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applewakesup 08-20-2017 05:06 PM

Posting to hold myself accountable
I am STRUGGLING today. I am on vacation in Florida, staying with my dad. Other than while pregnant, I have had alcohol every time I've seen my dad since I was about 15. At cocktail hour (starting at 3pm), I had a slushy drink with the kids, but really wanted the manhattan he made.

I made it through but it is the most struggle I have had since I got sober. It's 77 days today.

CelticZebra 08-20-2017 05:11 PM

You made it through! it sounds tough but you are doing it.
Those slushed drinks are awesome in the heat - as long as you don't suffer 'brain-freeze'

Well done on your sober day 77

january161992 08-20-2017 05:24 PM

great job

Dee74 08-20-2017 06:07 PM

Hi applewakesup :)

I drank with my dad too - trouble was after he had two scotches or whatever he;d stop. I'd go home and party on for weeks.

My Dad had a little trouble adjusting to the loss of a drinking biddy but he sees I'm so much happier now so I think he's ok with it.

Recovery has to come first.


applewakesup 08-20-2017 06:37 PM

We went out for an ice cream and now I'm in bed with my book. I'm so glad I'm going to bed sober.

It's amazing how my thinking went spiraling down. I was actually working out how I could drink and it would be fine. I convinced myself that I completely overreacted about drinking and that I should just drink on vacation...maybe sometimes when friends come over... back to hungover every weekend.

Lesson for tonight: I don't have to drink, even if I want to.

I will be checking in here as much as possible this week to keep myself from letting that spiraling talk get into my head.

Thanks all!!!

Midwest1981 08-20-2017 06:39 PM

That was the hardest part for me too...not drinking when going to visit family. It is normal for me not to now. It will get easier. :)

good job posting to keep yourself accountable. congrats on 77 days!!

Anna 08-20-2017 06:51 PM

You handled that so well, Apple. Be proud of yourself. 77 days sober and getting through a tough day today is great.

applewakesup 08-22-2017 03:18 AM

Made it through another evening and now I'm headed to the beach to see the sunrise!

applewakesup 08-22-2017 03:46 AM

Jules714 08-22-2017 04:39 AM

It is so nice to wake up feeling good, right?
Great job!!
Thanks for posting this!!
Have a wonderful sober day,

dwtbd 08-22-2017 08:11 AM

"Lesson for tonight: I don't have to drink, even if I want to. "

I don't drink(.) Even if IT wants to.

Have a great trip :)

tealily 08-22-2017 09:32 AM

Apple, I just now saw this thread. I'm sorry not till now. I am so sorry you are struggling, but wow it sounds like you are handling it SO well. You recognize the lie of alcohol. It's hard now, but if you get through it, each time will be easier.

On a recent vacation I had similar thoughts, but I kept reminding myself of how awful I would feel (physically and emotionally) if I wasted my time and energy and soul on our vacation dulling and poisoning myself with alcohol. I was able to experience every day fully, be present for my family, and actually FEEL GOOD every single morning, with no regrets.

Focus on the good.. there's so much of it! Getting through these "firsts" will make you stronger. Drinking with your dad is a routine that can be broken. You were able to do it when you were pregnant for the sake of your baby. You can do it now for the sake of YOU, your health, your strength, and the better more meaningul life you want and are creating. You are worth it! The wish for alcohol is a lie.

New routines can be made. Substitute a beautiful, or even fancy, non alcoholic drink and realize how much more engaged and real and present you are able to be with your dad.

Hang in there.. keep posting.. We understand and are here for you. You're doing great!!

90 days is within reach, and beyond. It'll just get better.

Hugs to you.

chiquen81 08-22-2017 09:38 AM

I really, really needed this post. You helped me today! I am facing a similar situation today. One day at a time and we don't need to drink today.

joandmelandhan 08-22-2017 09:54 AM

Hi Apple. On vacation in Florida? Wow! You're so lucky to have family there! It's unnerving how being out of our comfort zones can kick start that insidious AV isn't it? For me its the opposite. Being alone wakes mine up. Youre maming wonderful memoeies swwetheart and slowly being sober with your dad will become normal too. Does your dad know you about your decision?
Take care apple and enjoy your vacation!!!!!

CaptainHaddock 08-22-2017 10:10 AM

Good on you for posting about this. I am sure it will help. Enjoy that vacation!

PhoenixJ 08-22-2017 03:07 PM


applewakesup 08-23-2017 07:46 PM

Thanks everyone! I have made it through almost the whole vacation. Each day, I struggle a bit at cocktail hour and then after dinner when everyone sits around and has more drinks. Tonight I really wished I could join. It was fun to laugh and tell stories, even without alcohol but if I'm being honest, I will say that I felt like it would be more fun if I was drinking with them.

However, I did not drink. And now, just a couple hours later, I am here, feeling so good and so grateful that I didn't have even one. I am going to watch the sunrise again tomorrow and if I was drinking there is no way I would get up early enough to enjoy it.

Thank you all again for your support!

myluckyday 08-23-2017 07:54 PM

you sound just like me. I'm so glad you didn't drink tonight!

MindfulMan 08-23-2017 09:23 PM

Accountability is a huge tool in remaining sober.

Keep it up! We're here to help!

silentrun 08-23-2017 09:48 PM

You're handling the situation perfectly Apple. You're breaking a difficult pattern of drinking at a certain time with your family on vacation. Your mind will at some point have to relearn to sit with your dad on vacation while not drinking. After awhile drinking will be removed from the equation and it will just be you enjoying your time. You're using your tools of recovery by logging in and talking it out.

heavencanwait 08-25-2017 06:03 AM

Hang in there! AV will learn to shut up as time goes on. Hope you are well today! Good for you not giving in! WHOOT!!:You_Rock_

Dee74 08-25-2017 03:49 PM

I'm really proud of the way you're hanging in there applewakesup :)


Midwest1981 08-26-2017 05:20 AM

Great job! I am really proud of you for not giving in. You are getting stronger and the next time you go on vacation it will be easier!

You are building those sober muscles! :You_Rock_ I hope it was a beautiful sunrise!

applewakesup 08-27-2017 11:31 AM

Hi all! I made it through the whole vacation!!!! I am so stinking happy with myself. I do realize that I need to do some more recovery work to help immunize myself. The chatter in my head cropped up every day at cocktail time. But each night when I went to sleep all cozy, reading my book, and woke early - refreshed and without a headache, I was thankful and proud of myself.

I also noticed that my dad gets a lot more drunk than I previously thought. I always knew he drank a lot, but I never thought he was drunk. Because I was drunk. He is drinking how he always has, but I noticed slurring and a change in demeanor. It surprised me. My dad is not, however, an angry or rude or sloppy drunk. He's just like I was - a really heavy drinker. Only the alcohol does not seem to cause the same problems in his life as it did for me.

It was hard and awkward for me, but right now I have 84 days sober and for that I am so grateful.

Dee74 08-27-2017 03:39 PM

congrats on 84 days :)


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