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eve123 07-21-2019 02:28 AM

Wish I’d read this on Friday before I drank. Fridays are v hard for me for some reason feel really dark empty ond Linley on fridays. Will be ready for it Friday c

MovingForward1 07-21-2019 04:02 AM

My favorite time of day is sunrise and I could never stand to face it when I was drinking. I only wanted dark.
It's so nice to have a clear sober start to my day. It might be a terrific day, it might be horrible, it might just be. The sun just rose and all options are open!

theVman31 07-21-2019 04:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have several big sticks too so I can beat it back with you Willow...

We are enjoying the first tomatoes from the garden this lunchtime.

Have a great day weekenders.

biminiblue 07-21-2019 04:14 AM

What is that square thing on the plate with the tomatoes, Vman? Some kind of French magic?

theVman31 07-21-2019 04:18 AM

flammekueche... :)

biminiblue 07-21-2019 04:24 AM

Interesting. French/German pizza, sort of.

In the US, one of the regional favorites is just the opposite of Tarte Flambée.

Chicago deepdish - and if you're from the Midwest, it's sacrilege to eat a thin crust. :)

I prefer the thin crust myself. Your snack looks delicious! Deconstructed is all the rage.

STDragon 07-21-2019 04:52 AM

Morning, wishing everyone a safe and sober Sunday!

Ukulele club strum this afternoon, such fun!

Mags1 07-21-2019 06:06 AM

eve123, good to see you! We’re here all week if you want to join in anytime. :)

VMan, your food looks good! Did the heatwave help the tomatoes ripen?Weather is forecast heatwave this coming week so I’m hoping our toms will ripen up! I thought the flammekueche looked like a sort of wafer/cracker. :) nice.

Bim, you make me smile......’some kind of french magic’ :) I think France is the place for magic happening.

Awake61 07-21-2019 06:15 AM

HI dear people. I just haven't been able to post, as I fell bad and I mean bad. At least I didn't hurt anyone physically. I got my 3rd DUI in May and have been crawling around in my house in shame, too mortified to come back here. But I have been talking to a therapist and she has encouraged me to seek any help available. Here I am. My family, hurt as they are, need me and one moment at a time I'm trying to move forward. Thank you for listening. I've missed you.

theVman31 07-21-2019 06:32 AM

Welcome Eve and welcome back Awake.
As you say awake you didn't hurt anyone so time to turn the page (I've been there too)

Mags yes the heat this year has the tomatoes ripening early. Of the 17 stalks I planted there was only one who didn't want to grow so can't complain.

I can never really decide if I'm more thin crust or thick crust. In the hot weather at the moment deffo thin crust though.

Mags1 07-21-2019 07:03 AM

Hi Awake, welcome back. :wave:

I can feel yours and your families pain. But it never needs happen again, ever. That’s the good thing that can come out of it.

By staying sober you can walk away from the madness of drinking, as did we and the way we drank and regrets we had.

I’m guessing you realise this already and you’ve maybe got a plan to stay sober?

Hope we see more of you soon. :hug:

Mags1 07-21-2019 07:32 AM

VMan, I’m hearing you’re having a hotter week than us next week! Roll on more tomatoes! :)

MesaMan 07-21-2019 08:03 AM

Sun_Day Here ~

And, I do mean SUN. 102 F [39 C] at the peak today. This run of temps is why I headed to the proverbial Hills a few Days ago to 10,160' [~3,100 Meters], and fine Trout fishing. ~30 F [16 C] cooler up there. Caught my limit of 4 while MesaDog luxuriated in the Wild Flowers that abundant Spring Precip made possible.

'Tis wonderful to read of the varied SoberVersaries here. No such thing as an irrelevant Achievement, eh? Keep On Keepin' On, Folks!

And, speaking of irrelevant Achievements, it seems we managed to scoot around Skye for a few Days and not see Dun Ringill, Dee. D'OH! We did hike around the Hills, and found overgrown Concrete Bunkers from WW II where Soldiers kept watch for Sea-based Invaders. There was a fantastic Beach of smooth Pebbles used to land Allied Airplanes at Low Tide, and some old Buildings converted to a Hostel. Memorable.

