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Yixi 04-16-2018 07:13 AM

Inspirational Quotes
A lot of people on SR have quotes in their signatures and upon joining, I came across the quote below:

The Devil whispered in my ear
"You're not strong enough to withstand the storm"
Today I whispered in the devil's ear "I am the Storm"

I would just like to say that this quote really resonated with me and to thank the original poster for touching me deeply. I read it every day and it strengthens me.

I just wondered, would anyone else out there like to share any other quotes that have in the past, or continue to, inspire them?

haapynow 04-16-2018 07:17 AM

"Without suffering, there is no joy. Without joy , there is no suffering" Buddha

Opivotal 04-16-2018 07:24 AM

Hi Yixi, we have another thread you may enjoy.

You can find it here;

Yixi 04-16-2018 07:26 AM

Hi Opi - I looked for that type of thread and couldn't find one. Blind as a bat. Cheers :tyou Much appreciated x

Opivotal 04-16-2018 07:28 AM

You're very welcome, Yixi.

Enjoy. :)

Verdantia 04-16-2018 07:44 AM

This is from Samuel Beckett:
Ever tried
Ever failed
No matter
Try again
Fail again
Fail better

BreezyFe 04-16-2018 09:16 AM

My favorite (I have a plaque of it):

It is never too late to be what you might have been.
-George Eliot-

On a side note:
I've recently allowed myself 2 pieces of Dove's dark chocolate w/almonds a day & have accumulated their wrappers with their quotes inside. This afternoon's was ~ "When life isn't going right, go left.".

Yixi 04-17-2018 01:13 AM

Oooh. Dark choccie and great quotes! You've made my morning Breezy :-) Thank you x

wibble 04-17-2018 01:31 AM

Originally Posted by BreezyFe (Post 6862673)
My favorite (I have a plaque of it):

It is never too late to be what you might have been.
-George Eliot-

On a side note:
I've recently allowed myself 2 pieces of Dove's dark chocolate w/almonds a day & have accumulated their wrappers with their quotes inside. This afternoon's was ~ "When life isn't going right, go left.".

Dark Chocolate has always been my secret weapon against The Beast.

You really can't beat it

MidnightBlue 04-17-2018 01:38 AM

"Discipline equals freedom" Jocko Willink.

It struck the cord when I first heard it about two years ago.

I got it.

I think if I came across it, say, 6 years ago, before getting sober, I would resent it.

It took lots of internal work to see discipline not as restriction, but as support framework for everyday life which helps me to live life on my terms as much as it's possible.

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