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Icandothis2013 01-28-2020 12:40 PM

Day 4
I’m on Day 4 after a week long binge . Terrible terrible withdrawal symptoms that are easing now. Awful nausea, retching and diarrhoea - sorry if TMI. Previous withdrawals had me hallucinating that there were spiders and Disney characters on the walls. I just CANNOT go through this again and will check in here daily.
Thanks for advice on son ( see precious post). I will contact social services .

ScottFromWI 01-28-2020 12:57 PM

Congrats on getting to day 4, please don't be afraid to seek out medical help too if you need it. Water, rest and some good food can't hurt either if you can stomach any.

Have you given any thought as to what you might do once the withrdawals wear off? They don't last forever thank goodness!

sva777 01-28-2020 01:07 PM

Anytime you describe your withdrawals don't worry about giving too much information. We have all been through it and it helps to know how bad things are for you. Keep drinking water and hopefully this is the last time you have to go through this.

PhoenixJ 01-28-2020 01:47 PM

See a doc.

Support to you.

PeaceManic 01-28-2020 01:48 PM

Yes the horrors of withdrawal are astonishing. I don't want to myself through them again too! But it must be possible to not put ourselves through it again with lots of success stories here!

Surrendered19 01-28-2020 01:49 PM

Yep, when your body stops metabolizing alcohol as its primary energy source, it violently protests that change. Alcohol is the perfect fuel, a jet stream of toxic sugar right into our blood stream, and our bodies don't like it when the party is over. Hang in there Icandothis. Your physical symptoms are nearly universal in some form and if I can recover from it, so can you. Hang tough. And you never ever ever have to feel this way again.

ShiftHappens 01-28-2020 02:09 PM

Stay in bed. Keep your phone charged and near you at all times in case of emergency

I was out of it for at least a week.

Keep a pitcher of water by your bed.

Some pedialyte to replace electrolytes wouldnt hurt

I stayed in bed glued to this forum.

I will never drink alcohol again

Its pointless for me.

You can get through this.

Just be very gentle with yourself.

Dee74 01-28-2020 02:15 PM

The safest thing is see a Dr and get some medical advice, if not supervision, icandothis.

Withdrawals nothing to mess with,

Anna 01-28-2020 02:18 PM

I hope you talk to your dr if you are concerned. I think things will begin to improve, at least for me, Day 5 started to be a bit better.

Dee74 01-28-2020 02:24 PM

I merged your two day 4 threads icandothis.


Reid82 01-28-2020 02:52 PM

I agree with the others about seeing a doctor. I know people that were in trouble with withdrawals days after stopping.

Well done on the few days sober. You know that if you do the right thing, this can be the very last time you ever feel like this! :)

Zebra1275 01-28-2020 04:44 PM

I just CANNOT go through this again

The good news is you never have to go through this again.

Of course, to make that happen you need to never drink again

As others have said, consider seeking medical advice on your withdrawal.

LastInLine 01-28-2020 07:56 PM

You might need medical attention if you're having DTs. I got sick for about the first week, especially in the late afternoon (drinking time), but nothing like that.

Just get some medical attention and then after the first week, you're going to make it. It probably won't be any fun, but it will get better. That's what they told me, and it actually has gotten better.

Steely 01-28-2020 08:36 PM

No, you can't go through this again. Nor should you have to. We can be so self destructive, hey?

A long time ago I had the 'spiders' too. Tried to turn them into butterflies, but it didn't work. I had to go to the hospital.

Even if you are not hallucinating and think you are feeling better I still think you should see a doctor for benzo's or something to help you sleep, and prevent (possible) further withdrawals which can occur days later.

You don't have to suffer this way. You are worth so much more than this.

Keep coming here for back-up. We care.

Wastinglife 01-29-2020 08:27 AM

I have seen the spiders and the 'shadow people' lurking around. I went to the ER before Christmas due to withdrawal symptoms including hallucinations. Hang in there!

SoberRican 01-29-2020 11:30 AM

Hello there . as you have read withdrawals suck big time. I too went cold turkey it was not the wisest but the best thing I ever did. Cause like other folks said you dont have to go thru that crap again. I havent been 270 since I have. Thats how bad I don't want to go thru that again. You on day 4? You should be over the hump per se. some light food. Soup . broth with crackers. Your going to be ok. Long as you stay off the sauce. ✌

Dee74 01-29-2020 01:06 PM

how are you icandothis?


Delilah1 01-29-2020 01:10 PM

How’s day five going? Are you starting to feel better?

Icandothis2013 01-29-2020 02:13 PM

Yes thank you . Feeling better and thanks for asking ! Finances are in a big mess though ! :-(

ptown 01-29-2020 04:03 PM

I'm afraid of the same thing right now. Coming up on 24 hours sober and feeling okay, but worried. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. :)

Steely 01-29-2020 05:31 PM

Do you mean you are afraid of your financial situation, or withdrawal ptown?

How are you now?

ptown 01-29-2020 06:45 PM

Withdrawals - coming up on 24 hours since my last drink though and feeling like I'm on the mend. Had some soup tonight and have been taking vitamins. Staying cautious though and will get help if it does get bad.

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