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eve123 01-31-2020 02:05 AM

Feel so so down and hopeless
Feeling so so down been a hard week. Drank last Friday night don’t want to do that again. Just sat here in tears feeling so defeated. So many things I’m not happy with in my life isolated and head keeps going over all the people who don’t want to know me and my ex who treated me like nothing and I let him still spoke to him etc etc. Just regret go on social media see all my peers from school with all that I had years ago before my life went to hell. Sorry just so depressed today and I don’t want to drink but thought of another weekend doing same thing same routine etc is depressing. Trying to find gratitude but not working. Dread tonight when av will scream again 😪

Rose335 01-31-2020 02:26 AM

Oh Eve, poor you. Truly horrible to feel like that. I feel for you. I don't know what to say that's helpful but I do know, on the basis of your previous posts, that you are desperate to rid yourself of the AV. And desperation does lead to determination. Last Friday is a week ago and history does not need to repeat itself. If you can ignore the AV tonight I feel sure you'll feel a whole lot better tomorrow. Is there even one trusted friend you can talk to/meet up with? And is it worth finding out about counselling? Sending you my virtual support.

Dee74 01-31-2020 03:14 AM

I'm sorry eve. I felt all those things too - but I kept drinking which kept me in that bad place...or worse.

The only hope of any real change is by stopping drinking.

If you can think of anything else to do besides SR - Dr, counsellor, AA or some other meeting based group, inpatient or outpatient rehab - please think seriously about following those things up.

In a year from now your life could be SO much better! :)

why not give it a shot?

Tinkerbeau 01-31-2020 03:58 AM

Hi eve, I'm sorry you feel like you do and i do understand as i feel the same, worthless, lonely, unimportant, ex's that just treat me like dirt with not even a sorry, so I'm not much help advice wise, other than every time i have drank none of those situations improved, nothing has got better only worse, so maybe by trying something new, staying sober, things can change. I don't think it can hurt to try.

fishkiller 01-31-2020 04:47 AM

Hello Eve,
sorry you are having a rough time.
Maybe stay off social media for a while if it makes you sad.
Keep coming here and posting. We will lift you up.

Surrendered19 01-31-2020 05:12 AM

I'm sorry you are feeling that way Eve. The lies that you see on social media are just that. All of those folks you are envious of all have their own demons, their own struggles and their own daily battles. Nobody lives a struggle-free life. I work daily on humility. Being intentionally humble helps me see the good in my simple life and allows me to let go of the resentment. I think living a simple life of routine allows you to sit and really think about what interests you and then you can go learn some new things. I know one thing - drinking tonight will just keep you where are in your head or it will drag you down further. Do what you need to do to stay sober this weekend.

Zebra1275 01-31-2020 05:47 AM

If you can think of anything else to do besides SR - Dr, counsellor, AA or some other meeting based group, inpatient or outpatient rehab - please think seriously about following those things up.

As usual, Dee nailed it.

You should try face to face support, it can make a tremendous difference, it did for me.

I often recommend AA for people. While I don't follow everything AA suggests, the reason I recommend it is because there are dozens of meetings in most areas everyday. It's very easy to find a meeting that fits your schedule.

Go to a meeting and introduce yourself as a struggling newcomer. You will probably be surprised at how much better you feel after the meeting.

Mary88 01-31-2020 06:32 AM

Sorry for how you are feeling Eve. I felt like that a lot. Drinking definitely won't help. I think it if you can stay sober for awhile you will be able to make positive changes.

l stay off social media completely now. It is better for my mental health. Maybe try to find a few things in your life that you are genuinely grateful for and focus on those?

You could try therapy or support group if you feel you have issues to work through.

I think staying sober is surely the first step to a happier life.

Anna 01-31-2020 06:45 AM

Eve, it's really hard to get through the early days of recovery. I'm sorry that things seem to dismal right now, but hang in there and each day will get a bit better. Try to do something nice for yourself today.

ptown 01-31-2020 06:50 AM

Social media has a tendency to make me compare my own life with everyone else’s constantly and all it has recently done for me is make me feel incredibly inadequate. I try to remind myself that while our struggles here on this site aren’t what everyone would consider a normal thing to be going through that there are more people that feel this way than you think. You are NOT alone. And even though the snapshots of those peoples’ lives look perfect on the outside, I assure you that they are not. Hang in there. And do consider a break from social media if it continues to make you feel this way.

WinnDixie 01-31-2020 06:56 AM

Don't give up Eve. I'm also in the early days here. I believe that clearing my mind of the alcohol fog will help me deal with the things I need to deal with much better, and in doing so reduce the need to drink. We cannot get stronger emotionally when alcohol is involved. We have to try to build up our strength to face what we need to. At least I know I do. Hope today is a better one.