A/C is on now as of 08:00 Hours. Healthy Cereal & Banana is history. Coffee. To the Dog Park we shall go imminently in order to beat the heat...

Dun Ringill Pictures

~ 'Dun Ringill' ~ Jethro Tull ~

Isle Of Skye Webcam

SnoozyQ 07-21-2019 08:52 AM

Oh Mesa what a magnificent picture of your dog. We should have more of this

Hi everyone :wavey:


Mags1 07-21-2019 08:58 AM

Hi Snoozy :wavey:

SnoozyQ 07-21-2019 09:00 AM

CONGRATS on 6 wonderful sober years Mags :-)

You have helped me with advice over the years and I cherish our beautiful friendship from across the ocean :kiss:

I love you lots xxx


:cheer :nyc :cheer :nyc

Mags1 07-21-2019 09:10 AM

Aw Snoozy, you’ve helped me too you know. :) Friends over the ocean waves.:hug:’s
Thanks my friend. :kiss:

theVman31 07-21-2019 10:46 AM

Trout fishing in the hills sounds really really heaven Mesa. I must get my fly rod out for the summer holiday season... It's been too long.

Yes Mags roll on the heat wave :)

Goodnight weekenders

saoutchik 07-21-2019 12:49 PM

Welcome eve, you can do this. Weekends definitely have something that makes staying sober a little bit harder than the rest of the week. I think that is true even if you have to work or are retired.

I say this quite often, you don't have to have quit to join Weekenders, you just have to want to.

Welcome Awake, well done for overcoming the understandable reluctance to post after a relapse. I reckon that bodes well for the future. In my time here quite a few people have got sober after DUI's.

Mesadog is a fine looking chap, very calm and wise looking.

Hawkeye13 07-21-2019 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by biminiblue (Post 7231212)
Interesting. French/German pizza, sort of.

In the US, one of the regional favorites is just the opposite of Tarte Flambée.

Chicago deepdish - and if you're from the Midwest, it's sacrilege to eat a thin crust. :)

I prefer the thin crust myself. Your snack looks delicious! Deconstructed is all the rage.

In Chicago, pizza is a kind of religion rather like BBQ in the Midwest and South.

I used to be a deep dish follower, but these days I've gone thin crust Chitown (NOT NY style)

Chicago style thin crust is crispy and can't be folded (like NY style), and the sauce and ingredients go to the edge of the crust (unlike NY style).
Instead of wedges, it is often cut in squares. It is the food of the gods. . .

Here is more on that if you are interested :)

STDragon 07-21-2019 06:50 PM

Hi Awake! :wavey: so glad you came back.

Mags1 07-22-2019 01:02 AM

Hi Weekenders

Another weekend has flown by. Hope it’s a good Monday.

Be back later. Docs appointment shortly. :)

Willow00 07-22-2019 03:53 AM

I much prefer thin crust pizza, yum :)
In fact now I feel like pizza for dinner... with some nice sparkling water with a twist of lime :)
see you all later

STDragon 07-22-2019 04:04 AM

Happy Monday morning, last week of work then three weeks off. (yay)

Mags1 07-22-2019 04:08 AM

Oh Willow, me too, wait for me! I love pizza!

MantaLady 07-22-2019 04:26 AM

Congrats on 6 years Mags! :You_Rock_

biminiblue 07-22-2019 04:57 AM

Three weeks off, Dragon! How wonderful.

Pizza. Thanks for that, Hawk. I admit I'm not a pizza aficionado so apologies for my blasphemy (if there was any :) )

Happy Sober Monday everyone, another weekend without a drink and I didn't miss that. Stick with us this week if you're struggling.

theVman31 07-22-2019 05:55 AM

Howdy all.
Busy day so c u later :)

Forwards 07-22-2019 06:29 AM

Congrats Mags on your 6 years and thank you for all your work on the forum.

Happy sober Monday to all - and thank you for the pizza pics :-)


Della1968 07-22-2019 06:36 AM

Congratulations Mags!!

I like pizza made from Naan bread.

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