. I don’t post much but wanted to say hi and I’m rooting for you. As a small business owner new to recovery in 2016 after finally going to rehab and just a nervous wreck, you really helped me with your advice!

BeanieBaby 08-04-2020 08:38 PM

Playing the tape forward after that initial 20 minute glow up of the first two drinks to the misery of hangovers and remorse has been a key tool for me to avoid relapse.

Steely 08-04-2020 09:45 PM

Congratulations Jeff.

"We can do hard things."

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