HeadEast 01-31-2020 07:31 AM

I will take a break from fb every once in a while, usually for a month. There is an option to deactivate your account so all of the data saved. You cannot believe how refreshing these breaks are.

D122y 01-31-2020 07:58 AM

I relate and pray for some serenity for you asap so you don't continue to death spiral.

I might be able to help you feel better offering my experience and understanding of what I am dealing with that may be similar.

Booze altered my brain. It caused brain damage. I used to think it would never go away, but now I think it just took my brain about 4 years.

When I quit drinking, my brain didn't produce enough dopamine to keep me happy. I was insanely altered.

Heavy exercise was the key. I pushed my body to the limit and in return it made dopamine, endorphins, adrenaline, and melatonin.

After I while I got addicted to the natural drugs I made and it also keeps me healthy.

Since I understand why I felt bad, and fix it, I was able to stay clean so far.

Hope the helps you make it out.

Trying to help folks helps me.


nez 01-31-2020 08:41 AM

Trying to find gratitude but not working. Dread tonight when av will scream again
At one point in early sobriety when alcohol was screaming to me big time I called a friend out of desparation to tell him how squirrely I was starting to get. He asked me where I was, what I was doing, and who was with me. When I told him that I was at home alone pacing the floor, he screamed at "Get out of the house! You are in their with a killer!" We both shared a chuckle but also knew that it was true. I needed to get out of self.


Trying to help folks helps me.
is a guaranteed way to get out self and to find gratitude. Volunteering at the soup kitchen of an organization whose motto was "Providing food, warmth, and a path home for homeless men, women, and children" was a great tool for taking my focus off of me and showing me the tremendous power and innate goodness of the human spirit.

With a shift in focus, amazing things unfolded. Alcohol became a mere whisper that couldn't even be heard over the quiet roar of human kindness shared. Helping others turns into a tidal wave of help for me, even without my permission! :~)

eve123 01-31-2020 10:18 AM

Thanks for all the words of wisdom I’m sat here and yep it’s screaming can’t leave house have family. Just waiting for sleep time feel so down just want a bottle of wine but know it will mean days of more depression and possibly horrendous regret depending on weather I do something stupid like sent crap messages or try contact my ex. So il sit tight

Rose335 01-31-2020 10:51 AM

Eve - really, really well done on sitting tight. You will be so pleased with yourself tomorrow morning, however you feel now. Hope it all begins to feel a bit easier soon.

sortofhomecomin 01-31-2020 11:15 AM

This will sound a bit strange, given that I have little or no experience on Facebook - never even had an account there, except in the very short term, and deleted my account permanently after a few days - but I fully recognise that Facebook could easily become addictive for me. I am addicted to social media, fortunately it's mainly relatively harmless stuff like this forum, a few forums for bands that I follow and so on. I do think that there is such a thing as an addictive personality.

PhoenixJ 01-31-2020 12:51 PM

Eve- when my life was at it's darkest- I drank booze to seek oblivion- not death, just an escape from all the horror and hurt. But there was always awaking- and life was still there. It is hard work- but with support from SR, counsellor- GP etc, life does get better for me. It can for you too. Look in the communal threads in the Newcomer's forums- joining a thread where lots of people share and support is a great way to safely feel part of something 'more'. My support to you.

Dee74 01-31-2020 05:03 PM

how are things now Eve?


RecklessDrunk 02-01-2020 11:23 AM

They say Facebook is linked to depression. Everybody trying to project their life in the best possible light. I never got into it. I'm kind of old school, if anyone even uses that term anymore. I get creeped out by the concept of everyone in everyone else's business all the time.

One good thing about AA is you never have to be alone. There are meetings all over, all the time, there is always another meeting to try out someplace. I have a meeting I like that's a bit of a drive through some fun back roads. Even on vacation, I've been to meetings literally 2,000 miles from home. Easy to find on google

Its good to get out, new scenery. A place to be. Even if your hesitant meeting new people, they're alcoholics so it's cool. It's almost like meeting somebody that likes the same out of state sports team. It might be a good way to get something going. Get use to getting out more, then maybe you can slowly start to sober up more and find activities that you like. It's really good for breaking up some of the boredom and loneliness.

Steely 02-01-2020 12:09 PM

I hope you are doing ok Eve.

Join the struggle Eve. We're all new to this at we need you. ❤️

Hawkeye13 02-01-2020 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Steely (Post 7373568)
I hope you are doing ok Eve.

Join the struggle Eve. We're all new to this at we need you. ❤️

Well said Steely

I agree

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